The bbboys were mentioned on the local news this morning. Apparently something big is about to go down.

348  2016-12-19 by 1073WAAF


$5 well spent

Edit: high jacking top comment to plug the brain on the brink podcast by our very own Ryan Kilgore.

For only five dollars a day you can keep /u/stinksskc high for over 30 minutes. Please have a heart, do your part.

Five dollars is also five hillarrhea sessions for Joe Cumia. Can't forget about that.

I just fart.

Well, it's a start.

What...the fuck...was that?

Fake news.

*Weird News.

some are odd and some are strange

some are odd and some deranged, stories that are very strange

Did I really fuck that up? That is pretty effin stupid of me!

♫ you are an idiot! da-da-da-da-da da da da ♫

PFS brother

totally mute radio

Very strange not really strange

well thank you kind gent


Some will be amused, some will be abused, some will be offended by the language that he use but OPIES ON W BAB.

Totally autistic, towards women sadistic.




I love autism

The sub has reached a new low.

Something we never thought was possible

"Radio show duel"

Ya this guy turned out to be a script bumbling idiot. You get what you pay for I guess.

I liked it! Though I am easily impressed.

Tell him he's a peckha head.

Tss that's fawking hilarious!!

Where'd you find this guy? Did you get to pick your newscaster or is it just him?

I'd like to hear a negress news reader talk about Anthony's confiscated fire arms

It's good but I still prefer the two savages in green talking about Joe Cumia's spit gobbling.

I missed that one. Link please?

good lord, those 2 will eat for a year on $5

I can see the fake news guy doing what he does for money, but I don't even get where you found these two

that one gave me cancer. where do you find these people to make this?

You paid someone to do that?

well played

I once paid 2 Russian strippers £600 to steal my wallet and max out my cards... but I got to see their cootahs so it was money well spent

One time I asked a stripper how much it would cost to "get something good" and she informed me that she was not a hooker very loudly.

Not a business tycoon either.

I only approve of these if the guy has an awesome African accent. Here is your downvote, young lady.

nah the sons of tranarchy biker was one of the funniest things on this sub in the last year imo.

fawk yeah


Now I have aids. Thanks a lot.

Wait its not just people ( or black Americans) in the third world doing this shit?

Yeah some people actually make bank on Fiverr doing corporate type stuff, etc.

got me good cock fag

Vurry good. I still like "Andy Cumia" vid the most tho

why didnt you hire tyrone?

A for effort, C- for production values.

Next time can we get a bongland African to do the read.

dis guys good.

What I like about these is someone paid $5 to make it happen.

and that $5 brought joy to a couple hundred creeps.

Dude must be a shift supervisor, or "team leader" as we say at the Pan





With the internet, all things are possible.




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God I hate Fiverr

Ok, terrific

Well the Russian ambassador was just assassinated so....

"I made an ASS; of MY-SELF..."

Vos sounds like he's gargling a clam.

That gave me AIDS.

lol, i thought he was going to announce that the Opester and Keith the Cop had signed a contract to get the boys back together. that would be the greatest christmas gift ever right now.

some are odd and some are strange

I once paid 2 Russian strippers £600 to steal my wallet and max out my cards... but I got to see their cootahs so it was money well spent