I thought you guys would appreciate the very first question in this Patton Oswalt interview

31  2017-05-02 by OKDokeComputer


Definitely a pause there.

and a high pitched response before realizing he needs to go on a defense

and crossed arms! Case closed.

This is predictive programming. There's a cabal of cuckoldry and uxoricide on the left that must be stopped.

I will not be looking up that word

use context clues

dat context clues tho

The act of killing one's wife, you lazy nigger.

Why did they try and applaud after? Those people should have their hands cut off

That was the least convincing "no" I've ever heard in my life. He thought for half a second that he was caught.

How does Pete Holmes avoid a backlash? Same with T.J. Miller and Chris Hardwicke.

Because (((everyone))) loves those guys.

"Did you kill your wife?"

"haha noo lol OMG what if i did though xD"

*"If I did it." By Patton Oswalt

Did they ask about the black glove?

Someday we will look back on this clip with disgust. He's shoving it in our faces.

They always have to make it so in our faces. Like they are boastful of what they get away with!

He was about to say "not yet".

HE'S A MUR-DIDDLY-ERDLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this sherlocks son or sumtim?

2013...Pete Holmes planted the seed that ended the existence of an innocent woman.

They edited something out, it's a really obvious edit.

the editing is atrocious, how can you fuck that up

Larry King: 'How important is the xanax? ...... when killing your wife'

use context clues

The act of killing one's wife, you lazy nigger.