Don't show this to Cumia or Dipaolo

22  2017-04-28 by SchumersStolenJokes


as long as shes calling them that and not sleeping with them theyll be happy

Can't even say N-worda anymore.

What sad time we live in.

Yeah but now 'N-word' just means nigger anyway. Everyone knows what word you mean when you say 'N-word', so why bother? It's literally the exact same thing, except there's this weird social compact that it somehow isn't.

Yes. I know.

You do, huh?

the proper term is "N person"

I liked this point better when Louis made it.

Only because he blocked the door and jerked off while doing so.

Haha what a thought! How do you feel about airplane food?

I hope I live long enough to see the breaking point.

He inadvertently referred to her as a "nigga" when he's said they're chasing him down. How does anyone think she was trying to be racist??? She was behaving In jokingly manner

it's like a child wrote this.

I want to see Ant get so angry that his blood pressure rises

I didn't know Stalking Cat had a kid.

She looks like she had an allergic reaction to a giant load spewed on her face.

dinosaur lookin ass bitch

Lookin like a stegasaurus

That nigger got some Cumia pock marks on his nigger coon face.

monkey monkey.

We wuz offended n sheeit and contacting our lawyers an sheeit mmmhmm.

How can this go on when Charles Murray made it clear that white people are statically better at IQ tests than black people? - Something anything says to himself while treating niggas like niggers.

Yep, we have total legal freedom of speech (as long as youre willing to lose your career, or your teeth to antifa).

I hate the counterargument "Well people have a freedom to react however they want," bc I don't have a good response to it. But I know it's deceptive. The true freedom to say what you want ISN'T there, I can feel it. I just can't articulate week enough how that's the case, because they're TECHNICALLY right. 😳

News niggas, Chinese niggas, dog niggas...

The only offensive part is her trying to act young and hip adjusting her language to what she think is "Internet speak"


the nigga news

So much cringe

lol, when is this shit going to end

at the very least people need to get fired for anti-white stuff with the same ferocity

Watch 11Alive and be the first nigga to know!

how hateable is this womans face?

Every dumb twat living about her means, past her prime and clinging on to being "a good looking blonde"

FIRED for that.

Social media ruined society.

'a non-black person'