We are at a point where 81-year-old Donald Sutherland is lecturing us about white privilege

126  2016-11-15 by littlepeteferguson

I listened to today's show and holy fuck. These celebrities need to really get over themselves with this ivory tower bullshit. The lack of self-awareness is astonishing. How do these people not realize that this is the exact reason that Donald Trump won? As a young man I feel that I should be coming up in the world and finding my own path and purpose, not feel burdened and SHAMED by my elders for not feeling bad enough for simply existing as a white male. "Greatest generation" my ass. I'm becoming increasingly more aware that older generations have created an uphill battle for people in my age group. The only solace I can find is that they'll drop dead sooner rather than later. I want off this ride.


You know what's sad? The art of argument is dead. People used to be able to disagree over politics and still get along and respect each other. In the end, you were both Americans and the country came before your personal politics.

The left is particularly at fault for the demise of civilized argument. If you disagree with them, they go scorched earth to shame you into submission. They will smear you, your name, your family until you give up or are forced into hiding. You voted for Trump? You're an evil, heartless monster. You hate women. You hate minorities. The candidate isn't under the microscope - you are. Why? Because you had the audacity to vote for him.

I'm glad this election worked out the way it did. It proved that the left is completely out of touch with the country. They paint the right as "elitist." Meanwhile, the left has completely convinced itself that it is smarter than you and needs to regulate your life because you're too stupid to figure things out for yourself.

Enjoy the next 4 years, you pretentious jerks.

Makes you appreciate how open Anthony was about his beliefs on O&A (then on TACS) and how he wasn't afraid of getting into an debates with liberal guests like Oswalt, Louis CK, and Ben Gleib.

With that said I think the art of discussion is dead on both ends. If you argue for Trump's platform, you're a bigoted white cry baby who hates the new world, if you argue against Trump's platform, you're an elitist cuck, and you're the reason why Hillary lost and Bernie would've won.

This is a yumor sub so I wouldn't expect to see it here, but I really hope that we as a collective can get past the name-calling, and start to see some point counter-points being made

anthony is only brave when the other guy isnt there

Yup, and it's not a recent thing. This goes back to the Sarah Jessica Parker call from '02, when the first words out of Ant's mouth when he realized it was SJP on the phone after they had been trashing her were "I gotta say, your performance at the award's show last night? Fantastic!"

Fucking pussy boy is all he is.

His dad was right.

Jesus Christ!

That's demonstrably not true.

The difference being that I haven't heard anyone disagree with Trump's policies aside from the proposed wall, and even then it's not even first in the list. Everything they say is he hates women and non-whites and if you like him you must hate women and non whites too. And naturally I do but that doesn't mean Trump does.

That's complete bullshit. I guess if the only time you hear criticism of Trump's it's from Breitbart articles about stupid liberals, but there are many, many disagreements out there. Free trade is supported by a great majority of the world's economists along with thr TPP (as a Marxist I happen to oppose free trade too by the way, but I, along with Trump, are in the minority on that), Trump's proposed foreign policy on Syria and Russia (while another point I agree with him on) is heavily criticized by many foreign policy experts, there have been countless lucidly articulated reasons why Trump will never be able to bring back manufacturing jobs, there is a vast scientific consensus that climate change exists and that Trump's policies will be disastrous to the environment, many have argued that despite its shortcomings, the Affordable Care Act is superior to proposed GOP alternatives, and virtually every progressive opposes the appointment of conservative SC judges who could overturn Roe v Wade. And this is only a few obvious examples off the top of my head.

You have every right to think that those are not good arguments. They can be debated all day long. But to say that you've literally never heard a criticism of Trump that isn't "DAS RACIST" or "DAS SEXIST" is either a complete lie, or it reveals that you are willfully ignorant of opposing ideologies and insulate yourself in an echochamber that confirms all your beliefs. So, which is it?

I've heard multiple criticisms of Trump - especially since he won the election. The left refuses to accept that Hillary was a terrible candidate, so they're just focusing on Trump's flaws.

From what I can tell about his agenda: he hates 99% of Obama's executive orders. I think that there is a consensus in DC (on the right and left) that Obama abused executive orders on an unprecedented level. Many of his EOs harmed business and made doing business in America extremely expensive.

"After he lost control of the Senate in 2014, Obama announced at his first Cabinet meeting: “We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation. . . . I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone. And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward.


This behavior ruffled a lot of feathers on both sides of the aisle. It was a total affront to congressional authority and a dangerous abuse of executive power.

I wouldn't mind seeing Trump cancel all of Obama's executive orders and then reinstating the most useful ones, piecemeal, through the proper congressional channels.

How is Trump against free trade? Not liking existing trade deals and wanting to renegotiate is not against free trade, where are you getting this from? The free marketplace and free trade is build upon mutually beneficial contracts, one person thinking a contract is not mutually beneficial is not against free trade. This is almost as retarded as the EU saying that Britain is incapable of trading with China without them while everyone from Iceland to Norway seemed to figure out how.

I don't agree with him on bringing back manufacturing because Americans will always be competing on price (Canada does the same, which is why all it's manufacturing jobs are underpaid and nobody can sustain themselves.) Oh no, does that shatter your image of me as some Breitbart-worshipping sycophant? Funny how I've never made any assumptions about you, but it seems everything you have is built upon the idea of me being some sort of fanatic. I guess this is another reason why he...

He is against the Affordable Care act. Some people criticize him for that. Others don't. But that is not saying it is a wrongheaded policy invented by Trump, it is a pretty standard Republican goal and a lot of people have been complaining about it since it's very inception. If you wanna debate that go ahead but frankly I never heard that even brought up in the debates. If you heard it, go ahead and point me to the part but all I remember hearing is Trump is against Obamacare, and that turned into "he hates minorities."

I have heard lots of criticism about Trump. Unfortunately, as is the case with you, it's all about shit he never said or shit he never said he wanted to do. This is why there are thousands of LGBT people inexplicably convinced he wants to round them up, or Muslims thinking he wants to deport them. People thinking he wants to start WW3 and he hates America. The entire media hysteria about him was cooked up and forwarded by people like you.

Trump is against free trade as that concept is defined and used in common language by a consensus of economists. We can debate the best way to classify his stance all day, but I'm not going to argue the semantics of terninology with you. The point I was making is that those who support free trade have made many policy-based criticisms of Trump's economiic views.

As for everything else you said, you seem to be misunderstanding the point of my comment. You stated that you have not heard any criticisms of Trump's policies that were not based on racism or sexism. I provided examples of that criticism. Not all of them are my criticisms, they are examples of arguments that have been made that are easy to find and pop up from commentators and experts nearly every day. I didn't even go as far as to imply there aren't necessarily rebuttals to them. Your point about Obamacare is the epitome of this misunderstanding— nothing in your response is incompatible with what I wrote. Obviously Trump takes the same stance as the GOP. I pointed out that there have been criticisms of this stance. i.e. criticisms of Trump's policy. That is a fact.

You made a stupid hyperbolic statement and I called you out on it. Now you're backpedaling and trying to rebutt some of the criticisms I provided, even though all I sought to do was prove that criticisms exist. Actually debating the merits of these criticisms is a discussion for another day, and it would only be possible to even have that debate once you admit that policy criticisms even exist.

Not that I really want to debate policy with you, I only wanted to shoot down your hyperbole and bring you back to reality where a robust debate about Trump's policy proposals actually exist and is ongoing.

(as a Marxist I happen to oppose free trade too by the way

as a Marxist

kys literally irl

but if I kill myself how am I going to help bring about the downfall of the white race? :(

It's impossible to disagree with most of his policies because he doesn't articulate them. He just says it's going to be great. How are you going to deal with ISIS? I'm not going to tell you. What he has said about health care and foreign policy is demonstrably foolish. Pulling out of NATO and destabilizing the world? Great. Arming all of the national in Asia with nuclear weapons? Awesome. We're going to fix all of our health care problems by lowering drug prices? That makes up less than 5% of the total health care spend (and you can't eliminate all of it - somebody has to pay something). If you throw out all the illegal immigrants, the agricultural industry will collapse.

You are the ones focusing on the woman and minority bullshit. Stop pretending this clown has provided details on anything he's proposed. We'll see what happens. But being a cry baby and saying everything is rigged when he's losing and the system is fine when he's winning does not bode well. He doesn't read, doesn't care about anything besides watching himself on TV and twitter. And that's from his own people. His budget is projected to add trillions to the national debt and every serious financial analyst (not one who's related to Giuliani or some crack pot), both Republican and Democratic belive his proposals are almost beyond analysis because they are so unserious and vague.

Again, we'll see, but I suspect after 4 years with a guy who can't take a single word of derision without acting out like a 5 year old is not going to work out. Why do you think Russia was so invested in his run? Do you think a former director of the KGB might see an opportunity to manipulate a megalomaniac? It's not difficult to do. Maybe then some people might acknowledge that voting for a guy that makes you feel good because he reminds you of your loud mouth relative who yells inarticulately at thanksgiving about how 'it's all bullshit' with a gravy stain on his wife beater and Turkey hanging out of his mouth wasn't the best idea.

Sorry, but complex and delicate international negotiations and policy discussions demand some degree of seriousness and self awareness, both of which Trump has demonstrated none of. Just saying fuck it all is not a policy. It's a temper tantrum. The world is complex. So stop acting as though the only reason people have a problem with him is the racial nonsense.

You guys are all worse than the 2% of Hollywood liberals, that I agree are completely annoying, but make up such a small percentage of the people and rational rejection Trump. Focusing on them and crying about the PC police is just ignorant.

Yea man, you really showed all them.

It's impossible to disagree with most of his policies because he doesn't articulate them. He just says it's going to be great.

That's adorable, you heard Bill Burr say it so you think it's true. He's actually been very articulate about his policies, from immigration reform down to auditing the FED and imposing term limits in congress.

I hate to do this meme again, but this is also why he won. People like you keep saying "he's saying nothing!" but then people read his website and watched his rallies - the full ones, not the John Oliver clips - and he was very specific in what he wants to do. Renegotiating trade deals, dismantling NAFTA if he has the chance, rejecting the TPP, he's the only one who took a stand on the transgender washroom debacle... He was very specific on where he wants to take the country.

And notice how nobody attacked him on policy, either. Hillary couldn't attack it in the debates because she knows she herself was in favor of stronger border control and pretty much everything else. He attacked her on policy, he attacked her on the TPP and all her scandals. What did they attack him on? His temperament, some shit he said about vaginas 11 years ago, just petty nonsense. Watch those debates again, watch what she says vs. what he says.

I mean, it's all there, man. If you don't care to read about it that's fine but it's just odd that people like you keep saying he's all secretive when he has laid out everything over a year and a half. It's all right there, go and read it. Go actually listen to him.

I have no idea what Bill Burr said.

Refute a single thing I said with actual facts? Don't refer me to a website. There is nothing there and what is there is horseshit. I used his own words and ideas. You said nothing except to criticize me.

What do you mean "actual facts?" I listed a bunch of his policies that he was talking about since the start of the election and policies he is still firm on. Do you disagree with any of them? Are you saying he never said those things? See, this is exactly it, isn't it? An actual list of his policies and you're just not seeing it like some Westworld fuck droid.

It's impossible to disagree with most of his policies because he doesn't articulate them.

Maybe you should've tried watching his rallies or reading his website. His plans have been there all along. Or you can wait for Rachel Maddow to give you her interpretation. That's a lot easier.

I watched him ramble incoherently at rallies.

Explain to me a single policy that makes sense. What is his health care plan? I mean, he's contradicted himself so many times it's hard to keep track I know.

You guys are allergic to facts. I was pretty specific. You say look at a website. Brilliant.

You guys are allergic to facts

This is a non-argument that sounds like it came from Tumblr or John Oliver.

Sock-puppetting doesn't make you any less of a retard. Read his actual policies.


I agree with you on elitism part but is this the guy to rally behind to show a middle finger to the left? Because you all will enjoy the next 4 years with this dude in command whether you're right or left. It's not worth it.

I love it. Thank you for the delightful response

I don't think there's anything wrong with the WW2 generation. He's an unfathomably pretentious hollywood douche who moved from East Canada to attend a drama school in London when he was 22 (he was 10 when the war ended anyway), and cultivated the most forced pretentious douche cadence I've ever heard.

Wikipedia depending on how you read it, says his parents ran a company that handled the local gas AND electricity AND bus service. However you read it it sure sounds like he didn't get to London through some charitable program for orphans or some shit.

Of course he's full-on Hollywood liberal elite.

You would be really surprised how many Canadians are like him, and are oh so tolerant of everybody (except anybody who disagrees with their views, those people are stupid racist homophobic idiots "who you simply can't argue with")

Tolerant of everyone but conservatives.

The looks of horror I've gotten for liking Trump for the last year are ridiculous. Uninformed idiots.

Yeah, the WW2 generation is pretty much all dead. They would not have put up with this stuff.

"White privilege" is a pretty shit term anyway. It's widely understood that one's experience in America differs based on skin color. The term makes it sound like everybody should be dragged down to the same level as opposed to everybody should be elevated to the same level.

Also, I've only ever heard it out of the mouths of portions of "academia", Twitter, and political blog posters, and accord it due weight in my life. People that actually build shit have probably never even heard the term.

People that actually build shit have probably never even heard the term.

That's why it gains traction. It was invented as a way to describe how successful people are the enemy and whoever you're trying to con into signing up for another worthless academic course is the oppressed class who you're making all this shit up to sell expensive degrees to.

I used to think "white privilege" referred to that thing cultural thing black people go through where they can't just be individuals but rather whatever they do or think has to represent all blacks while a white guy doesn't speak for all white people (Patrice often alluded to this on OnA).

But nope. Apparently white privilege is just white people automatically getting more rights, freedoms, and benefits because of their skin color while minorities don't get anything. How something so juvenile gained such notoriety in academia and the mainstream is beyond me....

What's the matter, you didn't get your monthly white privilege direct deposit yet? I wouldn't let it go too long. They're terrible with back pay.

Yeah im pretty white in color, but it's Irish/Polish so it's tainted, I only get $300 a month. I hear totally straight Aryans pull like $2000

German here. Can confirm.

There was some black guy who had a great insight - that "white privilege" (cops being nice, workplace advantages), are just basic human decency, and it's not that whites are privileged so much as minorities are still treated like shit in a lot of ways. Breaking kayfabe for a mo but I would agree. There are a lot of ways it's shitty to be brown in America and that's p fucced up my niqqa

Imagine being the 27 year old white dude being told to cheer up because "at least I'm white", even though I'm just as broke and disenfranchised as people growing up in the hood. This whole idea that white people need to cheer up and get the best of both worlds is a line of horseshit. I know tons of kids in my age bracket that are struggling mightly to find work all while juggling $560 a month college bills, car insurance and maintenance, rent, and utilities. I legit have $15 to my name on pay day, the rest goes to overpriced rental spaces and unfair student loan bills.

Actually, none of these white privilege proselytizing parrots are telling anyone to cheer up because they're white. They're clearly stipulating you must feel shame and guilt. That's a far cry from cheering up.

Also some white benefit from their race and some don't. Some blacks benefit from their race and some don't.

People who use the term "White Privilege" conflate it with what it really is: class privilege.

Poor people have it rough, no matter the skin color. Telling a poor white person they are entitled is a quick way to lose their support.

Just so you're straight: the "Greatest Generation" would be Sutherland's PARENTS', which he's just another entitled, eliteist, liberal bitch child of.

not feel burdened and SHAMED

You should definitely be shamed, but not for your skin color. For your numerous other failures and misdeeds.

Its really cute, all these ivy league educated, rich famous white people talking down to white people who live pay check to pay check, had their jobs outsourced, and can barely feed their kids, telling them that they are privileged. Im sure doing such a thing wont breed resentment in which a populist demagogue can take advantage of, no sir

Has he had this talk with his son? A guy who travels drunk on public flights which he gets re-directed when he strips naked and pisses himself, yet receives no jail time?

Him saying "watch this" before drunkenly diving into the Christmas tree in some swanky hotel foyer is still one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


Him saying "watch this" before drunkenly diving into the Christmas tree in some swanky hotel foyer is still one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


It's not the whole generation. It's just the ones who ended up spending their life in little sanctuaries where they were never faced with reality. Actors, professors, old white people living in Portland and Seattle. Old sheltered people. You just think they represent all old people because they tend to have a voice, whereas the conservative older people just work and keep to themselves.

Wealth, attractiveness, mental health, intelligence, a solid family, and luck are all privileges that massively outweigh white skin. Sometimes these categories overlap with whiteness, but not in the case of the poor, white, working class. Trust-funders like Sutherland need to shut the fuck up and stop peddling this massively oversimplified moral framework as virtuous insight.

"It didn't occur to me until I was 80 that I'm a yuppie-cunt."

This guy was 30 years old during the Civil Rights era, of course HE had white privilege lolol. Just another out of touch Hollywood blowhard.

He definitely slapped a ton of blacks and women in his day.

They will cost the Democrats the election next time. If they keep intentionally trying to alienate the working class whites. I don't know why they keep doing it. They have no brain, and their is no leadership at the top explaining to them how bad of a strategy this is. Only Bernie Sanders understood this. And he was making real progress with bringing working class whites back to the Democratic party. But now they will ruin all that, with shit like this.

They keep doing it, because they only have that, they're morally, ethically and creativily bankrupt. All they have is conquer and divide, demonize the other guy and claim their votes as a consolation prize.

If there isn't a civil war within the Dem party right now, they're in serious trouble. The Clinton Machine has been in charge too long, and all the Friends of Bill and Hillary need to be fired, and a new heart and soul of the party developed, based on actual planks, not talking points and bribes. Just the fact that they hire Wasserman Schultz to run the party was a sign they were fucking up big time.

The need to clean house. Kick Pelosi to the curb, get more traditional leadership in the party, and rid themselves of the Clinton stench.

Will they?

We'll see.

PS - teh Repubs are in the same bad shape, if not worse. They need to do the same with the Bush Machine - get rid of Rove and crew, fire the Whip and get new leadership in the party, tell people like Rove and Gingrich to fuck off.

Will they?

We'll see.

He's an old cunt but he done gave us Bauer and fucked Julie Christie in Italy so he's alright in my bike.

Fawk yeah he's poppin wheelies dvv dvv.

Yeah he's wheelie trying.


Yeah, completely disregard his poisonous diatribe cause he fucked a chick somewhere at sometime. You sound like a real man's man! And by that I think you enjoy the intimate company of gentlemen of color, faggot.

I'm glad Jimmy was able to reign in what must have been an insane amount of annoyance

Bunch of whiners ITT.

Serious victim complexes up in here

Great to see everyone is becoming more and more uncucked

didn't he spawn a hollywood privileged son, that turned into an alcoholic.

great parenting there - prob not someone whose opinions I'd hold to much regard tbh.

greatest gen r the boys who stormed d day and fought back the japs in the S.P. 81 those giys r 90-100 years old. those guys dont give a fuck about sjw.

It's all coming from the elderly and boomers who actually have reason to feel guilty. Sorry old folks, I never even lived in a segregated country and civil right passed 25 years before I was born. I feel zero guilt.

All the people on the left trying to shame us about white privilege and guilt are also rich and doing well and actually have some privilege they earned through TV or movies or politics. If they want to give up what they have then more power to them. But don't preach that nonsense to the average white person who isn't rich and isn't doing any better than the average latino or black person. What we have we have earned and deserve to keep. I didn't get special favors because I was white. Fuck, go to a bank and try to get a loan for a business and tell me about white privilege. Banks are quicker to loan money to arabs and Asians who just came to the USA than they are white people who were born here.

I say again, these celebrities who scream about white privilege need to live on say 100k a year and donate the rest to charity and their pet causes. And politicians who spout that nonsense like congressman should all take a massive pay cut right now and donate their excess to help the less fortunate. If they do that I'll believe their bullshit but until then fuck them all.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to witness, does it make a sound?

This man is not ashamed to be gay. I am not either. I should mention I am gay, but that speaks for itself posting here and all.

You're among friends, Ricky.

when elderly people adopt a fad or belief that always means it is on it's way out of style. Him saying this is a good thing, he's just too dumb and old to realize it.

Hes an old hippy... poor guy

Does anyone really care what that old queen thinks?


Lottery? Why? If you are a black man that is not a criminal, it's easier to get a job. In fact, it's required that you be given a job.

And you get a big dick.


I'm becoming increasingly more aware that older generations have created an uphill battle for people in my age group.

They have, and it's nothing to with white privilege, it's all about the moolah.

But Donald Sutherland is trying to sound relevant, ignore him or enjoy his farts.

Sutherland has always been an ultra liberal hippie. His second wife's father invented the current health care system in Canada.

Im almost at that interview, I think I'll skip it. Thanks for the heads up.


Does anybody remember laughter?

The left keeps pushing for civil war

To be fair, younger people are usually more like that than him. He is a giant exception to most people his age.

but that does not relieve you from your responsibility for this material!

As a young man I feel I should be coming up in the world and finding my own path and purpose, not feel burdened and SHAMED for simply existing as a white male (...) I want off this ride

Way to sound more like an estrogen leaking faggot than the people you're decrying

BTFO cuck, he sounds like a hot twink with a good head on his shoulders.



He's not the greatest generation. They're 90 and up. This guy was a baby cuck in the 40's. The commies must have gotten to him.



ah peckahs

Relax. You're still white.

MmmmM you sound hot

All of you shut the fuck up

As a young man I feel that I should be coming up in the world


Hopefully, he's wears heavy duty depends, cause that nigger full of shit...

I'll give him a break since he was alive when there really was white privilege.

He's the same generation as Clint Eastwood, aint he?

He's been alive so long he's actually been apart back when Hollywood was racist as fuck. He still made his millions, so he has that perspective. I work for a living so i cant really be arsed to check my privilege all the time, or i'd get fired.

And i'm not really sure what good it'd do? If my color is the problem, what good is it knowing about it? Is the toilet leaking? yeah.. Okay, now we know. How about a solution? A final solution perhaps?

Day of the rope is coming.

K lmk fag

He's such a cuck.

I don't want to listen to entitled, whiny celebrities (especially ones with rep for being intolerable cunts on set and to their gfs) lecture me , either, but what a repetitive conservative slog this fucking place has become post-election. It's no wonder the mods are going to start scrapping threads soon.

It's not even a funny conservative slog. Just whiny and angry.

Yeah im pretty white in color, but it's Irish/Polish so it's tainted, I only get $300 a month. I hear totally straight Aryans pull like $2000

Lottery? Why? If you are a black man that is not a criminal, it's easier to get a job. In fact, it's required that you be given a job.

How is Trump against free trade? Not liking existing trade deals and wanting to renegotiate is not against free trade, where are you getting this from? The free marketplace and free trade is build upon mutually beneficial contracts, one person thinking a contract is not mutually beneficial is not against free trade. This is almost as retarded as the EU saying that Britain is incapable of trading with China without them while everyone from Iceland to Norway seemed to figure out how.

I don't agree with him on bringing back manufacturing because Americans will always be competing on price (Canada does the same, which is why all it's manufacturing jobs are underpaid and nobody can sustain themselves.) Oh no, does that shatter your image of me as some Breitbart-worshipping sycophant? Funny how I've never made any assumptions about you, but it seems everything you have is built upon the idea of me being some sort of fanatic. I guess this is another reason why he...

He is against the Affordable Care act. Some people criticize him for that. Others don't. But that is not saying it is a wrongheaded policy invented by Trump, it is a pretty standard Republican goal and a lot of people have been complaining about it since it's very inception. If you wanna debate that go ahead but frankly I never heard that even brought up in the debates. If you heard it, go ahead and point me to the part but all I remember hearing is Trump is against Obamacare, and that turned into "he hates minorities."

I have heard lots of criticism about Trump. Unfortunately, as is the case with you, it's all about shit he never said or shit he never said he wanted to do. This is why there are thousands of LGBT people inexplicably convinced he wants to round them up, or Muslims thinking he wants to deport them. People thinking he wants to start WW3 and he hates America. The entire media hysteria about him was cooked up and forwarded by people like you.

(as a Marxist I happen to oppose free trade too by the way

as a Marxist

kys literally irl

I've heard multiple criticisms of Trump - especially since he won the election. The left refuses to accept that Hillary was a terrible candidate, so they're just focusing on Trump's flaws.

From what I can tell about his agenda: he hates 99% of Obama's executive orders. I think that there is a consensus in DC (on the right and left) that Obama abused executive orders on an unprecedented level. Many of his EOs harmed business and made doing business in America extremely expensive.

"After he lost control of the Senate in 2014, Obama announced at his first Cabinet meeting: “We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation. . . . I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone. And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward.


This behavior ruffled a lot of feathers on both sides of the aisle. It was a total affront to congressional authority and a dangerous abuse of executive power.

I wouldn't mind seeing Trump cancel all of Obama's executive orders and then reinstating the most useful ones, piecemeal, through the proper congressional channels.