Erock's wife VS Sam's wife.

37  2017-04-29 by Martillo_Valentine


I would let both of them eat my ass while I talked on the phone.

How is it legal to marry a guy with down syndrome?

If he have castre it regal.

Well that doesn't even make sense

He have castre nager and can mally anyone

Naw, bruh. The castrated nigger is Coomio.


Did E-Rock chew his wife's upper lip off?

She was doing auto erotic asphyxiation on disassociative drugs and e rock handed her a piece of broken glass to peel off her face. He then fed it to the dogs.

She thought it was a good idea at the time

She too has engages in sex that involved the other party "doing anything for a candy bar."

This was after she learned of the irritation chocolate can cause the urethra

Mason Nagel tried dumping her husband in with hungry hogs , but the plan was flawed, as the pigs refused to engage in cannibalism

Erik's wife looks like an acid attack victim.

I think she's cute. Actually looks like my bartender.

Of course you're affectionate toward the dispenser of your addiction.

Hold on there buddy. I wouldn't call it an addiction, more of ahhh...fuck.

Only fags abuse alcohol. It's not the 20's, real drugs are widely available.

you managed to pick the one decade in american history when alcohol was federally banned

It's also the decade that alcohol abuse rose to record highs.

That was the point.

people say alcohol is a drug, but it's not a drug, ITS A DRINK!!

Never going to happen. She thinks you're pathetic. She probably bangs the manager and his girlfriend anyway.

She's cute, but in an acid attack victim kind of way.

She better be.

I assume the one on the right is Erock's wife, judging by the gigantic "chocolate" wrapping paper behind her.

Sammy bran muffins going to get cucked on day.

What's left since she already fucked a black guy?

She fuck the brack man? I rike hel titties I rike to ejacurate on nippres.

Go away

is Erocks wife in her 50's?


if that's true she is 49 years 11 months and 29 days old.

Erik Nagel New Jersey

She is 42

Those 2 definitely married up. God forbid if they ever fuck up, it'll be back to fucking girls that look like Sandy Kane.

While neither of them are exactly stunners, they are both physically out of the leagues of piggy boy and the McNuggets Mutant.

Sam's wife pips Erock's on youth and what look like a very suckable pair of tits, but Eric's is probably absolutely gagging for it after years of being sexually rejected in favour of Doctor Who marathons.

I don't know about erocks wife, but I can say for sure that the pic of Sam's cum dumpster is from over 10 years ago

looks like a still from "towning around"

Looks like its from this one, about 11 sec in Uploaded on Jul 26, 2008

Holy shit, is that really Erock's wife? I've never seen her before, and I never thought she'd be a looker, but Jesus fucking christ.

Neither are recent.

No Jesus died rike yeals ago rmao

I...really don't know what to say. I actually feel bad for the guy. I would have continued interacting with Justine Jolie just to drive this pig away.

The fuck is wrong with you? Stop jerking off to 18 year olds cum dumpsters on those porn streaming sites and come join us in the real world.

She looks fine and deserves way better than downy downy two by four, can't fit through the kitchen door.

You need to raise your standards my friend.

This guy is alpha as fuck

As fucking fuck.

I don't think that's really Erock's wife but I unironically think she's gorgeous. I like milfs. Translation: I have weird mommy issues.

It is indeed her. A quick google search of 'Erik Nagel New Jersey' will lead you to that answer. Click on the second link that comes up.

two very unsatisfied women

You sound rike you know about that

yes I am your step-dad

Feng? Cocksuckel

godammnit.. hahaha

One of those is about a decade old. And jews aren't known for aging well.

Team Dry Pussy

Sam's wife is hot


LMAO. Fuck off.

Sam's wife is hotter. Sam's wife is hot, I don't know why she gets hate on here.

If the stories Sam tells about her are half true, then no amount of ambiguous race and nice titties would make me attracted to her.

Plus, you can see she's gonna get fat as she gets older.

Go easy on her dude her husband looks like a monster and won't stop talking about fake wrestling every waking moment.

How long do you think Sam lasted in her, pre-pregnancy?

7 minutes is probably a gross estimate

Which stories are you talking about?

Sam's wife is hot, I don't know why she gets hate on here.

Because she and her former husband Elliot pressured Walter White to sell them his share in Grey Matter when they were all grad students?

She looks like Garry Shandling

Where do you find pics of Erocks wife? I've tried looking for them for years.


She'd mic'd. What program was she on?

From 2008, check out the chemistry between Mr & Mrs Samuel Roberts

Sam's wife is a mutt.

Sam's wife is more my, look at those jugs.

Imagine how juicy they are now that they're filled with milk.

Edgar that little devil.

I get the impression that they are natural droopers. So if that's your thing...

They look perfect...just a touch of gravity for bounce.

Unless they taste like chicken fingers, they probably aren't getting much attention

They both got girls that at are least 3 points higher than themselves. Not easy to do. They got lucky

Well I think they're quite fuckable and you guys are a bunch of jerks.

Bunch of unfuckable future heart attacks here shit talking women they couldn't pay to fuck

That's bullshit. I once had a semi-hot chick look at me in the elevator last week.

She was aiming her mace

Look at the two losers these dumb bitches are fucking...Sam and erock. If these two would fuck them, they'd surely fuck anyone here

I could pay them once


The girls are fuckable of Jess's tits?

The jerks of all jerks

One looks like if Flo worked at a Master Cuts, the other looks like spilled chocolate pudding

I've got a thing for mature ladies and a thing for red hair so Erock's wife has the look of someone I would make a mess on the bathroom floor to.

Just think, our Sammy Branmuffins ejaculated a load of his mongrel, half breed seed inside that poor woman.

Erik' s wife looks like she needs to put in a lot of effort to look somewhat good. Sam's wife seems like she'd look pretty good without makeup

Mrs Nagel looks like she's holding a fart and about to lose it. And she's old as fuck.

She's not bad for an older broad

Sam's wife looks like a younger, plumper Gretchen from Breaking Bad.

bOTh wOmEn oF LoWer StOK.

Sam's wife has fat breasts, I want to suck them.

Jess is hot. That is all.

Erock wife. Sam wife is a nigger lover

Sam's wife is hot. But then I remember that she let Sam stick his piss filled foreskin in her and then she's not....

Erock's wife looks more like his hot mom.

They're both much more attractive than I would have expected for either of those two mutants. (Im no Clark Cable myself, just saying.)

you know the moores conquered sicily

If Sam can get a girl like that then I should be fucking an 11 right now, and I'm not exactly George Clooney

Clooney is a faggot and that's his tranny associate.

so sam's kid is gonna be a more obvious mystery meat POC than he is? good

Is that why you're still an Opie fan too?

Erock's wife doesn't have an upper lip.

You guys suck at facebook.

How resentful is Erocks wife is because her womb is now barren because the nagel was busy playing with legos and watching the simpsons?

Jess looks good in that picsha, the redhead does too but it looks like she tried.

id fuckyo bitch sammehbrannnmuffinzz

Erock is fucking one of the B-52s chicks?

Designer genes with appliques on 'em!

Tss Quiche Lorraine, whatdaya eat ya dog for breakfast or sumptin'? Tsss

Fawk yeah, Chippah!

What am I meant to take away from this picture? Just normal looking girls.

they both fuck losers.

Why is Erock dating a single mom

I'd fuck both of these Broads, am I right boys? Ha ha. Lay the stiff hog down on these ladies and make 'em squeal. Ha Ha Ha. Nothing like a cutie pie in the sack after work and a meal, am I right boys? Ha Ha Ha. Then a brewski and the Dodgers game on the tube. Ha. Ha. Ha. Then up and at em the next morning, no time for laying around like a fucking bum. Am I right, boys? Ha Ha Ha. Yeah.. these broads could definitely get the old 12 inch sledge hammerin from me, boys. It would be Ironic, that I make them squeal when I lay the pipe down. HA HA HA AM I RIGHT, BOYS? πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸΊ #REALMENDRINKDRAFT 😎πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍺😎

Erocks wife is a 3 without makeup 4 with sams wife 6.5 decent tits . Both will be frumpy pigs in mom means in 10 yrs

I wanna say to Erock's wife the opposite of what Walder Frey said to Robb Stark's wife: "I bet when you take off your clothes, nothing stays right where it is."

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It's nice to see people,appreciating a pair of fives.

If you think those are big tits, I really need to post my wife's 32J cups

A gut of equal size is guaranteed.

Not at all! Come to the Netherlands, or Prague. Tall slim girls with DDs are everywhere. I put a ring on one.

I'd rather die than go to some third world Dracula worshiping hell hole with udder equipped, snaggled toothed average broads and their euro-hillbillies dork husbands.

Erock must be rich cause who would even fuck that Louie Anderson lookin' Slobo?

good for erock. piggy did well. sams gal is aight too

God, I feel so bad for both of them

Mother wives.

Both married man children obsessed with pro wrestling and other childish nonsense

Mrs. Burn Victim Nagel

More recent pic of Sam's woman, she has a bit of the ol stroke face it seems:

I'd bang the one on the right. The one on the left looks like your 40-something aunt dressed up to go out to bar.

She was doing auto erotic asphyxiation on disassociative drugs and e rock handed her a piece of broken glass to peel off her face. He then fed it to the dogs.

Imagine how juicy they are now that they're filled with milk.

I get the impression that they are natural droopers. So if that's your thing...

It's also the decade that alcohol abuse rose to record highs.

You need to raise your standards my friend.

Unless they taste like chicken fingers, they probably aren't getting much attention

That was the point.