Danny is back on Twitter and going after the Opester

161  2017-04-18 by BumbiBestie


It took me a long time, but I finally don't hate Danny now

Give it a week.

I love Danny even if he doesn't love me.

I still do. Motherfucker looks like a Nazi propaganda poster.

He must have escaped from being held hostage by his stalker.


It's bullying time!

Well when you put it like that, it could almost almost be seen as preposterous.


This is great news!

OP is larping as a nobody. Sad.


And thus, the Danny cycle continues; this sub will shamelessly lick his nuts for a few days, then act like nothing happened.

You're oversimplifying things. There are several more stages of shitness, but this sub stays locked into the stages of depression, anger, and Rich Vos will be appearing inside your rectum whenever he damn well pleases. We will never grow as a community while this snake continues to eat its own pecka.

I don't want to grow as a community.

Growth for its own sake is cancer, who cares about that

Don't forget a joke or two about the shooms smelling like ham you left in your trunk on a hot summer day

You are so right. Remember all the up votes he got for saying the sub was "Operation Mayhem"? This place gets pathetic for that faggot then tries to deny it.

"We're the show now."

Well everyone else does but not me.

Ugh...That's all this sub needs right now, another attention seeking asshole who mistook himself for someone interesting or funny just because he hung around people like that.

"I know I should just leave him, but when things are good, they're really good!"

To our credit, the first like 2 or 3 days he was here he acted ok and told a couple of pretty good stories. The second he started being a cunt he got steamrolled again, but he behaved himself for a little bit.

Except when we licked his nuts he was actually giving us behind the scenes insight. This is bullshit any of us on reddit could come up with. No better than that Redbar asshole.

Think we can get him to talk shit about Lazlo and walk his way right into another Cease and Desist?

This is like porn to me.

By which you mean "As close as I'll ever get to being in love" I assume?

"Act like" *Completely forget him

Fuck both of these faggots

The only correct response.

Someone bury this thread.

Can we bury it in your ass

I will pretend to support Danny to anger Opie. Think USA in Southern America in the 60-80's.

Flake flag

Flag news!

Weird fags!

tsk tsk is the CIA vacationing in Brazil or sumpting?

Aren't you the guy who kept sucking up to him for weight loss advice for whatever reason?

No I would call myself fat to him randomly to scare him away. Why would I look to that guy for health tips?

Okay. I'm not sure I see how that would scare anybody away, but if that's your reason.

I'm fat

You're right. This is disturbing.

Everybody wants the "V"

Flip a coin

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If your creator is a faggot who knows Python, flip a coin

I flipped a coin for you, /u/thrillated The result was: heads

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Or not. It's a flip of a coin.

Where's the mutha hucken Tupac bot?

Gimme fitty cent

Username checks out

His tribe controls all of western society but the one thing money can't buy...is attention from us.

HAHAH thats sooo funny, i love how he calls him on his bullshit..... Danny is awesome...twitter war!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll teach you how to post here if you suck my cock

/u/sarahemmingway don't listen to this perv! I'll protect you.


Are you talking about when he told that fat nigger he was wrong about something about computers? Because Danny was right with that. Stop licking that ignorant coon's balls.

We need to encourage him.

The enemy of my enemy is still a cunt.

That was always my favorite Psalm.

Even broken faggots are straight twice a day

Time to start mailing him my feces again

It's good to have a reason to get up in morning.

He might be a nutcase

Man fuck Danny, he's a little cunt

Don't accidentally text him this

More like men fucked Danny

Danny Loss is a Jew can't

I hope you die in a 3 car pile up on a Sunday afternoon drive in front of your grandparents.

LOVE the Danny.

"If you punch me I'll sue you."

I dunno about you but if my boss punched me in the face AT WORK I'd sue the fuck out of him. Don't act like you wouldn't.

I'd roll into claims court in a Stephen Hawking wheelchair



Right, but I wouldn't say that out loud in a room full of adult men, live on air.

Why not? How sensitive is your ego?

Sensitive enough to avoid looking like a complete effeminate faggot in front of my friends and coworkers.

So you'd be the faggot, just not tell anybody. Gotcha.

Oi vey, the anti-defamation league is out in full force today. You're right, it's perfectly acceptable to say "I'll sue you" when two men are arguing.

It was definitely embarrassing to hear, Travis tagged in on that horseshit too.

That was with Steve right?


Or "Yeeeess"

I actually really enjoyed Danny on this sub. He was hilariously unhinged and the gossip was juicy.

Was it,

I actually completely forgot about his foray into posting here, and the crowd funding venture which rivaled that of Guilty By Association™.

Oh boy another Danny "I'm a bartender because I burned every bridge in the industry with my smug egotistical ways" Ross episode

Him and Opie are basically one in the same

Is there any proof he's a bartender? I haven't seen anything.

I think people here were making fun of him in one of his AMAs, and he said he made more money bartending than he did at SiriusXM

Although I'm not sure if it was ever confirmed that it was actually him behind the AMAs or just some autist

How do you decide what you make up?

There's a reason women stay bartending well into their 50s, and it's not just because they're unemployable. You can make a shit ton more than a standard office job.

I'd bet a hundo you're Danny.

Lol this sub thinks everyone is Danny. I see it everyday. Too funny

Shut up Danny!


Not MY Danny!

"1776 will commence again or sumthin"

  • Alex Chipperson

So he lost his bartender gig?

Let;s not argue about which is more horrible and just hope for a murder-suicide by either party.

opie probably has the highest percentage of people who hate follow him

Denny is our piss lord but perhaps Danny could be a lesser deity in our canon based in Shit if he keeps at it

Danny - patron saint of crossdressers?

My favorite Danny moment will always be when Kenny broke character & tore him a new asshole on-air. You could almost hear the smug kike's balls retract up into his abdomen. Oh who am I kidding? Danny has no balls.

Any idea when this was?

I wanna say '08/'09. It started because Danny mentioned Kenny no longer saying Hi to him when he comes in. Kenny then put him in his place.

I think that's when Kenny suggested to take a poll (regarding who thought Dan was a douche) and he had a chipperson-level comeback like "where should I take it?", suggesting Ken was referring to a physical pole. Utterly embarrassing.

There is something unnerving about you calling them Ken and Dan

Danny learned about engagement % at Rockstar Games. It's a term used in the video game business. Too bad he's a bartender now, but he can still pretend.

How did he lose his job? I feel like people don't last long at that place.

Didn't Than go there too and D-boy?

He delivered cold coffee to an actual dev.

He kept leaking the new info about GTA or something

It's not like "engagement" is some industry term that us simple folk don't know. It's a metric for any business with social media, stupid.

I pop in and out, so Danny never really bothered me, except when he said somebody would.call him a douche online but get a pic with him at a bar. I wouldn't do either. But I especially wouldn't want a pic with him. I'm not sure I could pick him out of a lineup.

I feel like Travis is the one with the goods. If I ever gets fired, I'd love to hear him let it all out.

367k Twitter followers is hilarious though. Totally not paid for at all.

Again, I just behave the way on the internet I do anywhere else, I don't do fake tough guy shit, don't normally call people names I wouldn't to their face... so buying twitter followers is something that would never occur to me.

It makes me wonder how many of the "Hey Ope, show.is better than ever" tweets that he retweets every one of are real. J&S aren't doing that are they? Of course they were bright enough to sign a two year contract.

No way, Opie is totally more popular on twitter than, say, Tove Lo, who fills 10,000 capacity theaters.

Jason Ellis has 100k less and gets way more engagement and he tweets less than Opie.

Opie totally has fake followers, it wouldn't surprise me if his viral group bought them to trick Opie into thinking his videos are popular.

If Opie actually said things that were remotely insightful/interesting/smart/funny then he'd have more engagement.

But he is literally incapable of anything even approaching wit. So even the few people who do legitimately follow him have no reason to actually retweet or favorite his dogshit feed.

I still wish someone would post the video of the LFTC of Danny taking callers who proceeded to just shit on him and he lose his shit.

Fuck off danny

Damn I forgot all about Danny. I haven't mailed him any dead rats in at least a few months.

Step it up, slacker.

the way he left last time was rather disturbing. rage quitting the reddits is never a good way to admit defeat.

This guy is legit paranoid schizophrenic or some shit.

And Patrice called this shit way before it started showing more clearly.

Every couple of months, this Jew is drunk and sitting home all alone, and NEEDS attention, so he comes here.

He didn't come here.

Let him finish another couple tall boys and that should change.

awww shit, crip walk


As funny as the line of questioning is I still think Danny Ross is the biggest cunt of the entire "OnA universe".

Nobody uses Twitter

ME: Danny... its been to long brother!

Danny if you're reading this, I just want to say: lol.

If? Get a load of this guy...

How sad has this kids life become?

I don't like Danny but why are a lot of you pretending Danny came here posting that? He said it on Twitter yet 5-10 of you keep saying he wants this subs approval and attention...

I've chased him away a couple of times when he started going in on people pretending he is above all of it, but he keeps coming back because I think it's an enemey of my enemy is my friend type of situation

I flipped a coin for you, /u/PatBattle1 The result was: heads

Don't want me replying on your comments again? Respond to this comment with 'leave me alone'

It was definitely embarrassing to hear, Travis tagged in on that horseshit too.

He didn't come here.

Are you talking about when he told that fat nigger he was wrong about something about computers? Because Danny was right with that. Stop licking that ignorant coon's balls.