Jimmy Kimmel Claims Gregg Opie Hughes Is the Most Powerful Man in New York

17  2017-04-15 by SchumersStolenJokes


leave it alone

No, that's Howard stern. He's a different person altogether.

Someone get Kimmel some ChapStick because that cocksucking was biblical

To give Kimmel the benefit of the doubt, he was in radio when Stern absolutely dominated in every sense of the word. His perception of him is probably a little warped by that.

A little ?

I should've said "unbelievably"

dont even care to be honest wit ya

to be cghkompletely honest wit ya

6'12, 102 pounds. What.the.fuck.

Howard stern, more like HooHoo! I invented everything! Am I right? Hit me with the up votes o&a pests.

opie treating his employees as equals is what hampered his career. howard knew how to keep his help in check. has fred ever spoken out against howard and tried to make his own network? robin did a podcast, and tried to keep guest off the show, but did she try to steal howards time slot and do a show with benjy?

Nice 1982 Lionel Ritchie wig faggot.