Tssss women's march? Why not women's January or sumthin tss tss

105  2017-01-21 by drudrudrudru


good point chip

As a side note, my mom actually went to the March. Should I use slow arsinic poisoning or just a reliable .357?

My sister is there too with her students. Also went to the inauguration yesterday

Don't you mean iniggeration?

Why do you give a fuck what your mom does?

Fair point but it just sickens me

She's a person, so are you. You're both adults, I've had disagreements with people but you shouldn't waste you're time being mad at them.

I don't like Trump but it's exhausting being mad all the time.

He's right folks, what can I tell ya?

Home run Chippa!!!!

tss Women's ApReL FaLLs

fuckin good one chip

It's actually a physical march and has nothing to do with what month it takes place in.

Oh literal Colin.

Female circumcision, more like female rectanglecision. Or mabe trapezoidcision. Tss.


Because women are cunts.

Only women of lower stock are marching.

The only women's march I want to see is Jane March. Google that. Am I right fellas?

ME: Hey Jimmy, where we at with the broadssssssss marching?

Tssss sounds more like a snake, it should be a women's slither, right guys?

March right back to the kitchen and bring me a sandwich. Bazing!

More like Women's February!

My muddah would always celebrate black history month by having Lamaar and his friends over to redo the floors all night while she screamed "rip my asshole open with those big nigger dicks" or sumpthin

Don't you mean iniggeration?