Anthony Cumia is 5 ft 5 and once sucked a little dick

49  2017-04-28 by Crownenberg

The dick belonged to a chap called Sue. Lovely fella.

Gobble gobble. Gobble gobble.



No reminder no care.


He was just speaking of the little ones, everyone knows Ant is a size queen.

Even worse, he swallowed the cum to try and hide the evidence.


"Sue do you mind that I've got a slighter than average build?

"Of course not Anthony, I love a little head!"


idk how that guy exists knowing we know these things about him. i mean i live in a fantasy world completely divorced from reality, but his must involve about 2 things which are untainted in his feeble little wop mind. alcohol and cumming are his entire existence

I'm new to O and A - I have been listening to old clips on YouTube for the past year or so and have always found Anthony to be funny in spite of his obvious racist tendencies.

Is this why everyone seems to hate him now? Or is the hate more recent, after his recent legal issues with the woman on the street, girlfriends, etc?

Serious question but didn't feel the need to start a new thread.

Anthony Cumios antiquated Ideas on race and equality have no place in our modern progressive society.

Yeah! Fuck that guy.

You know damn well all about him.

I guess the main reason I hate him is that he has such strong opinions about how others should act but he himself is a completely out of control drunk. He's a huge hypocrite.

If you want to rant about black people, fine. If you want to drink until you lose a job and bite your girlfriend, fine. Just not both at the same time , then you're an asshole.

Anthony "Mad Niggerish" Cumia for starters is a thief, drunk, drug user and drug dealer, gun nut, child grooming borderline pedophile, reckless driver and road rage lunatic who slaps women around. He is proud to be White yet acts like any other piece of black ghetto trash. Worse, actually.

Because like most in this sub he has a shitty ex wife, a GED, and hates the schwoogies.

But unlike the most in this sub he has fuck you money.

people hate him so much now because they originally all liked him so much. also i think people feel like his worst flaws that you overlooked because he was great to listen to are the qualities he decided to run with when he got fired.

These people are making jokes.

Him and Jim were hilarious for...ever. and then the last couple of years of o&a his political and racist bullshit started completely taking over his funny. And then he got fired. And now he charges people for a public access show.

You stupid nigger, we don't care about racism. We find a chink in the armour and stab that fucker like it was a our gay son.

She came in her hand and slapped him with it 🖐

Small-souled bugman

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I forget...

Why do we hate this guy again? All he's ever done for me is make me laugh. I understand hating on lying, unfunny, bit-ruining Opie.. or hating on unfunny, mind of a child, 'looking like Jim Carrey's Grinch' Sam.. but all Anthony has ever done while on mic is make me laugh. shrug

I'll hang up and listen

That's the thing... He's not funny anymore.

I disagree. And i'll challenge you to a gentlemans duel

removes his trousers

This board has the attention span of a gnat. Just go with it and you'll have more fun.

Did he spit the cum in his brothers mouth?

Yes I think this was proven on an unaired mythbusters show

He's not 5 foot 5 though.

Oh literal [insert username here].

But at least his show is not about cooking

I went and saw O&A when they came to Cleveland and did that live show before Jims special a few years ago. I got pictures with everyone from the show except Jim and Opie. Jim ran out right after the show and so did Opie. Ant hung around for a while taking picture with anyone that asked. He really was a nice dude to the fans but god damn is he short. I don't know if it's because I'm tall, I'm 6'3", but the picture I have with him he barely is above my shoulders. He's a very little man. Sam is also a tiny twink. Erock is a big dude but was nice enough to not get mad when fans were calling him "piggyboy". Also, Bono really is a retard.


*Jim Norton *LOTS OF DICK!!!

I want TALL radio show hosts, dammit

He looks like a fuckin' gobble queen.

Jim Norton is 5'3" and sucked dicks a few times.

Opie is 5'6" and sucks dick on the radio every day.

How big do you think he was before he started mutilating himself? I'm talking about Sue