"Laid me out"? Kinda like you did that wife of yours, Mr. Oswalt

15  2017-05-02 by RBuddCumia


Obamacare should have mandatory psychology visits for people like Patton who kill their wife

I cried watching that Jimmy Kimmel video. Please call me a faggot.


You're a shitdick faggot for crying and I wish ISIS threw you off a roof.

Every morning I wake up and curse God for not making me a sociopath/autismal like the rest of the people in this community. Being capable of feeling emotions other than anger and schadenfreude, I'll never truly fit in here.

If you're getting emotional over 9/11 footage or a documentary of WWII veterans reminiscing about their fallen brother-in-arms then that's fine. A multimillionaire late-night propagandist who cried about the death of an African lion he never met just doesn't do it for me.

I cry at those, too. But come on, the dude didn't know if his newborn son was going to live or die, and he was clearly so grateful to every person who helped make sure his baby boy survived. You can't imagine how terrible it would be to be in that situation, and how relieved and thankful you would be that you'd want to go on national TV and just start tuggin yer fawkin pecka? Have some empathy, ya piecea g.

I refuse to believe anyone here has working tear ducts.

On average, I cry about once a day. Sometimes it's more than that, sometimes not at all.

Now I know your just pulling my leg!

It's true. I've cried at particularly moving car insurance commercials before. Then I start laughing at myself for being a faggot, so I'm crying and laughing at the same time. I am not mentally well.

Flo or Peyton Manning insurance commercials?

State Farm

How else am I supposed to flush the jizz outta my eye


I hear children's tears does the trick.

Eh I had to pause it and focus on something else because I was about to cry. But technically I didn't cry so that makes you a faggot and me an uber cool alpha male

Fuck Jimmy Kimmel. If you want a healthy baby don't marry a 40 year old. Don't blame health care.

Sharting out broken retard babies at 40 isn't something a lot of poor people need to worry about, they tend to get them all out young and then pollute their bodies by the time they hit middle age. This is exclusively a Dumb Rich Cunt problem and I wish nothing but pestilence and tribulation upon their family.

god damn rich cunts!

I wish Deacon off King of Queens would of became the famous comedian rather than this guy.

It's either would HAVE or would'VE, but never would OF.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

Normally I'm not too fond of you robot types, but you're okay in my book.

Isn't jimmy rich? How the fuck does Obama care affect him? Don't care enough to watch the video.

I'm sure he's affected by Obamacare, and it's not just a celebrity appealing to emotion to try and pound their politics down our throats. That NEVER happens.

His point was that he's lucky enough not to have to worry about getting money to pay medical bills on top of going through something so stressful already, and that others shouldn't have to, either.

Are you saying theres a chance CBS contracts include healthcare for on-air talent?

Kimmel easily pulls $3,000,000+/year doing his show. I'm pretty sure he and his little tard will be OK if Obamacare vanishes.

Bruce Kelly had a more valid reason to cry at Live 8 than Kimmel does.

He definitely earns atleast $9 million a year hosting his late night show.