Anyone else get douche chills when they hear "fake news"?

35  2017-01-15 by [deleted]

It's like something out of 1984, only took 3 weeks for everyone to start saying it...


Faux News has been fake news for a long time.

That's so clever, did you come up with it yourself?

Faux clever and original.

I think it's a fine term, but it's basically getting applied to unpopular news rather than stuff that's actually bullshit or bad journalism

That happens with plenty of buzz words though. When its created by them and given air time as if its a god damn character itself, people are going to use the phrase to define it while talking shit about it

I like fake news but that's because as far as propaganda goes it's terrible. The "news" outlets pushing the fake news meme have all had it turned right back around on them. The fucking President elect just told CNN they were fake news. That's awesome. In general though I hate new speak. One word I really hate is problematic. Nobody ever used to say that and now it's everywhere.

Problematic? What's that? If you gotta leak in your roof or sumfin? Tsss tssss

Good hyumah

The fucking President elect just told CNN they were fake news. That's awesome.

i think that too, its funny friday we will have replaced our black president with a president with the personality of a nigger.

we haven't had a president this aggressive in almost 200 years.

Someone tried to shoot andrew jackson. The gun misfired and old man jackson shitbeat the guy with a cane. His entourage saved the dude from him. Motherfucker killed like 4000 indians, he doesnt give a fuck about an unemployed housepainter

I love how Patton Oswalt and his twitter friends called Hillary strong and badass for collapsing like Tower 7 and getting chucked into the back of a van by the scruff of her neck while on the campaign trail. Meanwhile Teddy Roosevelt gets shot in the chest before a campaign stump speech, proceeds to give the 90 minute speech and rides away with his Colt 45 in the air after he's done.

he trekked an uncharted Brazilian river when he was 54

he was a motherfucker

Truth. But his father was correct, he was a pussy for needing those glasses.

he lost vision in one eye from boxing when he was 49 which is why he switched to the monocle. he continued to box after that. I'd vote for zombie Teddy Roosevelt in a snap

I sing the weird news scorch song but with fake news

Glad I'm not the only one.

Depends who's saying it. The msm tried to weaponize the term against anything that goes against their narrative, but it's blown up in their face as of late.

Their narrative is nowhere near as far-fetched as actual fake news.

That's the thing about fake news, it doesn't have to be that ridiculously unbelievable shit. It can just be a false narrative that's unprovable, like the Russian involvement in the DNC hacks and Trump's private connections to the Russian government.

As everyone else is saying, it's just a rebranding of propaganda, it's nothing new, and it's never going away.

Those are two really bad examples, since they are probably true. Hell, on the DNC hack, even Trump agrees that it was Russia:

This is a great write-up on all the evidence, and it was all done prior to the report coming out:

It is all a matter of becoming informed.

But can you explain how the fuck that influenced the result, even if their was "Russian hacking"? People woke up to HRC and the DNC's corrupt deceitful bullshit, and trusted in Trump over that cunt. Dems are yet to be able to explain exactly how this "hacking" won Trump the presidency. Answer: It didn't, they just need something to latch onto and blame for their horrible shit-show of a campaign/candidate.

Nice shifting of the goal posts. I will address your new question anyway.

There wasn't any corruption in those emails, just clear favoritism for the lifelong Democrat. I think the influence came from the very perception that there was something shady about the emails. I have no idea if it won him the presidency or not, but influence the election the hack definitely did. The very fact that you'd see HRC as less trustworthy than a lifelong conman is a great example of how the emails influenced the election. Another good example is your description of what the emails showed. That impression is all the product of fake news, right there.

Speaking of being cunty: don't answer your own question.

You're a fucking idiot.

You're a fucking idiot.

Given that you replied - with only that line - a mere 2 seconds after I posted that, it is clear that you didn't even bother to read my entire post. I suspect this is because you have no counter-points to make. This is usually the way it goes whenever anyone confronts any of you with an intelligent, factually-based thought. Anger. Resentment. Beat it, stupid.

I actually read it faggot... Now what? Mr. "there actually was nothing bad in those emails" lol, tells me everything about how delusional you are.

Now what? Well, now you go educate yourself about the content of the emails. How does my response speed say anything about whether I read the emails or not? I read them ages ago because they've been out for a while now. What, you think this is the first time I've heard of the emails?

Go educate yourself on the emails and actually read them. Then you can have the authority to speak on this. There was no cheating involved. LOL at the idea of phonyness being your problem with HRC but not Trump.

No I don't believe you when you say you've had a good look at the emails. There were 1000's upon 1000's, I only saw a handful and so did most. If you think there was no illegal activity in there then you're fooling yourself. Take an actual look at that link and stop being a self righteous ass. "I have authority on this. Educate yourself"... lol how about actually being honest with yourself and read through the list I linked.

It very easy to read every single email when you know how to program and write a script to eliminate duplicate text. By your own admission, you've looked at only a handful, but you are completely sure that there is illegal activity in there. These are excerpts that other people have presented to you, and yet you are comfortable telling me what is in them. Ridiculous.

Here is my challenge to you: show me the illegal activity. Take your time. Go through all of them. That way, you don't have to believe me. You don't have to take my word for it. You can confront me with evidence! Do it! I love to be proven wrong.

Until then, don't waste my time with your conspiracy theories. That is all you're spewing.

Once again, another dishonest fuck blinded by their hatred of Trump. Go fuck yourself dummy.

You aren't even trying. By the way, number one on that list you linked to is hilariously clickbaity. Here is the full story:

Hey, if you had a point I'd be onboard. I am a Bernie guy who did not vote for Hillary. However, you don't have a point. Sorry.

Link me to more dumb websites with points like "7. Top Hillary aides mock Catholics for their faith".

Oh so you chose the least incriminating of all of them to use as an example? What a surprise. Stop.

Pick any.

"2. Hillary Clinton dreams of completely "open borders”." Nevermind that she was referring to trade restrictions.

"3. Hillary Clinton received money from and supported nations that sheKNEW funded ISIS and terrorists"" OH NO! You mean the same government that have been selling us oil for years and will continue to do so under Trump?

Really, pick any "revelation". It is all dumb shit we either already knew or isn't illegal. Only uninformed shitheads like you think this stuff is groundbreaking or illegal. Maybe read the news more often?

So you use the 2nd and 3rd least incriminating, do you think I'm retarded and gonna go "oh I guess they weren't that incriminating after all". You clearly always have to get the last word in and are an arrogant/ignorant/bitter person. Keep it up for the next 4 years and see how you go. Keep deluding yourself.

It's on both sides. No one believes anything. Arguing is pointless.

Exactly. People are losing faith in their ability to settle differences through dialogue. We're watching the breakdown of democracy.

Not only that, but each of the major political parties has groups of losers whose job is to spread propaganda and lies to message boards and social media.

The age of information is also the age of misinformation.

True. Look at the responses from the unmoveables on /pol. You might as well just respond with "I hate this place, the drugs don't work here, I've been here for seven yurrs".

Pizzagate is fake news.

Fake news, fake news,


Yes. We call these people sheep.

I get douche chills when any makes a 1984 reference or refers to anything as "Orwellian".

There's a lot of shit, that if you say if, I know you're a fucking moron who doesn't have real facts to debate. -Fake News -Gas Lighting -Virtue Signaling -Racist!!!! -Islamiphobia -Regressive Left! -Alt Right -Nazi (unless discussing history) -Trumpkin -Libtard -Commie -Homophobe! -MSM

These are all bullshit terms.

Yeah, remember when Hillary said she lost because of "fake news" spread by Russian agents? Stupid cunt, you lost because your entire campaign was "do not vote for Trump" ad infinitum. No one had any idea what YOU stood for!

DemocRATS made the exact same mistake with Kerry/Edwards in 2004: "Bush is so hated [by DemocRATS, not by real Americans] that we just need to nominate anyone with a pulse and he will beat Bush by 10 points!" WHOOPS! Guess not...

As annoying as they are, it's nice to know the 'Rats haven't learned anything over the past 15 years. They keep this up, Trump will be a shoo-in for 2020 and maybe we'll even see a filibuster-proof Republican Senate majority.

Either way, Trump still takes office in 5 days, so I'm all smiles! :D

My considerable IQ begins to drop when I read testaments to your stupidity such as this one.

No one cares about your IQ, narcissistic faggot. Trump won, Hillary lost. All you can do is whine over the internet for the next four years, while policies I support BECOME LAW! You mad? Hahaha good!

I am sad that your dumb ideas might become law, yes. We will probably have Trump impeached, but we will still be left with Pence. I doubt the Republicans with control both houses for four years, though. Let's face it, the next two years are about to be really bad for everyone.

It was called ''Mainstream Media'' before that, but people found a more appropriate term, which is why you hear that so often now.

People used to call it ''Mainstream Media'' originally, but the term fell into disuse for a couple of reasons.

For years, people ate up fake news in bulk, and now that it's a buzzword they've been trained like dogs to call anything real news, even if the facts support the story.

I love how Patton Oswalt and his twitter friends called Hillary strong and badass for collapsing like Tower 7 and getting chucked into the back of a van by the scruff of her neck while on the campaign trail. Meanwhile Teddy Roosevelt gets shot in the chest before a campaign stump speech, proceeds to give the 90 minute speech and rides away with his Colt 45 in the air after he's done.

Glad I'm not the only one.