How many of you still listen to Jim Norton & Sam Roberts?

89  2017-01-15 by cbanks420lol

I gave up after 3 pornstar guests in a row.


I do. I like to support all the old gang.

I don't hate it or anything and they've had some funny moments but I can't stand mudshark pornstars or UFC fighters.

I understand that and I feel the same way about those guests. I would prefer if Jim kept the UFC talk to his UFC podcast unless there was a major happening such as the rousey loss. The pornstars are even worse in my estimation because they not only have nothing worthwhile to say, but are also using the show to try and get themselves over as legitimate talents. The UFC guys are boring, but al least they aren't trying to spin the interview into an audition.

Jim - have you done anal

Slut - no I wanna last in this buisness

Me - Cliiiiiiiick

Best comment in the thread.

Worst comment in the thread.

You found my alt

Please don't downvote me with both of your accounts!

why's Jimmy asking UFC guys about anal?

Member when Jim pushed Norm out the door in the middle of riffing with CQ to grt Brock lesnar in?

What. A. Cunt.

Ditsy mary jean is entertaining, you nazi. And I like ufc, even if cody garbrandt has the personality of a rock.

I listen usually still. If it's UFC or porn stars im out so lately haven't heard much. You ?


It good to listen.

It be

It drink pretty good.

It's fun. Im larffin

E gets it.

what is this from? i've tried to google after hearing them quote it almost everyday, but have found nothing. is it something gervais?

No one tell him.

I respect that.

I'm assuming Brent says it in the Office. Sounds like something he'd say, anyway.

You know what they say about people who assume don't you?

No, please tell me.

that they are cunts

Thanks buddy. the more you know


What's the magic word?


Balloons, the magic word was balloons.


As a human being, I instead listen to Brother Wease in the morning.

Vurry good.

As a human being that is your choice

Being what?

I hate you so fucking much and everything you stand for. Fuck you.

I'd better sit down then hadn't I.


Go fuck yourself.


Chip Knickerson

Human being funny or sumpthin. Fawkin homerun.

"Brother human!"

First week,punched out.Sam's cackling did it.Norton is,well a dullard.

Not that many porn/wwe/ufc people on so far.

Then we need to address the Sam and Jim problem

I still listen but barely ever stay through a full show.

I'm not sure I've ever been able to get through a full show. I average about a half hour a week of listening to various clips.

Every day, all of it. I haven't laughed this hard at radio since the WNEW days.

Is this a serious answer? Not trying to be a dick, real question.

Simple things become a lot more funny after the lobotomy.


yeah, I think Sam does a really good job of interacting with Jim, and he's very funny in his own right. I look forward to listening to the show again everyday for the first time in a long time.

fuck me running

No. This is patently false. Sam is terrible. He is absolutely awful at being a broadcaster. I listen to their shows that are posted on YT in spite of Sam Roberts. His delivery, his long winded sentences just to take up time (is that Broadcast Radio 101?), the 'scenarios' he makes up on the spot are rarely funny and almost always go nowhere; Jim usually jumps in to save him.

He's the last professional broadcaster!

I totally fucking agree. People need to call Sam out more. To me he's at least as bad as opie.

I listen to the full shows on YouTube later in the day. If they start talking politics, that's the end of the day's show for me.

They never shut up! They'll just go on about it for the entire first break. We get it. Trump fucks himself by going on Twitter. Say something funny or move on.

They don't talk politics and they won't say who they voted for because that's secret.

They don't talk politics and they won't say who they voted for because that's secret.

I use the exact same routine

I've bailed when they go political. Can't take it seriously.

The mundane babbling has me back to listening to music in the morning, unless stern has something going on.

everyday. I have no problem with celebrities, porn stars, wrestlers or fighters. I realize my tastes don't really line up with those of most of this sub, but the show totally works for me.

I wouldn't say I don't have a problem with them, but they've been there on every incarnation of the main show. It couldn't be more retarded to start complaining about it now like it's something new. I suffer through them and then zone back in for the good parts like I have for a decade and a half.

Your name should be TheRetardOfAllRetards

Me too. People hate interviewing celebrities and MMA people, so who would everyone else prefer? Some drone from CERN who doesn't know how to talk right? Politicians reading an internal script? Nobody likes the callers so that cuts out normal people with regular jobs. Who the fuck is out there that would actually make a good interview? James Hetfield talking about bees? Everyone in the world is gay and stupid.

I listen every day because it fills the boredom. There's always stuff to talk about in the news or whatever and they spend half of every show on Adrian "sick baby". It's awful. Sam tries so hard to keep the bit going like there's nothing else to go to. Also Sam's verbal crutches ("you know what I mean", "I didn't realize.. ", "that's the WORST") get pretty douchey after hearing them 80 times.

they spend an hour talking about the news and people complain they don't know shit about politics and want more staff shit; they do a full hour of staff Adrian/D-Bag/in-show banter, and you cry they need more news. you can't please everyone.

also, you listen everyday and don't know the difference between Adrian and Sick Baby D-Bag??

Jimmy knows nothing about news or tech or politics. Just porn. He doesn't even really get UFC except his attraction to the "problem" tough guys.

Jim really is a simpleton who used to be kinda funny but now has nothing more to offer.

Yeah I think he can interview pretty well but he's obsessed with a small list of topics that most people don't care about.

You don't think his bizarre, off-topic "kink check" questions to random guests have a wide, understandable appeal?

bitch, I've never complained about them covering news or politics. They're not good at it but it's still listenable. And no, I do not the difference between them because I fast forward through that shit. Same with most of their interviews.

You're really shit at reading. You didn't notice that he said "people" in one sentence, "you" in the next, and "you can't please everyone" after that.

thanks, I almost threw him a "maybe I phrased it wrong," but the dummy deleted both comments anyway.

Does staff fight means trying to make those background dope interesting? At least Danny was entertaining back then


and how did hulla knew him

I listen to everybshow

It never really grabbed me. I give it a listen on Youtube, every other week or so, when I'm sick of listening to my usual podcasts. (Gavin McInnes, Tom Leykis, Adam Carolla, No Agenda)

Tom Leykis ? the guy who Phil Hendrie feuded with?

see comment above

Tom Leykis is way more entertaining when you figure out that he's queer

"Hey Hendrie! What's wrong wit you, Hendrie!?"

~ Joe Pesci

You have dog shit taste.

Tom Leykis is a lot more entertaining when you realize that he's a gay talk show host giving advice to straight men about how to get laid.

If you read between the lines, he is obviously engaged in a gay relatioship with Gary Zabransky:

I do

I now pronounce you man and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

Which one?

As a tranny I'm probably the close thing to a woman we have around here.

TRAV DOG ...arf arf arf

Oof oof oof oof

aroooof aroooof aroooof

rurf rurf rurf rurf


Peckah peckah peckah

I do, I generally find the rapport funny and interesting. I'm a UFC fan so find those dudes interesting but that's me.

But in all seriousness...Gary Busey could have Mary Jean pissing in his mouth while juggling gold doubloons and I still wouldn't be entertained by either one of those fuck wits.

I don't really blame them for Busey. You have to admit he sounds like he'd work in theory.

I hope they learned their lesson though.

I thought it was weird how his kid was there as a sort of nurse handler.

I gave up real early on. I'm not nostalgic about much in life let alone the Opie & Anthony world so when Jim & Sam started I listened for a little while then assessed that the show was going nowhere, I bounced. I moved on a long time ago & really could care less about any of them, I just come here once in awhile for fun & to laugh.

I'll listen to segments when they've got someone good on (Soder, CQ etc) but am never in a rush to hear it to be honest. It's ok but mostly I just can't get over Sam's voice. It's headache inducing and has no business being broadcast and that's before you take into account the mediocre shit he says. Still love Jimmy though, despite his many flaws.

Dammm stop ruining it for me with your Sam speak. I hope Norton goes psycho on him.

Dammm stop ruining it for me with your Sam speak

What do you mean?

Everything you said may be true but uts the only morning show i got.

You are their preferred audience.

Tapped out during the xmas break. I don't think I'll ever go back to listening. I just cannot stand sam's voice or his hackey verbal crutches. I assume management loves the direction of the new show.


Listen on occasion but felt they have too many guests on. I'm usually listening to Hoo Hoo instead because it's more entertaining.

Does Stern even do radio anymore? Whenever I turn to his channel it's either clips for 10+ years ago or if it is something new it's just gary and some other nobodies talking and Howard isn't there.

7-11:00 monday-wednsday. Its ok 50%, the other 50% is still better than 99% of the babbling duo.

i listen sometimes but as soon as a guest comes in i turn it off because literally all of them suck unless it's a comic.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson was great.

I listen to every show. I am in a car all day for work and need content.

Yeah he's a solid guest no matter what he's on. I just listened to an old O&A episode a few days ago with him on it, right when Cosmos just came out, and the whole show was fantastic. He's a great dude.

Everyone loves Space Negro. He's not threatening, like Will Smith.

I haven't listened since Jim passive aggressively shut Nick Mullen down for some reason that nobody is really sure about.

I'm shocked by how few comedian guests they've had on the show since it started. Obviously people like Colin and Bobby don't need the show like they once did, but there are plenty of young comics who would fill that role well. The Nick Mullen thing tells me that not only are there apparently going to be full weeks where pornstars and UFC guys are the only guests, but on the off chance that they do get a funny comic in, there's no knowing whether Jim will try to riff with them or try to shut the show down because of some weird insecurity he has.

Did someone call into the show and ask Jimmy about this yet? Can't remember but it was a really weird segment with Jim giving Nick absolutely nothing.

No, I'm surprised resident weirdo /u/TheScarletR who seems to get through the phonelines at will hasn't broached the subject yet in one of his long, aimless rambles

I mean in one of his numerous on-air calls to the show, that thread is old news

He is a massive ball washer, he will talk about bam cucked lynis instead

This is why I am surprised by the support this sub gives the show. Between the two of them, the show is awful. Sam is just not an interesting or funny guy and Jim has become a shell of himself. Without some funny comics the show has turned into dreck. The "sick baby" shit would have been on the "after show " 5 years ago. Now? Everyday and for a significant amount of time.

The cringey meme they are trying to create man

I've been listening but never a full show - I missed the Nick Mullen thing - what was that?

Nick has written for Norton in the past - for his Vice show at least, and maybe more. Jim was the reason they had Nick on the show. Here's the full segment with Nick.

For no clear reason, at some point during the show Jim decided that he was going to ruin the rest of the show. Pretty much the entire second half of the segment is garbage because he's forcing this weird video app discussion into the show, but the worst of it is from about here (1:21:25) until the end.

After Jim had 100% checked out of the show and decided he was just going to look down at his phone for the rest of his show, Sam and Nick were trying to still make the show listenable and would actually get a decent riff going a couple of times despite the weird tension Jim had created in the room, but baby boy didn't like that, so he torpedoed their conversation with worthless interruptions:

It was a shockingly passive aggressive, bitch move. Even for Norton.

Nick has since said on his podcast that Jim has always been cold towards him and he has no idea why.

Thanks dude

No way!!! that's not the Jim Norton I know!

I listen, but to their YouTube channel and I downgraded my SXM to music only a long time ago from previously having the full package plus the online streaming. Helps fill my work day, and no other podcast has really caught on.

Cum town is a good podcast if you have not checked it out. Best riffing I have heard since early O&A.

I tried it once when I was driving but the voice levels being so up and down made it hard to listen to but I will certainly have to revisit it, and I'm hoping it was them first getting used to the setup and that it has improved in future episodes?

It has a stupid fucking name. I know why, but I don't like it.

I actually Care A Lot about MMA and know more about the UFC roster than Jim, an actual paid employee of the organization, but I have very little patience for any fighter interviews. The only fighter worth interviewing is Chael Sonnen, which is why he already has his own broadcast cottage career going on

Not even Connor mcgeroger? That chanel is always shilling something so all the predictions are wrong and all his opinion worth nothing, he's entertaining tho

No. I think I was just more happy for Jimmy that he doesn't have to work with a human chrisma vaccuum like Opie any longer tmore so than I was interested in the show. Sam and Jim have some kind of cute childish chemistry and I hope they are much happier now, but its not for me. I find the show dull. I tried listening a few times but its just low energy cutesiness with guests I don't want to hear at all. It has a certain phony morning zoo quality to it, as well.


I do !!

I have a taste now and again


I tried for the first few weeks to support Jim, but Sam is just awful. He's so bad I was embarrassed to listen to it without headphones.

I only hear some here and there while waiting for Bennington to start, and it seems to be getting worse.

Lucky for them, in 8 days all of the hate in this sub and Twitter will shift to Jason Ellis so J&S can continue on cruise control until the channel is cancelled.

I haven't listened since the last tranny was on. I'm waiting for someone to break the shows up into funny clips, but nobody has yet for some reason.

Because it's just not that good

i only listen when they talk about Opie

You really need to pay attention then, look for the time when Jim will break out the "like someone I used to work with" line

I listen because there's nothing else better and it's not unbearable like Tit's and the Negro. It's also not as boring as Ant's show.

Legion of Skanks, Doug Stanhope's Podcast, Norm MacDonald's Youtube Show.

There's three better things, but I'm out of episodes of all Weasel and Worm in the morning it is.


Haven't missed one yet.

I pick and choose episodes and rip the audio from YouTube and listen when working out or doing other mindless stuff.

I love Jimmy, and Sam has grown on me, but the guest selection could be better.

I do on commutes. Sam is a fucking nightmare, he's as bad as Opie.

As much as I love him It's hard to listen to Sam.

I do and I'm glad I have a show I can listen to daily again. The others stink.

Yeah I listen whenever they don't have a UFC fighter or porn star guest. So I never listen.

Listen daily. I only ever tune out if the guest is super fucking boring, which can be often. I wish they'd stop trying to interview and try to have a conversation

Well if you don't may I ask . . .

Whaaaaat's your pleasure young fella?

Don't worry, long after you've forgotten JAM, I won't let you forget that you danced!

don't let him forget that he danced!

I enjoy it. Not as good as O&A in its prime, but very good. Sam can set up and play off of Jim/his characters 1000x better than Opie. It's much better than Opie and Jim and TACS.

It's funny. I think the talk has become more troll-like, which is penalties why it finds more support here than Opie, who is troll-bait for fueling and constantly bringing up the "haters".

I started listening to Jim and Sam before back tracking through the old stuff. I really enjoy the show.

I do. Granted, I have to listen to keep thoughts of hanging myself at bay. But I think I'd still find it enjoyable even if that weren't the case.

Howard's gone in 4 years.
Does Sirius plan on this horseshit being their big morning show? Oofah...

I think I heard the retirement talk like ten years ago lol, will he ever stop

I listen but when a ufc fighter is on i skip till theyre out. Btw #nukechina.

Are people appreciating Opie's boat steering afterall? He was the one that refused to have porn stars because he said they were boring

I stopped listening. I used to just tune in when they had a cool guest in, but now I don't even do that anymore. Feels too much like a normal bland radio show that is no different that the rest of them.

i do its the best morning show i am aware of

ill listen when they finally bash mctits.

Oh but Jim is very rebellious he always jabbing that dopey guy

I think the show is McDonald's.

You're lovin' it?

Yes I listened and I like the show a lot. Yea the pornstar stuff is boring but nothing's perfect

I listen, but not everyday and I usually skip the interviews. If I look and it says there were three guests in that day then I don't bother.

I think Sam, Jim, and Travis are funny together but wish the show didn't lean on guests and news stories so much. Not everything in the newspaper is worth discussing on a comedy show, and most guests add nothing. They had the women from Fuller House in last month for an interview. Besides killing time, I just don't see the point.

But in general I think the show is ok, even if it's not worth listening to every minute of it.

Quit after two weeks. Sam is fucking awful, worse than Tits by miles and once Jimmy's initial good vibes wore off the show descended into who-gives-a-fuckville.

How has anyone ever liked a single word Sam has ever spoken?

no. I don't even like when he talks bad about himself. Its comes across as fake and condescending. He is the epitome of what went wrong with the OnA universe. He's an intern that has a morning show. He's never went out and made a name for himself, he just stayed there 24/7 like denny until the lazy management created bullshit reasons why he'd make a good host.

I listen to it everyday and enjoy it immensely.

I listn every day

I can't. Sam's voice is on another level of professionalism and likability that makes me reflect on my own lowly self-worth. It's nearing greatness and that's why I cannot listen. I'm also afraid that any loved one who catches me listening will think "Who's that smooth voiced radio pro?" and leave me in the dust.

I listen everyday, I enjoy it. I listened to Sam at night and I think the show will get better as time goes on. I like that he actually engages Jim instead of adding nothing like a useless pile of tits.

Recently tapped out.

i listen to the first few minutes before the interviews.

Every morning. I really enjoy 90% of the new show. Very few guest bother me like the MMA fighter last week.

No...but I would...probably...I guess...if so inclined...

(I do wish them all the best though.)

I'm 100% less interested than I was in it a few weeks ago. It goes nowhere 99% of the time.

Sam has 0 clue on the real world. He knows wrestling, buzzfeed, twitter.

Name one topic he can cover without aounding like an ignoramus besides those above?

Jim is funny, but he can't play off sam "vapid" roberts.

I don't. Jimmy's cute-sy shtick was funny back when it was used as a contrast to his mean and crude insults. Now it dominates the full morning. No thanks.

With that said, they finally shit on Opie and that makes me happy. I hope they do well but I won't be a regular listener.


When Colin is on

I listen and usually enjoy it a lot. I'm willing to pay for a subscription solely for banter between Jim and Sam. I often find myself skipping over guests and interviews. I did it for o&a as well

I try to listen but almost every show I randomly find on YouTube is them tlaking to a UFC fighter or a random celebrity that has 0 personality.

Miss old O&A where it would be just them and no one else. I like that more so than who gives a fuck guests.

Although I must admit the Garry Busey show was pretty damn good.

Still listen from time to time, but don't feel like I'm missing anything if I don't. I think it's over, Opie and Anthony are irrelevant, Jim and Sam are decent but not great, Ron is the best but his show is stale, Gail just isn't good radio. This sucks

I wish they the best, but I don't like the show and there are too many other ways to spend time. They have boring chemistry, nothing of any interest happens.

It's not bad, it's not good, it's just dullsville.

It's no Opie and Anthony but it's way better than Opie with Jim.

I still listen.

Yes, its better than the shit evening show and less boring than old man Ant.

I sub to TAC and I got to admit the "old man Ant" is becoming a real issue. Everything is "back in the day....." and like an old man, telling the same stories again and again. I don't know how many times I've seen clips of the "Brady bunch variety show" as Ant belly laughs and repeats "The father was gay!" Also trying overly hard to appear current and cutting edge, fake hair, fake teeth..waving his phone around, proclaiming "Who has books anymore, I have this" We all grow old. Own it, don't try to hide it.

He's the kinda guy who needs a strong personality to compliment. He isnt good enough on his own even with a guest.

There was a day when I couldn't miss a second of O&A on the radio. I would schedule my day around it if I could. I don't do that with Jim and Sam.

If the guests include an MMA fighter, a porn star, tranny, wrestler, female comic or so-so actor I skip. So basically I'm skipping quite often. I don't think I've heard a show in months.

Plenty of people like it. I mean it's funny right? Jim using chip as a crutch at every occasion. That's hilarious, right? And this trav dog/teffting thing is a fucking riot. I mean it definitely doesn't sound like a desperate grab to be a "thing". How about Jim's alcoholic and sex stories? I never tire if hearing those. And isn't it great having porn stars popping in? It's just like the 1990's Howard days right? Oh and the UFC fighters. They're fascinating. How they won that one fight or how they don't like that other fighter...i can hardly keep up! Or how about Sam Roberts? I mean he deserves to be on radio for sure. His voice isn't at all annoying. He's not at all a safe radio jock wannabe and his interview skills are top notch. Plus those bits...i mean who could forget those bits! It's just like WNEW days right gang? I mean he's definitely better than Opie. And he's just as funny as Ant too. And he has better chemistry with Jim than Ant does too. But most of all I was sick of hearing other funny comedians in a room with Jim. I hated when they'd all get together and just bullshit without a ship steering nobody there to carefully structure the show in and out of break. I'm so glad they rarely have a load of comedians in. That's what I hated about O&A.

Anybody who doesn't like the show is clearly retarded and should just stick to compound media or Opie. Clearly you have no taste and just don't know good radio.

I listen depending on the guest

Only during the segments when they talk about politics or have a guest I find interesting.

I can't take Sam's annoying voice or Jim's pathetic, incessant flirting with attractive female guests for longer than 5 minutes.

I listen up until they have a guest unless it's someone I want to hear. So it's 100% better than opie and Jim

Yal just can't take the huma. A. wiener shows little kids his PECKHA

I understand that and I feel the same way about those guests. I would prefer if Jim kept the UFC talk to his UFC podcast unless there was a major happening such as the rousey loss. The pornstars are even worse in my estimation because they not only have nothing worthwhile to say, but are also using the show to try and get themselves over as legitimate talents. The UFC guys are boring, but al least they aren't trying to spin the interview into an audition.

No one tell him.

they spend an hour talking about the news and people complain they don't know shit about politics and want more staff shit; they do a full hour of staff Adrian/D-Bag/in-show banter, and you cry they need more news. you can't please everyone.

also, you listen everyday and don't know the difference between Adrian and Sick Baby D-Bag??

Member when Jim pushed Norm out the door in the middle of riffing with CQ to grt Brock lesnar in?

I'm assuming Brent says it in the Office. Sounds like something he'd say, anyway.

You don't think his bizarre, off-topic "kink check" questions to random guests have a wide, understandable appeal?

Ditsy mary jean is entertaining, you nazi. And I like ufc, even if cody garbrandt has the personality of a rock.

Oof oof oof oof

rurf rurf rurf rurf

He's the kinda guy who needs a strong personality to compliment. He isnt good enough on his own even with a guest.

Peckah peckah peckah
