Holy Shit Opie is a lying sack of shit!

158  2017-01-28 by DaveNone

Was listening to a segment of the O&A show called "I don't have $500 shoes" on youtube. Dealt with Noah leaving the show and Opie going once more into his "We were so poor when I was growing up" bullshit. And then he said something about his dad bought him a really old Dodge Aspen station wagon when he passed his drivers test and got his license. He made a point of course of saying how shitty and really old the car was to prove how poor he was.

Now I am not from New York and don't know what the legal age to get a drivers license was in the 1970's but if we assume it was 16 like it is nowadays in most states that means Opie got his license in 1979. The Dodge Aspen was made from 1976 through 1980. So his "really" old car couldn't have been any older than 3 years when he got it. And considering his penchant for lying I'd bet money it was brand new when he got it.

Fuck he annoys me. He was a rich kid growing up and tries so hard to lie about that shit. I could even hear an "mm hmm sure" in Anthony's voice when Opie started his "We were so poor when I was growing up" story.


Also kids don't generally get a car bought for them, especially if they are poor.

Especially a poor family with multiple burdens running around.

"Fuck Trophies"

That's all they are to you? Real nice.

You're right. Some are good cheap labor.

Lol that's the gayest thing I've read here in a while.

Why? Because I love kids? You're a real piece of work.

Suuure you love kids

Yeah, sure.

Yeah, sure.

You're a real piece of work.


My parents could have afforded to give me a car and even promised me my mom's old one. Never happened. Lying shitbags.

You should torch their car to send a message

Shouldn't have spent all your GBP on Tendies.

Ew, foreigner.

I'm talking about Good Boy Points. Your post reminded me of a whiny autistic spaz.

Your posts remind me of a guy that lacks creativity and is forced to communicate in internet memes.

Do they?

Dead radio show memes as well.


People need to call into the show with this kind of stuff. Put him on the spot.

Did you know his family was legally a church?

Holy shit! You really thought this out!

Yeah he made it like he was so poor and every other kid drove a beamer. Then in the same story all his friends rode with him since they didn't have cars.

Let's not forget his high school year books lists under likes: yachting and ski trips.

Ski trips and ski trips, motherfucker.

"We could only afford to go skiing in France once a year you fawkin little hater!"

Are you and Bono still dating?

It's Bobo you bit ruiner faggot. Bobo died and left Kurt Love bereaved. It was on MSNBC. And no, he's not.

He drove a Dodge station wagon. Either way he's a loser.

See, here's a good side of having aspergers. Unlike that faggot rambling about the Chip cartoon this is interesting.

What I don't understand is how Opie's family stumbled into wealth given such inferior genetics?

They're models.

I thoight they were all basketball players...

Well.... They were white after all. Even white retards still enjoy their white privilege

The US economy was shitting out wealth like nobody's business around the time Opie was born. You would pretty much have to try not to live a cushy life during that time.

The 1950s were great.


trans-atlantic zeppelins


Wow. Fucking didn't get a single upvote, either.

I know that feeling.

things were different here then

Someone posted a photo of his old house and this reddit and it's actually a pretty decent home. Not a mansion but I would be proud if it was my house.

The poor didn't grow up in Centerport.

You mean to tell me that Opie is a bit of a fibber?

ya' kiddin!

Why would he lie?

He could have been a model for gods sake!!

If every male model on the planet had died.

Can we get a repost of said house?

https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/3yehj3/as_a_guy_with_family_in_centerport/ It's in there somewhere, basically he isnt a poor as he would have you believe. Opie sucks

Did we ever figure out what Extreme Hughes INC. was? Was that Opie's or his father's?

I don't want to speculate but it's probably a child pornographer studio. That Opie is connected too. Allegedly.

100% confirmed true

Are we 100% positive that was the house he actually grew up in? That house does look shitty nowadays when you compare it to the houses around it. Keep in mind though that a lot of the hosues around it are probably more recent, from the mcmansion days. But in the 60's, 70's and 80's that house would have been fairly nice. Was larger than a lot of houses of the time. If his parents had fucked nonstop to fill it with dim witted children they could have had a nice life. I suspect Opie's dad earned some nice money and they were upper middle class but a lot of money had to go to feeding their mouth breathing, waterhead clan of kids so they were basically lower middle class.

Holy shit how many times do I have to point out the god damn "steps leading up into the woods for no apparent reason" tits mentioned about 50 times. Peckas!

To be fair, that house looks like dogshit.

Opie grew up lower middle class in an upper class town. He thinks he's poor when he's really just poor in relation to everyone around him.

I heard he grew up poor in a 6 bedroom house. He had to share a room for like a YEAR! Do you know what that's LIKE!?

Opie has breasts

Say shit again

He only had one vacation house. Poor Poor boy victim of the modern age.

A girl in college once told us that she was poor. Her house had two pools, but one of them "wasn't even that nice."

I had two sprinklers, but one of them wasn't that nice.

Oh, look at JD fucking Rockefeller over here.

Also, remember Opie's repeated claims that he was a slacker frat boy in college? Well then why the fuck, when he was a jock at WAAF, was he receiving a phone call from a telemarketer offering him a credit card only available to alumni who were national honor society students? The guy on the other end of the phone says just that.

I did the whole Greek thing when I was in college (not proud of it now that I'm older), and at some schools those frats have minimum GPA requirements that their organization must maintain to in order to remain active on campus.

Anyone wanna bet Opie was just the equivalent of a "diversity hire" the brothers let in so they could raise their overall GPA? He wasn't "cool" or a "slacker, maaaaan", he was a fucking Communications A-student (which takes no real intelligence to be) who just hoped by joining a frat he would absorb some coolness by association.

Obviously, that didn't happen.

The best part of the phone call is how he bleeped out his real name.

That was also around the time he claimed he tried cocaine and did it for 5 or 6 years. I love the clip of him telling Ronnie B about when he first did coke and how long he did it. Ron did not sound suitably impressed or as if he believed a word Opie said. You can get away with making up drug use stories to lil Jimmy who had his horrific Sudafed addiction that one night but not to a former hardcore drug user like Ron.


Yeah, a broke ass DJ doing nights who by his own stories lived in the shittiest part of town did coke - a drug that even in the late 70's, early 80's required a decent income to afford.

He probably got a bump once from a record label rep at the station, and he bases his entire story off it.

If Opie says the sky is blue, open a window to verify it.

His stories claim he lived in the shittiest part of town. I'm sure mom and dad cut him some checks when he was working alone so he probably stayed in nice areas. Once Anthony came along he probably had to move into a shitty part of town to keep up his cover story of being poor.

My guess is his story where he and his frat "cheated all the time by getting the crumbled up exams out of the dumpster" happened exactly as many times as his cement lunch bag story: once.

Dude. He got that from Animal House. He lies about everything - it's textbook narcissism. They'll lie about anything, if it benefits them. Most of his stories are either obviously fake (underwater scuba death matches with Frenchmen), other people's stories, or from movies.

He absorbed marshmallows though....

ME: I needed the extra cargo room to carry my mother's mental illness, maaahhnnnn. I fawking HATE mental illness!!!

That's the bit, ya (autistic) dope!

Who cares if it's old or new? His parent bought him a car. He's an over-privileged man child.

I had to buy my own car.

I was actually poor coming up.

I just wanted to let you know I grew up wealthy, and it was great.


I think the only reason he thinks he was poor was because he had many siblings, so he didn't get "spoiled." My parents bought me my first vehicle, but it was almost 30 years old and sat in some Indian's driveway for most of that time. I didn't shit on my parents for that, I thanked them for it, because they actually had to save for it.

I was listening to an old show recently and in the same breath he mentions being poor but also spending summers at his grandmothers beach house.

Plus I'm from LI. Centreport is a very wealthy area. North shore, Long Island. He's a dummy.

I had to ride the cheese bus to school.

You really Marisa Tomei'd that cocksucka.

We all know Opie stole the story of taking Margarine and sugar sandwiches to school in a old cement bag from Fez...

I can remember my grandfather making toast, and then putting butter, cinnamon and a little sugar on it and giving it to me and my siblings and our cousins. It was something older people used to do as a treat and they considered it better for us than giving us candy.

That's a classic treat, they made a cereal about that

What would the name of this toast with cinnamon breakfast cereal?

It's pretty clear that his dad made an upper middle/lower upper class income and that Opie went to a very wealthy high school. And they had a huge family and brought in all the random people (assuming that part isn't a lie), so they weren't poor by any standards, just poorer than super wealthy people. All the stuff he presents as an example of how he was poor is either typical suburban stuff or probably just a symptom of his mom's neurosis.

Ant and Jim clearly grew up much poorer than Opie but they never presented it that way.

I love how he (and many other people are like this) got mad cuz Noah's parents had money. Sorry his parents made something of themselves and could give their kids a better life. I used to be friends with a guy who called me a rich kid cuz my parents bought be a 96 Chevy Beretta when I was 16 even though we lived in a trailer park at the time. People who get mad at other people for having nice things are FAAAWKIN HATERS.

A golden ticket for you, Sir.

im not from the area but i've heard that owning a car isnt really thing for new yorkers, especially the "poor" ones. is this an uneducated assumption?

He was working as a caddy probably in the same country club his father was in.

Someone posted a pic of a page from one of opie's high school yearbooks. Mentioned skiing as one of his likes. Poor kids don't go skiing. He also went to college and not once has he ever mentioned a student loan. Poor kids had student loans that haunted them for years.

A young Artie Lange once asked his father if they could go skiing.

His father, realizing that was far outside the family budget, told him to stop being a cunt.

lol who would have thought an asshole would be a liar? funny guy acts like asshole all the time, is actually a fucking asshole piece of shit. duhhh you dumb fuck assholes pieces of shit. we are all lying dumbfuck assholes retards open ur shit for brains eyes

Is this Opie. Lol Mr. Hughes is in no way funny. Member that breaking neck story, (paralyzed Hughes) that was the funniest he ever was. Vos Dates 25 February at Tropicana

actually ive never listened to his show ever. i just like the fans

well Treat Yourself

He's the biggest piece of shit since vic henley's dike ass was laid in an egg

Why didnt Opies parents own a Pinto right before Opies Birth?

He was a caddie! He dated the groundskeeper's daughter.

What did Opie's dad do for a living?

Did we ever figure out what Extreme Hughes INC. was? Was that Opie's or his father's?

Wow. Fucking didn't get a single upvote, either.


Opie grew up lower middle class in an upper class town. He thinks he's poor when he's really just poor in relation to everyone around him.
