Joe Rogan

31  2017-05-03 by unclepaul84

Not be negative or overly critical. I've noticed that Joe likes to brand himself as an alpha tough guy, but has anyone noticed this his height is below average at best? It makes you think that he may have a napoleon complex and could be trying to overcompensate for his height issue.


Interesting theory. I'm going to smoke a joint and slip into my sensory deprivation tank and mull it over.

While your at it slide over to and buy some supps. That's O-N-N-I-T

Can I get Shroom Tech Immune and other nootropics there?

Jamie, pull that shit up.

Jamie is a faggot and that catch phrase is corny

I don't think anyone would disagree with you there.

Whatever freak bitches

Remember to be face up this time.

Joe Rogan once interviewed Opie , one on one, for 3 strait hours. No gay man should be subject to breasts for that long.

Opie killed it per usual

Alpha tough guy/Fervent placebo enthusiast

Joe Rogan is a ballsy man. He has a testicle for every foot of height.

That would mean he was only two feet tall

check out tha big brain on Bret.

Brad, you pop culture twerp.

No its Brett you stupid asshole motherfucker.

He says Brad. Go lick Tarantino's feet, cocksucker.

I'm afraid you're making an ass of yourself, kind sir.

I don't appreciate your gentlemanly conduct.

Tough toenails, buddy.

Did Napoleon suck his opening act's dicks?

Duke of Wellington?

tss like da lord of beef or sumthin

He's just a monkey who took mushrooms on a big ball floating through space man.

Yes but without Rogan we'd never know about such comedic geniuses as world's luckiest IT guy Brian Redban, or world's luckiest strip club MC Joey Diaz.

I like Joey Diaz.

We can fix that.

As a guy who has had various IT jobs, Redban is not an IT guy, he's a tech enthusiast.

Short people can't handle their weed so they overcompensate by selling fake supplements.

Joe is a man of many contradictions.

Here's another one: he's a comedian, but he isn't funny.

Jamie, pull that shaft up.

It makes you think that he may have a napoleon complex and could be trying to overcompensate for his height issue.

Well, no shit.

I notice Joe always bitches out whenever theres someone more "masculine" than him on the podcast. Whenever its an MMA fighter or veteran he gets all scared when theres a confrontation. All his confidence is sustained by the crutch of his physical masculinity.

Complex geometric patterns enhance cognitive neuron receptors

Isn't life strange?

"I've noticed that Joe likes to brand himself as an alpha tough guy"

Nigga, I got one quote you need to remember for the rest of your life:

Any man who must say I am the king is no true king. -Tywinn Lannister

Did you just quote some gay ass dragon show

I mean, he's pretty much confirmed himself that he got so hardcore into fighting because he felt insecure being so small in high school.

His podcast is a good listen when an interesting guest is on but his fanboys are the worst. All meatheads who think they're deep cuz they smoke weeed maan (because Rogan does) and most think he's actually very smart and a top tier comic.

Also Mr. Rogan is 5'6 and am still trying to find those infamous Rogan watch videos I cannot find anywhere

that whole side of him can really fuck up an interview at times, I found him interesting at first.. cherry picking the guests cuz I'm not really into the mma shit but he def got kooky, hardly listen anymore

He had a really bad cringe moment recently. He had on Sam Harris and some other guy who was promoting meditation. They had been discussing the benefits of meditation for like an hour when his guest asked him how he likes to meditate. Joe said he liked to eat edibles and go into an isolation tank and just feel the fear of being too high. His guest had to politely explain to him how that isn't meditation. I was crawling out of my skin listening to him butcher what meditation is.

but has anyone noticed this his height is below average at best?


First time I heard it.

eaaasy now Carlos, ur getting edgy

Fun fact: Napoleon was above average height. He was 5'6. The reason history thinks he is short is literally because of fake news. The uk papers would draw him as a short thing. Like in this cartoon:

He is not that short - he is around 5'8". He just has a big head and wide build that makes him look shorter.

5'8" is fucking short

Has the weed been lit ? Does anybody know ?

why does joe rogan do so many podcasts about coyotes yet all he does is reiterate the same few points?

"theyre too smart" "its crazy how they just walk around the city" "they're all over the country" "they eat berries" "one got my retarded dog to open the chicken coop and stole my chicken and then leaped over a 5 foot fence."

every time its the same thing. why cant he bring anything new to the table?

Tough toenails, buddy.