When Amy gets black out drunk, she time travels to the past to write jokes and sketches for other comedians. But when she sobers up in the present day, she's an Indian giver who takes the jokes back.

3  2017-03-17 by [deleted]



Cram more sentences into the title, it's clearly not long enough.

You should have stopped with "cram more sentences into the title." But, nope, you had had to explain your joke.

What can I say, you seem like someone that needs apparent things spelled out for you.

W-h-a-t c-a-n I s-a-y, y-o-u s-e-e-m l-i-k-e s-o-m-e-o-n-e t-h-a-t n-e-e-d-s a-p-p-a-r-e-n-t t-h-i-n-g-s s-p-e-l-l-e-d o-u-t f-o-r y-o-u.

Just in case.

you really are a special one

ya maybe I should be on the short bus or sumptin' tsssss


Your retarded premise is written in a very retarded manner.

you really are a special one