Jason Ellis will be replacing Opieradios time slot.

53  2016-11-28 by GRIZx

After watching Opies shitty cryptic video it looks like Jason Ellis is joining the network, I'm guessing He will replace Opie's afternoon drive time slot. With Bennington on right after Jim and Sam.


Opie being forced into the evening slot would be heavenly

Vic goes to bed before 7pm

No I think they're letting him go. I don't even think a channel change would help his career.

If they were going to fire him they wouldn't have given him a new contract two months ago.

Might have been a probationary contract for 12 months. Probably thought "Since Anthony got fired, your show shit the bed, and now you've broken up a partnership with Jim, so we're gonna offer you 12 months to see if you can turn it around".

I wouldn't be surprised that they don't want to give him any leeway, from all accounts, he's been a pain in the ass to deal with, and he's no longer bringing in any returns. So why keep him.

I hope you're right.

Oh man, they should put The Opester on a Top 40 and bring on Todd. "Spinnin' records with my best buddy Todd, mahn"

Dare to dream ....

Opie is the second highest paid radio host on sirius, they aren't going to get rid of him. i think they are just changing the channel name.

Look at Mr glass is half full (of cum)

Now there's a visual I can get behind.

You have proof he is the second highest paid radio host on Sirius? Seen the contracts and all?

Howard Stern----100 million a year and over half of a floor for his offices and staff and he can get the building shut down so peons don't bother him as he walks to his area.

Gregg "Opie" Hughes-------15 bucks an hour and a chair in the hall for an office.

Man the 2 of them are really close in terms of contracts.

At this point Opie is probably making far less than he made with Anthony and in fact he may be making about what Jimmy is making.

Zero chance Opie makes more than Mad Dog, Jenny McCarthy, or Stephen A Smith.

I would assume Baba Booey, Fred, and Robin each make more than Opie.

Robin and Gary do for sure.

Fred's been with Howard longer than the other two, he's gotta be getting fat checks.

Howard's staff aren't paid by Sirius, they're paid from the overall budget Howard gets.

So Gregg is playing word games there - he's the highest paid "Sirius employee" - but he's not an employee, he's a contracter via contract. Ant and Opie have talked very openly that they had to buy their own health insurance and such as a private LLC that covered the show.

Roland may be a W2 employee of Sirius, Erock for sure. Opie? Nope. Makes no sense to have someone at that paygrade, and to pay taxes on his behalf, when they can unload the tax burden entirely on the performer via contract.

I'd bet a case of cronuts Gregg does not get a W-2 from Sirius. If he is, then he took a massive pay cut and a step down in status. And he'd get an office.

Robin deserves less than 100K. She offers nothing. Especially since Howard doesn't need to use her as his token since he no longer makes black jokes.

Artie said he made right under a million in his best year and that was about what O&A made after the merger.


These folks are acting like Opie hasn't been making millions wtf

More like midnight. Return of Late Night Attitude with Opie

I'm looking forward to the return of 'The Nigh Time Attitude'.

Oh fuck, could you imagine. He wouldn't even be able to stack the room with comics because they would be out doing spots. He would have to start doing a music show, no way he could carry that long on his own. How embarrassing.

Vic is free. He does like 1 gig a month.

like he screwed sam over with that time slot 9-12 nobody wants to work that shift......

Fawk yeah, Nighttime Attitude is back.

Replacing Opie's show with another show I won't listen to means nothing to how I spend my day, however just knowing Opie got the boot warms the cockles of my heart.

What about the sub cockles?

Seriously, fuck that guy. This has been coming for a long time.

Looks like skateboarders are still cucking opie.

Post of the day!

Ellis is annoying as hell.

Yes, and his show is terrible. But the idea of him taking Opies time slot is giving me an erection. RED FAGGOTS!

Ellis fucking STINKS.

But compared to Opie?

Remember when Opie sat there while Anthony trashed Jason Ellis, saying he would never be the young punk who took over their brand by forcing them out?

Every single thing Opie did is coming back to bite him.

I hope Siruis owns all 'Opie Radio' spelling trademarks and forces Gregg to lose his social media identity. That would great.

ME: butttt it's been my name since I've been a FAWKIN kid!

MGMT: you signed the dotted line, faggot. Beat it.

Interesting. Greggshells owns the Opie & Anthony trademark:


No record of Opie Radio. Which is hilarious, because he's selling merch with that name and logo, and he didn't bother to trademark it.

Trademark it, quick!

Ellis is almost as obnoxious as Opie. And he is equally lacking in humor and self-awareness.

God Damnit Sirius just bring back Ant. Maybe he'll finally shut up with that Breitbart horseshit and go back to doing dick jokes and Seinfeld references.

I can never think of Ellis without remembering Jim Jeffries talking shit about him to Opie and Ant.

He was fairly self aware on Howard last week. Way more than opie ever is

I think they'll make Jim and Sam go from 8-11, Ellis 11-3 (8-12west coast) Opie 3-6, which is his same slot, he's just butt hurt they'll take his name off the channel... Which in reality could only be a good thing for everyone himself includes because it's been such a run down name online.

Ellis west coast mornings was a huge thing he wanted in his last contract so either he'll keep that or it's been a disaster for him.

I only listen on YouTube but doesn't Ronnie B have a slot on the same channel?

He's on RawDog, not the channel formally known as Opie Radio


Yeah I can't see why they would put Ellis on 12-3. Anyone who listens or has listened to the O&A/Radio are probably way more likely to tune into Bennington. The afternoon slot makes a lot more sense for him.

TBH, this is probably what will happen.

Sirius has tons of channels, and they'd probably banish Opie to a shitty time slot before they'd fire him. Because they have to pay him either way.

Be hilarious if Opie is pushed to Raw Dog while Bennington comes back to the high bandwidth channel. Or if Opie is giving a shit studio away from the others.

Opie is working out his contract, they aren't going to pay him to walk and he isn't the type of guy to leave money on the table.


Jason Ellis is an Australian satellite radio host, professional skateboarder, mixed martial arts fighter, truck racer, boxer, rock singer, actor, and author.


" he was a fighter, a governor..."

ah naaaveee sheeeeeal

Do you think he maybe wrote his own wikipedia page?

He's 1-0 as a professional MMA fighter, he participated in the X-Games and was a sponsored pro for over a decade, he was one of the bad guys in Paul Blart Mall Cop, and his shitty band's shitty album is available at Best Buy.


It's not complete bullshit.

"I am a writer, a doctor, a nuclear physicist and a theoretical philosopher. But above all, I am a man, a hopelessly inquisitive man, just like you."


fucking lol

I still can't decide if The Master is underrated or rated just as it deserves

What would Opie's list of talents include?

mixed martial arts fighter

According to his wiki, he had ONE fight. And it was for the "Sheckler Foundation: Down for Life – Fight for a Cause"

IT'S MY FOUNDATION, GREGGORY! The Ted Sheckler Foundation for Manchild Australian Faggots!

oooo this could be correct.. Ellis has mentioned channel changes and a big announcement on twitter

So faction will finally go back to music only? Thank fuck!

Ellis sucks, but I hope this is happening because Sam lobbied Sirius to get him on the channel and to remove opie's name.

Greenstein isn't stupid. And he hates Opie.

It would certainly be good to see Opie hit the bricks, but can the channel really handle more tranny and MMA talk?

(On top of Jason Ellis being a fucktard of the highest order, no less.)

I mean I won't listen so I don't care. Still it would be interesting if they moved opie to a 6-9 slot. And they force him to do the show with Denny

the skateboarding community has had a long running vendetta against opie

Why? He delivers them pretty blondes in a ny penthouse. Even changed his shift to the afternoons so they could sleep in.

This is a good theory. I wouldn't be surprised if it happens, as Opie has been dropping hints that he isn't happy, and was hinting that he might go back to regular radio during a segment I heard last week.

Ellis seems to have regular fans, not tons, but way more than Opie. And there isn't any friction with Stern, so that's a plus on his side. I also noticed he did tons of publicity last week from Stern, to J & S, to LoS. But not Opie. I think Opie would've jumped on the chance to have Ellis on.

The idea of opie broadcasting live on a Saturday morning from a Ford dealership...

I can only edge for so long...

Ellis has a lot more fans than Opie does. More people might know Opie just because he did radio in NYC but no one likes him and I don't know anyone in real life who even listens to Opie or Anthony but I've actually heard people at work listening to Ellis and a couple of them are actually women. Opie is irrelevant as fuck. Ellis atleast gets the extreme sports crowd, MMA people, and ditzy girls who think he's attractive looking.

I'm happy that Opie is getting fired.

Ellis is way more interesting than opie.

Jason Ellis is the worst. As an Australian I can't believe that ignorant kiss ass is representing us on the radio world stage.

What a lovely Christmas surprise!

Ellis is a fucking seeping wound though. Might actually be WORSE than Tits.

Jim Jefferries destroying him was one of the best things to ever happen.

Ewwww, Jason Ellis? I would rather listen to replays of the stangel brothers greatest hits.

I can't stand that Ellis guy. He's just another liberal/SJW type. Take one look at him and you see he should be locked in a mental institution.

I couldn't care less about Tits though.

It'll be great to see Opie done with radio. Say what you want about Ant, but he wasn't fired because he sucked at entertaining an audience. Opie was.

Didn't like Ellis years ago when Opie originally tried to push him and Ant and Jim said fuck this guy...

I'm really weirded out by him now that he's decided he's gay all of a sudden.


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I doubt Ronnie B is being moved to the channel. Jimmy was really happy when they got an afternoon replay, and I don't see him giving that up for for a midday show on the channel.

Havent listen to Ellis in many years. Does Ellis still do "Dude, am I a slut?" That was funny.

Dude, am I a slut

If he does he's probably asking for himself. He's half a fag now.


Ahhh Jason Ellis, ahhh fuckkkk

Jesus, it's the channel name that is changing, Ellis is probably coming to the channel but Opie isn't going anywhere until October.

I remember him saying his contract has a review in 6 months, similar to fezzies contract I imagine.

Has anyone checked in with Ben from @SXM_Help for the official verdict?

that is so awesome finally thats so funny how management is soo done with him...its now over for opie he's screwed he has nowhere else to go......ha i bet even erock will keep his show on sirius......thats funny