Ant just RT'd this. Guess hes back to doxxing

28  2017-03-06 by Dennyislife



Did i get it wrong? I'm trying to be down with the internet kids.


Damn that dude is 26? I'm looking pretty damn good for my age despite the horrible alcohol abuse.

Nigga look like Shock G.

he bit and strangled he

Sounds like another black guy we know.

anth dindu nuffin he good boi

Eeewwohhh this is not good.

Georgia couple was charged with the same thing and got 35 years combined, except no one was hurt

I believe that couple also pointed a shotgun at those blaeks.

in self defense

They argued that's why they had the shotgun but they never argued that black families they pointed that shotgun at were armed themselves. Christ the woman admitted doing it and apologized in open court.

they don't have to be armed to be a threat, and she was obviously distraught from the unjustified sentence.

I agree the sentence was pretty harsh.

@secret_cervix is with the Philly Crew.

Whoever not blocked by him, report him.. it's a banning offence.. imagine Anthony without twitter

Still working at Sirius clearing seven figures a year carrying the Opester...

Retweeting a guy who linked an article is doxxing now? I thought it was personal info like an address or phone number.

No it's not.

So Ant and Brother Joe's cousin did it?

One nostril looks a lot bigger than the other.

Half black confirmed

wow, his username is surprisingly accurate.

he's clearly been punched thousands of times in the face for being a shithead

It's called a deviated septum Sam!

50k bail? Shit when I got arrested mine was 250k. Lucky nigger.

250k? Did you bring luggage and a flight ticket to the hearing? Jesus christ

I look Arab have a big beard and had money from my trip in Dubai in my wallet when I got arrested.

...I'm gonna go ahead and assume you raped a white woman because being tan, bearded, and having lots of cash doesn't warrant a 250k bail. You're leaving something out, you dune coon lookin criminal.

Gun charge. I ain't got no skin beefs nigga.

Well, I believe everyone should be able to carry unregistered firearms on them at all times, so I'm gonna go ahead and consider that political oppression. Fight the good fight breh.

The Humpty Dance is your chance to do the hump!

the original two-tone big nose skinny rapper

I once got busy with my niece in a burger King bathroom.

Damn, nigger does look like Humpty

Screwdriver? Wonder how handy he is with a frying pan.

I think this guy should get banned from the sub. I could overlook the domestic violence, but his mixed race background is unforgivable.

We cannot have people this ugly around here. We'll never get any bitches on our jocks with mutants like that fag.

Ofc he's mad, this sub just gave Joe another excuse to use this month when he's groveling for money. He would have earned his own keep if it wasn't for those meddling kids!

Black on black crime. Somebody call Al Sharpton.

He looks like spike lee and snoop dog had a lovechild

This man may bring about a series of events that results in both races being destroyed.

I hope Joe tries to find him and ends up with a screwdriver in the neck.

The black guy looks like a white guy wearing really convincing blackface....anyone else see this?

No, but that sounds like something a racist would say.

Are you a racist?

I am

Go to sleep Ian.

I'm not about to defend this retarded nigger. Bro Joe, Ant and all their trash fans can fuck his life over all they want, I don't care. This dumb ape's thread was so obnoxious and his posts were cringe.

Looks like I made it to the big time, lmao!! I still don't understand how making something that was already public information public is supposed to be a big deal.

You're a nigger who hasn't done anything with his life except terrorize women and somehow you think you're above child-spit drinking Joe Cumia. Shocker.

Yes. Correct. Also, I voted for Trump.

black bastard

half-black bastard*

*uppity ^ negro


How did he find out who you were?

Eh, who knows. I really don't care. I wasn't hiding who I was anyway. Plus, how do you know that's even really me???

You still banging your baby momma?

You're not even an SJW, you're a butthurt triggered nigger.

Forcedhammer why do you hate black people so much? I'm guessing it is one of two reasons. 1. You were bullied for being a pathetic loser (which you are) in school. And you associate blacks as the cool kids who bullied you. 2. You are a pathetic loser with a small dick, and low testosterone and can't get laid. So you take it out on people who are getting laid. Either way, I thank God every day I'm not a loser like you.

I probably have more black friends than you.

I take more black dick than you


you really got his gigs cancelled? why?..... What a scum bag

What happened to your other nostril?

Welcome to the club

That guy is a faggot though. I looked through his profile the day he bragged about that and realized how easy it would be, he named the place where his mother worked FFS.

I'm all for doxxing and ruining nigger SJWs! Go Ant

For those wondering his surname is pronounced koon and no, I'm not making that up.

This is wonderful.

The n gene

this is why mixed people are the worst people. They're so bitter they got THAT gene

Ugly gene?

I had a feeling the people going after Joe were butthurt faggot minorities.

I don't give a fuck about Joe, but you being butthurt nigger/spic/mulatto subhumans and acting out like the asshurt subhuman trash you are is more pathetic than anything Joe or Ant will ever be.

You should be relegated to concrete high rise ghettos and blocked form ever even entering our country like your great grandparents were. Anyone who supports these niggers and their asshurt campaign are nothing more than SJW cuck stereotypes who are worse than anything by Lena Dunham, Silverman, or Schumer.

Go eat shit you niggers. If I could vote to enforce Jim Crow and segregation I'd have done it as soon as possible. So would about half of the rest of white America.

Deal withi t.

No kisses for you.

If I could vote

u can't :(

Trump won and there's nothing you can do about it

Your like the blacks when Obama won. Irrationally happy about someone who will do nothing for you

We president now


He looks like a typical O&A subredditor except for the dark skin and girlfriend.

At least he gets hot chicks

I once got busy with my niece in a burger King bathroom.

Damn, nigger does look like Humpty

I take more black dick than you