"Obviously the O&A crowd hates Problematic with Moshe Kasher"

5  2017-05-16 by unclepaul84


I don't mind Moshe. He seemed alright on Rogan and with Jim & Sam. That faggy article makes me hate him though.



There's 200 queers lurking now

556 qurs and faots. I would wish AIDS on them, but we all know they already have it

Jesus. What's going on here? That is a long article about an absolute nobody while referencing an irrelevant defunct radio show.

No shit. They should focus on his wife's nipples and how they look like they were chewed on by a rottweiler.

“You’d just have to look through his twitter to see hes a typical LA faot.”

Lol sweet they used my comment

Graham Techler is a faot.

What is a faot? Why didn't they just censor faggot like f****t.

It follows, then, that he’d be particularly interested in how these communities, ideologies and perspectives bump up against each other.

It also follows that most people don't give a fuck about that.

It’s actually thrilling to watch Kasher find his footing on a larger platform...

Is it?

In fact, he’s managed to positively reclaim the one vaguely admirable trait the internet shitlords possess: a giddy joy in provoking the opposition

How is he different from any other political comedian? Colbert doesn't do that? Big Amy Schumer didn't do that in Tampa?

Graham Techler is a stupid fucking faot.

Problematic airing in a block of Tuesday night shows that starts with tosh.0 and ends with South Park reruns (the two shows the Opie and Anthony subreddit thinks are still worth watching)


Written by Graham Techler? Boy does that paint a picture of a pathetic man crushed by white guilt who probably showed his other homosexual white friends this sub so they could say things like, "I can't believe a place so intolerant and fueled with hate could exist in 2017." Hey Graham if you're reading this, way to splice together two things that nobody gives a fuck about to try to make an interesting read. Problematic and Moshe Kasher both suck, and Opie and Anthony hasn't been a radio show in years. For the record, anyone who wouldn't prefer to watch a re-run of South Park than an episode of this race-baiting, insulting horseshit that fawns over people who are proud of being things they didn't chose like a homosexual, an ethnicity or anything of the like is pathetic. If I walked around saying I was proud to be a white man people would protest me in the street. I can only take solace in the fact that I have never heard of the shitty publication you wrote this article for and I would assume the majority of other's haven't either. Take your high horse and let it give you the Catherine the Great treatment.

Why do they always blame the pests? We just take orders from Opie. He's mad Moshe did Jim & Sam, but not Opieradio. So in his newsletter he said "fawk that fawkin' guy. We were nothing but nice to his wife. But he does the morning? You wanna play, I'll play." opie then ranted about kikes and fags and moshe's cunt wife.

Isn't graham techler the same deviant who was arrested in 2009 for paying homeless men to shit in his mouth and choke him in a bus station bathroom?

This subreddit has only 17,000 subscribers. It's not even in the top 500 sureddits. Did this l Kike really write an article about us?

Did the mods delete this?

Graham Techler likes to bounce on nigger cock for the black movement.