Jim Jeffries says Australia has no gun violence because of our stricter gun laws.

25  2017-01-06 by andiswearrrr

But it's because there's no black people.

There's abbos, sure, but they're less evolved than american blacks, and spend all their free time drinking gasoline.

I'm not trying to be funny. This torture video thing has made me temporarily open about my racism.


Outside of London and Manchester, where black people live, there is barely any violent crime in Britain..

Liverpool, Nottingham, Sheffield & Stoke still have a fair bit.

I take it you've never been to Glasgow.

I take it you've never been to Glasgow


That's a new one

That's bollocks. Go to Portsmouth, Liverpool or any port town on the piss on a Friday or Saturday night. It's a good exercise in trying not to get your head kicked in by chavs (white trash).

Dude.... /s

Fair enough, quite hard to get tone in text sometimes.

I feel like this is the place to tell me underrated joke:

Kingsmen is a james bond movie filled in the parking lot of an arctic monkeys concert.

It's not underrated.

Take blacks out of the equation and the United States is the greatest country on the planet by all metrics.

and puerto ricans.

But Mars can stay, he's cool. :)

You'd definitely still win the school shootings award

These mother fuckers dragged blacks over here against their will and now we need to take them "out of the equation".

*bought fair and square

"These motherfuckers" and the blacks they brought here have been dead for a very long time. So when will blacks get their collective shit together? Don't worry, I'll wait. We all will.

Was I suppose to make that one word?

They should have been taken out of the equation in 1860

Especially on racial purity

Our gold medal count at the Olympics would take a hit. Music today already sucks, so no harm there.

"America's Olympic achievements can be measured in nigger sweat." -Josef Goebbels, Inglorious Basterds

THoSe ABboS aRe aTTrAcTIvE peOpLE...


Put it on a separate drive that's only 3/5 as big as your main drive

Highly publicized black on white hate crime is as good a reason as any to pull up a few good scenes from Ghetto Gaggers

anyone who says we have no gun violence has clearly never been to sydney's western suburbs

the lebs are trying their hardest to be the negroes of our country

Yep. And they will never go you in a fair fight, always bringing those cousins which ends up being half their community. Fuckin inbreds

What is a leb? I need a new slur in the arsenal.

Lebanese. They settle as clans.

Dirty arab-wogs from Lebanon.

OK. What a wog? Same reason.

I believe I can help you there friend. A wog is a broad term for any individual from a Mediterranean background; particularly Greeks, Turks and those from the Levant. They tend to be of an unscrupulous nature and are undesirable suitors for your sisters/daughters.

All those are terrible. Damn wogs.

I grew up around a lot of Lebanese & they aren't much different than Italians & Greeks & are nothing like ghetto black America. Visit Detroit sometime & drive around the neighborhoods & then compare it to the 'Lebs' neighborhoods in Sydney.

no guns and lots of funnel webs.

Full of white criminals as well. White people are the best 4 reel niga

I love the "it worked in Australia so it will work here" strategy. There are more people in California than in Australia. There are 300 million guns in the country (that we know about). Good fucking luck getting them back. And once again, only the law abiding public would turn them in.

How the fuck would you know that abo's are less evolved than Afro Americans. Please continue to enlighten us on more things you know nothing about....go

Abos literally sleep on the highway.

They have to be told to not drink gasoline... Then they do it anyway.

I tried to find the most PC, mainstream article that demonstrates this fact for you, because anything else you'd deem propaganda.

Indigenous Australians most ancient civilisation on Earth, DNA study confirms

But you don't care, do ya, faggot? Go on believing that these things are on the same level as american niggers.


You still have no clue. Please "guy from another country" tell me more about where I live... I have never seen snow before. Can I teach you how to ski. Faggot


Uh. Im australian. When did I even imply otherwise?

you didnt say you were. your comment about no blacks being in australia are wrong. just coz your soft cock hasn't seen a black...scared are ya. The somalian population in australia will be huge over the next few years. Just because you only see your basement walls, does not mean there is no blacks.


I don't know what your experience with America is but I grew up in Brooklyn in a mostly white area & in high school at least 3 kids would get shot every year by other whites (useually Italian or Albanian). I think if your talking about upper-class WASP culture in America then its far compare English & Australian people but a lot of white Americans are wild in comparison those cultures.

Those things might be a bit more evolved. They had a fight and nobody died.

Oldest civiliation on earth... invented a stick.

Which "civilization" are you talking about?

The subject of the last two episodes of his television show not coincidentally.

Australians just seem to accept that aboriginals are a vastly inferior race and just leave them alone to chew sticks and wallow in their own feces. They don't pretend that they're merely oppressed and underprivileged. Everybody knows the score and there's no need to kid themselves about it. Hopefully one day they'll get around to having them all secretly killed, but for now they're just homeless eyesores who occasionally kill and eat people's cats.

For some reason, knowing your cat could be eaten by a certain group sounds almost exciting. Like living in a zombie apocalypse, or a medieval fantasy world with monsters that sword-wielding adventurers are occasionally hired to clear out caves full of and take their treasure.

And you havent even gotten into the deadly species yet. It's all Mad Max but without anyone attractive.

But then the treasure is like half a carton of cigarettes and a jar of wood finish.

Eh well, you know what they say


Australians just seem to accept that aboriginals are a vastly inferior race and just leave them alone to chew sticks and wallow in their own feces.

Australia is a country full of diverse and interesting wildlife. I'm convinced they just (rightfully) see the indigenous in the same light.

Not true, I have seen Australian TV shows where they paraded these fucking gargoylic cartoon characters on a stage and had them moan and bang drums while some white Lib played the piano crying at how inspirational their random whimpers were.

They had to produce a bunch of PSA commercials to tell the aboriginals not to sleep in the road.


lets be fair, like most things, whites invented mass shootings. We used to be the kings of it. Now look.

I actually went to school with a abbo who moved to England. No idea how you let him get out. His hands were covered in warts and nobody could understand his accent.

He didn't last long and soon moved back.

Well this sub is fucking mental

Dvvvv dvvvv

So were their lots of black people when you did have mass shootings?

Nah-der. Reclaim Australia.

Its called petrol here, faggot.

Do you know how many fucking times I've used an Australian term only to get american dumbasses ask me what the fuck I'm talking about? How have you not experienced the same thing?

It's a big ass glass of beer here in canada

It's not a schooner, it's a sailboat.

yes you are an alkie

You're delusional.

So what the fuck is a schooner?

I should've added, dont pander

That black shoe polish paste is derived from a chemical found in the innards of a kiwi.

They also aren't resourceful enough to get involved in the violent drug trade.

We also have a relatively more comfortable standard of living and tons of welfare, so the lazy pricks won't be buying a gun until it's publicly funded.

The coloreds in England speak well. I wish we could have an exchange program.

It's absolutely true. If America had no blacks, our gun violence would be on par with Belgium

Thank you for this sensible point.

People who say "[Insert nation here] has no gun violence because of their strict gun laws." are clowns. Mexico has strict gun laws, but they have a lot of gun violence. In order for gun laws to work, you must first have a solid foundation in the form of a citizenry that believes the law is worth following. Shit-skins like the 4 in Chicago are no such foundation.

Please don't compare Americans with Brits & Australians. Our white people can kick their peoples asses.

We still have gun crime, watch the morning news on monday and they can't stop talking about shootings in Sydney or Melbourne

At least the american blacks don't need PSA's to not sleep in the road.

People love to find hard evidence, but there isn't any. There were few murders by gun in Australia before they went off the gun banning deep end. Same with every western country that has large bans. The US happens to be a particularly murderous country, just as Thailand happens to have lots of ppl willing to fuck children for money.......

The reality is the difference can't be measured. It's culture. Go read western foreigners' views of Americans: Loud, obnoxious, and angry. What do loud, obnoxious, angry ppl do? Murder. Racial diversity definitely plays a role, but only because of the clash of sub-cultures.

I'm bored with this already. Somebody else write the rest.

Niggers aren't people.



Neh, guns are fine in all white areas and if niggers didn't exist the Hispanics would probably be fine too. The lowest common denominator is not guns or weapons its niggers and muslims.

This type of shit is why Jeffries has fallen off, too. There is gun violence in Australia, as well as plenty of other violence that people without guns now cannot protect themselves from. Fucking idiot.

Archie Bunker said it best "Would you feel better about it if they were killed with knives?" Fucking leftist ideologies are based on some unicorn-land thinking.

"Would you feel better about it if they were killed with knives?"

Holy fuck, that was a thing? I was laughed at by leftists for using that as an argument -- that I'd rather be killed quickly by a gun then sliced up by a sword.

I agree Jim has gone way too political, but that knife vs gun argument is retarded. You can't walk into a crowd and kill 40 people with a knife as easily as you could with a gun.

Yet it was done in China/Japan not that long ago.

I mean if you wanna debate that knives can kill just as many people as guns, I'd love to hear it.

same thing with a gun, if you check it out most "mass shootings" are just drive bys that hit a few people,

I see your point but Nyc & LA aren't even in the top ten cities for gun violence. NYC is safer than most cities in the county

Would you feel better about it if they were killed with knives?

in London they already have both knife and dog control.