In honor of Opie crying about not getting UFC ticket. Reposting my story

5  2016-11-13 by DButler1979

Here is my one personal experience I had with this douche.

So I have been a listener for a long time, not sure exactly how long but I was at the first softball game in Newark. Anyway for years I heard him mention how his in laws were big Dolphins fans and he wanted to get them Dan Marinos autograph. The last time he mentioned it, before christmas of 2013 i figured id reach out to him on twitter because I was in a position to help him. At first he wouldnt respond til i mentioned a mutal friend we had in common so he knew that I was for real. Totally understandable. I go back and forth with him on DM and he says he wants to get helmet signed. No problem. Dan gets things thrown in his face to sign ALL the time and i have seen it get annoying or him. He always handles it with class even though it would get to most people. One helmet is not a big deal and he would do it for me no problem. So I set up a time to opie and kenny to come by and drop it off. They show up after a show one day and i go up to the car and meet them. Opie says "bro i have 3 helmets is that cool? Oh and Jimmy has a football he wants signed". Im like sure, but it would have been nice if i had a heads up. Not only do i have to lug all the shit around. Up to my office and then over to Dan to get signed but its always 4 things instead of one. Whatever, i offered and im happy to do Jim a favor too. We bullshit for a minute and opie says at one point "we should hang out, gimme a call and come up to the studio any time man". As a fan im thinking awesome, i mean i know he really doesnt want to "hang out" i have been around enough "famous" people to know when theyre just being phony nice guys saying the right thing. Guy Fieri is one example I had this experience with. I did however think he was serious about coming up to the studio. We say goodbye and thats that

That weekend I get everthing signed and let him know. Now its december and I know he wants them for christmas. TEN DAYS LATER after messaging him 3 times he finally comes to pick them up(my office in 12 blocks from where he lives, literally). He comes back with Kenny and Kenny comes to grab the stuff. He doesnt come out of the car or even roll down the window to thank me. Forget any offer of any money or anything for doing this for him. Not that I expected it, but around christmas it would have been nice to offer. I ask Kenny if I could get a picture with opie, and he reluctantly gets out of the car to oblige. Drives away and thats that.

Shortly after this i get diagnosed with cancer and dont get a chance to message him about coming to the studio. Months go by and i message him about him getting me into the unmasked and explain why i had been going thru. I know it may not be possible so I tell him not to worry about it if he cant. 2 weeks go bye and no response. I message him back and tell him not for nothing but i did you a favor, a simple response that you cant do it would be nice. Blowing me off like that is just shitty. He doesnt respond to that either, so I copy it from my DMS and put in on twitter publicly. He responds immediately and says im sorry your upset but I havent checked my DMs in WEEKS. Funny, you seem to be right on it when i was doing you a favor, guess it doesnt work the other way. I tell him if that really is the case my bad for thinking the worst. I realy do not think it was the case though. He says it absolutely is the case, send me your address and ill send you some stuff. I say no thanks and thats that.


That was long and needed line breaks, so I'll make it easier for everyone.

Butler felt ❤ for Opie

Then he got the big Casino

Now he feels 💔 for Opie

Gold please.

The point is Opie cries when when he doesn't get pictures with U2 or tickets to something but forgets THIS is how he treats people when he's in a position to do something for someone.

You're still crying. What an attention craving fag.

Your fault for helping a known douche.



Hope you beat the cancer, buddy.

Twitter link?

Didn't you already post this a couple years ago?

Yeah, did you read the fucking title? That's why I said I'm RE posting.

Why don't you come back here and shut up!

It's okay, people are ending his free shit and now he knows how trivial he truly is.

Downvoted for being a whiny little cunt...much like Opie.