The Schumes is ordering all democrats to sit in tomorrow at 9:30 to begin the impeachment of Trump

9  2017-05-10 by BrianGilgoresDJ


I assume he will invoke magical "I don't have enough votes actually do shit "parliamentary procedure.

Oh the reals they are the minority but I don't just the neocons turning on trump

Faggots McCain and Graham would destroy their political career and legacy within the GOP. Schumer knows it's just a show and he got nothing.

It'll only give the Fake News media something to pump up endlessly like the disprove Russia connection. Lynch and Rice don't have a bright future either.

I'm a neocon who turned on Trump, but I don't trust any representative to follow suit on that. They'll march with him off the cliff, it looks like.

Republicans would much rather see Pence as president. They'll get more than enough to turn on Trump.

They'll be primaried by area angry Trump voters.

No they won't.

This is just virtue signaling. Which is their specialty.

So this jew is summoning a magic spell to make every senator show up to work?

Fat chance heeb.

The Senators showed up tonight against the Rangers though huh gang!

This is going to change everything

I love his "my vagina smells like a barnyard animal" bit.

SMALL barnyard animal, civilian.

It may make no sense—what animals in a barnyard are small? flies? my pussy smells like flies! (© Rick Shapiro)—but saying things are "small" is comedy.

Maybe chickens? I think chicken coops probably smell far better than that sweaty meat sack she keeps between those rippling cottage cheese thighs though.


This, I imagine, is for a call to put pressure on Republicans to invoke a special prosecutor, not impeachment

is for a call to put pressure on Republicans to invoke a special prosecutor, not impeachment

Clapper and Yates testified yesterday, that they have no evidence for Trump-Russia collusion:

Fucking FoxNews is the only mainstream news source, that even mentions Clapper's major revelation.

Look in turn at the garbage puff piece the NYT came up with:

Just fucking sludge upon sludge. Liberals are living in a dream world and represent no real opposition anymore. What castrated dogs they have become.

Ha. No evidence? You have Eric Trump saying, and i quote, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia." This is after Trump says he has zero business dealings with Russia, and never has. RIGHT THERE, this needs to be investigated. Who's lying? Eric or Donald? Why doesn't the emperor release his tax returns to prove he has no business dealings with Russia? Huh?

The Senate investigation is JUST starting, as was the FBI investigation, so it's fucking hilarious you say there is no evidence. That's why you investigate, to find evidence, you fucking dolt.

And it's even more hilarious you call Fox News mainstream news. It's a network dedicated to being the Republican Party's mouthpiece, just as MSNBC is for the Left. When anyone says Fox News is balanced, you like allude to, then I know your credibility as a human to analyze and understand basic issues is skewed, but more importantly you're an idiot.

It's just starting? Obama was collecting wire-taps left and right and it yielded nothing. we'll see what happens with eric trump, but in fact it will be nothing, because you have to prove a political connection, not merely financial.

Fox stinks. but they are mainstream news. so is msnbc.

and foremost, fuck your whore mother, cunt hillary shill.

Yes, it's just starting. See, you have no idea what you're talking about. Obama does not collect wiretaps, the FBI does. The FBI, Comey & Clapper all admitted under oath Obama did not order any wiretaps on Trump, nor did they admit to wiretapping Trump. The fact is, the FBI & CIA are ALWAYS surveilling our adversaries, and it just so happens, our adversaries were communicating with people on Trumps team, which was recorded. This is called incidental surveillance.

saying that obama collected wiretaps is not a literal argument. rather he, or more specifically his DOJ did. Lynch and Rice are both fucked for that.

the last argument is a weak talking point. proven by wikileaks, the NSA is surveilling every single american at all times. rice ''unmasked'' trump illegally. it's a cover-up.

Yeah, man. Everything I said was false. Trump is great.

of course

Your parents' basement must be a cold, dark, lonely place, huh?

Good one.

Better than you believing that the investigation is hindered or over because Comey was fired you retarded fuckhead.

I never said it was over, nor will it be hindered, faggot boy.

If Trump has nothing to hide, let them investigate. It's that simple

That was your exact quote. He's not stopping them from investigating, faggot boy. He just fired a guy who sucked at his job.

I was referring to the fags, including you, who want the investigation to stop because there's no evidence. But you dumb faggots don't understand that the point of an investigation is to find evidence.

Way to project. I never once said I want the investigation to end. Instead, I'm saying that the investigation isn't going to end just because Comey was fired. Stop trying to pretend that I'm saying something that helps you just because your own argument is terrible.

Just so you know, that quote comes not from a written or taped interview with Eric, but the word of a golf writer who happens to have a new book coming out soon. I know you guys aren't the best at analyzing your sources, but you could do a little better than this.

I know exactly where the quote came from.

It's why I usually go with Donald Jr.'s quote instead.

"And in terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets; say in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."

Again, not a crime, but certainly not a great thing for the sitting POTUS. Trump could have saved himself a lot of grief by at least tamping down his glowing praise for Putin during the campaign; it made these economic ties a lot more suspicious than they otherwise would have been.

Unlike the other guy, you actually have a point with your quote. Not exactly proof of collusion like everyone is so desperate to find in headlines, but if you interpret it as evidence of that tie then I certainly can't contradict you.

Precisely. Find the political connection where Trump and Russia colluded to sway the election...Good fucking luck. BTW dealing or talking or whispering to fucking Russia IS NOT A CRIME. Wiretapping a candidate when you are a sitting President IS.

Why do you think there are investigation is going on? They're having investigations to find evidence. And there is zero proof that Obama wiretapped Trump. That, is a fact. And all you pussies on the right crying about this investigation, should remember when you support of the investigations into Benghazi and her server. If Trump has nothing to hide, let them investigate. It's that simple

What liberals don't seem to get is of fucking course a Presidential candidate is going to talk to officials from a world power like Russia. Members of Hillary Clinton's own election staff traveled to Moscow to meet with Russian officials last summer!

Being skilled in the art of semantics that news outlets use to sway opinion. the more I read about this, the more it seems this whole affair can be summed up succinctly as such:

  • Government official: Yes, Trump officials met with Russian officials before the election. As did Clinton officials.
  • Democrat Congressman: What exactly did the Trump officials discuss with the Russians?
  • Government official: We don't know for sure.
  • Democrat Congressman: Then there must've been collusion going on, because why else would they hide their conversations?! Impeach!

No, people understand that conversations occur, but what is troublesome, is that those in Trump's campaign LIED to the public and the Vice President about what they spoke about. Flynn said he didn't discuss sanctions, but then turns out he did, hence him being fired. Why would someone lie if they have nothing to hide?

If you fags on the right are so sure Trump is innocent, stop whining about the investigations. If there is no collusion, then what are you afraid of? Let me guess, you don't want to tie up congress with pointless investigations? But, I'm sure you had no problem with the 21 hearings on Benghazi and the millions spent, all for what? Oh, and I'm sure you didn't have a problem with Trump making a fool of himself hiring private investigators to find out if Obama was a US citizen, despite him being THOROUGHLY vetted by the US government prior to him taking office. Come on babies, stop whining about the investigations. Stop being hypocrites.

This is the most entertaining shit I've seen in awhile. Watching you defend the President is funnier than O&A ever was.

Let me guess, you don't want to tie up congress with pointless investigations?


But, I'm sure you had no problem with the 21 hearings on Benghazi and the millions spent.


Oh, and I'm sure you didn't have a problem with Trump making a fool of himself hiring private investigators to find out if Obama was a US citizen.


Stop being hypocrites.

This I will not do.

The problem is that the "investigations" seem to be a pr circlejerk that have no conclusion. If that is the case then there is good reason for trump supporters to bitch about them.

This is why I thought the reaction to Sessions' meeting with Kislyak was overblown. He's a Senator; it's part of his job, and it's not impossible for him to have forgotten one meeting.

However, you can't tell me that the behavior of Paul Manafort and Mike Flynn doesn't at least raise your eyebrows. The former was literally on the payroll of the Russian Federation to advance its interests in the United States. While the paid relationship is only documented from a decade ago, Manafort's representation of Yanukovych and role in amending the GOP platform re: Ukraine should suggest to any reasonable person that that relationship was still ongoing in some form.

The senate cannot impeach only the house can. At least thats what I remember from Clinton.

The house is going to impeach him, they are just taking their time and slowly leaking out evidence to protect their own seats. Trump is extremely popular with most Republicans so they need to make it seem like they have no other choice.

Trust me Paul Ryan is salivating at having Mike Pence in charge of the country. .

From looking at him I bet he's the Schumer that jerked off a cabbie.

TL/DR: He's a queer

Doubt it's gonna happen. Trump is essentially Nixon 2.0 but with his bases covered.

Will this raise the price of diesel, if not go Fuck ya mudder.

No, people understand that conversations occur, but what is troublesome, is that those in Trump's campaign LIED to the public and the Vice President about what they spoke about. Flynn said he didn't discuss sanctions, but then turns out he did, hence him being fired. Why would someone lie if they have nothing to hide?

If you fags on the right are so sure Trump is innocent, stop whining about the investigations. If there is no collusion, then what are you afraid of? Let me guess, you don't want to tie up congress with pointless investigations? But, I'm sure you had no problem with the 21 hearings on Benghazi and the millions spent, all for what? Oh, and I'm sure you didn't have a problem with Trump making a fool of himself hiring private investigators to find out if Obama was a US citizen, despite him being THOROUGHLY vetted by the US government prior to him taking office. Come on babies, stop whining about the investigations. Stop being hypocrites.

This is the most entertaining shit I've seen in awhile. Watching you defend the President is funnier than O&A ever was.

This is why I thought the reaction to Sessions' meeting with Kislyak was overblown. He's a Senator; it's part of his job, and it's not impossible for him to have forgotten one meeting.

However, you can't tell me that the behavior of Paul Manafort and Mike Flynn doesn't at least raise your eyebrows. The former was literally on the payroll of the Russian Federation to advance its interests in the United States. While the paid relationship is only documented from a decade ago, Manafort's representation of Yanukovych and role in amending the GOP platform re: Ukraine should suggest to any reasonable person that that relationship was still ongoing in some form.