Follow up taunt from kid-fucking hobbit

2  2017-05-06 by JoeCumiasCockBreath



^ Is what Patton's wife's ghost is saying.

If you replace "murdered my spouse" with "break my girl's ribs" and put Ant's pic there, I can then see the funny.

You're probably a pretty bad person. Shinkle about it.

It's shinkle 'bout it. Don't make it all clumsy by adding an extra syllable, you nigra.

What is this dogshit?

haha its so harsh

Pretty fuckin gross.

Why the fuck would you post something like this?

It was specifically to upset you.

I mean upset me would be incorrect. Make you look like you have the maturity of a child with a socially off-putting sense of humor that only you would find funny.... probably most accurate.

I can hear your faggy, holier than thou cadence just from the way you type. It's important that someone disabuses you of the notion that you are important or interesting.

This sub is full of disgusting individuals. Take a look at the current hot posts for 2 minutes. Notice it's not unfunny, beige cunts who actually use Reddit like you?

You are a valueless bucket of diarrhoea and you should consider dying on purpose. It would be for the best and you won't be missed. Your family doesn't like you.

Lmao. And I misspoke, you are a child. Have you finished your tantrum little one? Enjoy the rest of your day. Try making another meme to chuckle at by yourself, might make you feel better. This was adorable, and honestly made me laugh. Thank you 🌈❤️

Your mom loves his cock in Her ass that's for sure you dickless patch of skin


You suck!

^ Is what Patton's wife's ghost is saying.