He really is obsessed with blacks. Having a great vacation though!

89  2017-04-29 by McGowan9


For those blocked, Antwan has posted a picture of the basketball court on his cruise ship occupied by a group of black men with the witty tag "It sure keeps the shuffle board courts clear."

When will this greaseball learn to stop taking surreptitious photos of African Americans? Didn't he learn his lesson (no)? Do they excite him on some level?

He's taking photos of the lighting

You're probably right. After all, he was just taking shots of the scaffolding last time.

Oh is she with him?

How about Fred from Brooklyn's astute contribution "like flies to shit.." Yes, Fred, black guys like basketball just as you like basement karaoke and getting taken on vacation by other 60 year old men.

They both wank over porn with big black dicks in it. That much is obvious.

So do I, but I'm not racist.

Don't we all.


Hahahahaaha the quadroon wop thinks he's people

At this point, he needs to either just fucking kill one or fuck one and get it over with.

He'll probably end up doing just that, in that order, to the same groid.

Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.

He got fucked by one.

actually she didnt do nothin, anthony fucked himself over for being a fag

Hey, don't credit the powder keg, credit the match.

Somebody should tweet this to the cruise company and hashtag the ship. Maybe we could get the Cumia negros lynched.

Better yet, can anyone experienced in black twitter find one of these black guys who's actually on the ship? Maybe arrange a little visit from steerage...

How do you think the world works?

Bad news. There are no black on black twitter.

Is it called twigger?

Excuse me, I speak Jive. Maybe I can help.

What it is big mama?

well you know what they say

see a broad to get dat booty yak 'em,

Black twitter??? Is it called Twigger?

Anyone know which cruise ship/company he's with? Let's totally do this

Royal Caribbean

I believe it might be Royal Caribbean Cruises https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C-hGGPWXYAM6qsU.jpg:large

Yes. Looks like oasis of the sea

I membel Patlice tarking about that.


please post drafts of the email here if anyone sends it

It's racial abuse. The cruise operators should know.

Tell them then... whys it always me getting my twitter account suspended tryin to amuse you dickbags?


He also just made a cryptic comment about a .308 (caliber rifle that many military snipers use). Might help the cause.

So he:

  • convicted climinal

  • lacist

  • brack/Aflican

  • pedofire

  • make to do thleats to brack mans

He tellolist rike Willem Defoe in Speed 2: Cluise Contlor

Lovin' this bit, bro!

If u git Anty cumlins ban frum a crooze shit I wil be so hapym I willputmylittlewillyinabarofsoap an thump it on a mo moms girlfriends babies head ikae choppin up the horses ra dish sop

They can't dump that much oil

get him banned from twitter if you really want to ruin his mental health

I been marking everyone of bobo's ebegging tweets as spam. Id love to see him go as well

No love for the bobes?

I really enjoyed bobo in the past. his time with colin in studio was great. I think twitter just ruins everyone.

Good point. Twitter is the worst.

Oh stop it. Being a snitch is never cool. Can't we just be happy to have each other?

what's a life without good friends?



He really is a sick fuck. At least Opie's ballwashers are just some regular joes. Ant's ballwashers are really creepy it feels like a cult at this point.

"Hey, we may be dirtbags and alcoholics, but at least we're not niggers!"

Sowell would be mortified by these cretin. reiterating, stealing your point

Could you imagine Thomas Sowell walking down the stairs of this wop's basement to do an interview with Malcolm in the Middle after being spliced gentically with a fly?

Who Thomass Sowerr?


You see Fred From Brooklyn's response?

like flies to shit

Was he racist before, or is he just desperate for Ant to like him because every show he called repeatedly got bored of him?

he chews anthony's food for him

haha. balls.

tss tss pecka wood tss tsss

Look at this hideous little cunt. How I wish I could go back in time and deliver a swift kick to his mother's womb before she delivered this excretion...

Needs to be wordier.

Needs a third response.

Okay, you've put your cock into infants.

the fella sure love to parrot norton

As opposed to what? A swift kick to his mother's womb after she had delivered him?

Good point.

He was great in Bad Santa though.

nobody should care what that nobody believe in


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That tweet read like a line from the O&A show. I can hear Jimmy laughing.

How dare they play a game they find fun. Welp, off to the casino then

I don't get the joke...

who needs a joke when you have anger issues?

Yeah, it doesn't make much sense, or really work in any context. Haha, they're preoccupied with basketball? (You're looking down on them from the guinea deck, you're not playing shuffleboard or socializing--you're drinking $8 bud lights while your girlfriend maxes out your credit card on Amazon orders). Which is why it reeks of a desperate 'dog whistle' shoehorned-in lazy joke to appeal to a dozen Long Island degenerates.

Oh did Tranpa find time to tweet on his fun and totally fulfilling cruise? I'm shocked.

There are so many nice resorts without blacks or basketball courts but he chooses to go on a cruise ship. Why.

Because he's a tasteless, classless, sand nigger.

The last year was rehab he's trying to change things up

We're talking about the guy who was selling crack well into his 30's and smoked it with his own mother.

Haven't these people ever heard of Eastern Europe?

Or Russia?

There are vacation spots besides Florida and the Bahamas.

All kidding aside, I actually feel sorry for him. He can't even enjoy a vacation without constantly thinking about his racial hatred. I'd bet anything he hasn't gone 3 waking minutes straight without thinking about that Time Square ass whipping he took from that 'lady of the evening' all those years ago. Kinda sad.

Me too. He's a pussy, so he cant inflict any actual harm. He just sits there ruminating about it, torturing himself about it and making redundant half-jokes.

his life would have been infinitely better if he had just cocked her to vent his rage, then had nothing to say about it afterwards.

and yet, our lives would be infinitely worse listening to a show that was essentially dead on its feet.

Imagine if he had just shot her and ran. It would be in the news and he'd just be weirdly silent whenever the story was reported or brought up.

ME: SNIFF I wonder who the Times Square few-chitiff is??

Anth: Hah hah hah. I dunno. Maybe he was a jihadist....

Anthony Cumia is the guy at the bar you've known to share racial humor with--until you actually hear him going on racial tirades and it makes you question if you're contributing to racism inadvertently with your jokes. Fuck this guy.

Those are his people.

Those are his people.

a) it's true, these animals will colonize areas and people wont say shit. Former managers of dead, abandoned strip malls repeatedly say this is the actual reason they were shuttered

b) as long as he aint going around looking for reasons to get angry, if you happen to see this you would think a variation of the same thought.

arnet you a brit? you don't know how it feels (tom petty voice)

I laughed. You guys are turning into a buncha queens.

It's hilarious - you can take the nigger out of the ghetto and put him on a boat in the middle of the ocean, but you can't take the ghetto out of the nigger.

Yes, playing basketball is so fucking ghetto.

Playing niggerball is ghetto, I agree.

Are you talking about Anthony or the guys playing basketball?


I never thought I'd see the day where I'd come to this sub and see somebody being racist.

I can't even.

Don't act like you don't love it dirty nigger.

imagine being on vacation and getting pissed that otger paying customers are using a basketball court...holy fuck

To be fair, it is getting hard and hard to get away from those people.

I can't even go out into my garden without getting lost in the wonders of nature.

This faggot is on a ship in the middle of the ocean and is still hating niggers.

Get lost in the wonders of your garden, do ya?

Literally and metaphorically, queer.

Grow me some fucking tomatoes, Paul Newman.

I have some tomatoes you can put in your mouth. OOH!

Prease to rink pictule of youl gladen

I completely relate to u/TinKnockinMoroccan. I think you might be interested to know that I have a wonderful backyard and garden that is cozily nestled into the foothills of the glorious Montana rocky mountains. Tears come to my eyes every morning when I step outside and behold the beauty. But I still lost my shit at this reply. Have a great Sunday!

Oh he will be ranting about this for sure! Smiling his never-fade smile.

I dont think he was angry, just doing the "oh hey look im a racist" bit

He should done the "Oh look im a Italian of lower stock that has to eat acidic tomatoes while Northern Italy enjoys real food and culture" APrRiUuLll FAlLssEtTr

If I spent a lot of money on a cruse(I wouldn't because they're gay) I wouldn't want to see negros either. Keep them below deck where it's leaky

Edgy stuff there brother man

Last thing I want to hear on a boat with nowhere to go is "AYO HOL UP, U GOT FIDDY CENT KNOMESAYING"



Basketball courts were how they tricked blacks onto the boats the first time.

Yeah I usually like anthony and his racism but this is retarded

Too bad there isn't a spice market on the ship where Ant and his brother can knife fight eachother and indulge in their culture.

I wonder how long he stared at those sweaty sweaty negros as his erection thronged before deciding to snap a photo

He was only taking creep shots

of course he's jealous, cumios chest would cave in if he even tried running up and down the court

This is insulting I guess..."Haha these people are playing a sport; something I am terrible at - against a nice backdrop and are probably having fun and sharing in the experience of human engagement. And they're not in danger of dropping dead. Joke's on them I own a McMansion!"

It makes me sick, them with their running and playing and fun and joy, and functioning livers, and hearts that pump blood efficiently, and can achieve a healthy erection with a woman rather than a sweet penised lady. Fucking degenerates.

The fact that he's willing to go on a cruise line where a basketball game can be played says a lot. I wonder if being a big fish in a small diverse pond is what's important. There are cruise lines that would make Himmler proud but the king shit room with the butler etc is for people that make millions every year not used to make millions. And on those ships, he's the basketball player. New money Italians aren't any better than the guys who used to row the boats. I had a neighbor once that was just like Ant minus the sense of humor.

I agree with most of what you're saying but are you saying white people dont play basketball? I know the NBA doesn't have many white people but as far as playing basketball not on a professional level there's more white people playing it than hockey in America.

No sir, I am not. The post was about socioeconomic and racial stereotypes, elitism, and the sea based leisure industry but my heart just wasn't in it tonight. I just wanted to point out that Ant could have easily gone on a cruise that is essentially whites only or at worst well heeled cosmopolitan foreign travelers. But since he and his strumpet would be dismissed as steerage on a high end liner, he'd rather be king of the riff raff on boat anyone could afford sail. Pekahs

For a people that are so upset about slavery, how quickly they lock themselves into cages

It's like, yeah you Long Island alcoholic pedophile, and you're the boombots class-act who's on the same shitty cruise with them.

Anthony is truly BORING.

Anthony is contributing to black-on-black violence.

That's weird, i didnt know they let those "people" on cruises

he just can't help but to prove that he deserved every negative thing that's happened to him thus far. what a fool, he's unhappy when he's not walking with misery.

Ant's just drawing attention away from the fact that he'll be trying to convince at once of those thick dicked acfrican princes to pound his elderly anus. If you make it seem like a crime then it isn't gay sex.

Anyone remember that story Bruer told about those black kids blasting music outside his hotel when he was on vacay with the family, and how when he went outside and politely asked them to turn their music down, they did?

This pic made me realize if Anthony had been in that situation, instead of going out there like Bruer did, he'd have snapped a picture of them from inside his hotel room and then spent hours on Twitter ranting how noisy and obnoxious "those people" are, while his sycophants heap praise on him.


Ant is a faggot

This is faggot shit. Put me down as calling this faggot shit.

Thing is, this would be a typical joke dropped by me or a family member/friend, but you keep that in the fucking group that's cool with that humor. Tweeting it is asinine

Is the joke that he is attending the exact same ghetto vacation spot that a family of mocha colored sports fans are?

So he can afford the same vacation they can...... he's black

When Patrice was still alive, it was kind-of charming. Now it's just sad.

Where's that lazy jew, I ,lce Iceberg

I think Ant sees himself as a seafarer of old transporting human cargo on the Middle Passage.

Irony: A black man to a basketball is what a Tranth is to a bud light.

There sure is a lot of scaffolding on that ship.

Man, that Fred from Brooklyn is hilarious

I been marking everyone of bobo's ebegging tweets as spam. Id love to see him go as well

So do I, but I'm not racist.

Don't act like you don't love it dirty nigger.

Good point. Twitter is the worst.

Don't we all.