Get off your asses moderators and make this a sidebar pic immediately.

68  2016-11-20 by DasItMane99





scary stories to tell in the dark

"Where we at with the spiders on my face?"

HOLDONHOLDONHOLDON! Room for one more.

My goal is to continue making these pictures every week until they have completely overwritten Gregg's entire life and legacy on the internet.

I save them and respond to all of Opies tweets with them, as well as bald opie pics

You're the real hero

Oh stop 😘

Hahaha I see Dr. Steve noticed the one about opie cucking like his pops used to.

Lol yeah he just responded with "no"

Be thankful that Big A exists so you can use his gross jowls in all these pics.

It needs to be done. That Henna tattoo kills me..

I hate how he's always seen with a fucking water in his limp hands.

Like that made a difference to his health? He grew tits FFS!

Lol how great it would have been if Tranthony was spiking his water with tittiegrow pills.

Did he really get a henna tattoo


Gregg "Oqie" Hughes as The Body Pulled Out Of The Lake tonight on Law and Order SVU

WTF is that?

Jesus h..

OpieJuice, the more mentally inept cousin of Beetle

The finger nails are the grossest part for some reason

I'm wheezing, only the finest pictures make me wheeze

Calling it now, it will be up one year later

The Sherrod X Stangle picture should go away and this should take its place.

What a magnificently hideous creature... As if it were cut from the loins of Gregg Opie Hughes and Amy Schumer.

His fingernails are painted black. This is fucking brilliant.

he looks like one of the monster people from hellraiser


Is that Mick Foley?

Hahaha I see Dr. Steve noticed the one about opie cucking like his pops used to.