Schumer getting a new round of shit for an old racist joke.

112  2016-10-26 by Ant_Sucks


looooooooool you can forget about seeing her anymore. she started playing an unwinnable game. a nobody within a year.

She played with fire and she got burned. She played the SJW game of calling everybody out for bullshit and now she finally gets a taste of it.

There's nothing better than seeing these people with insanely "virtuous" standards for everyone else's langauge get tripped up by their own shit.

Mmm...roasted pig.

won't see her no more.

Grab the gun.

She ate the canoli.

Your harshest critics and most bitter enemies are always your own people.

In Islam, its far worse to be the 'wrong kind of muslim' than to be jewish, for example.

In war, the enemy gets shot, but traitors get hung.

TACS appearance imminent.

It's funny these idiots can't see it coming when they get all high and mighty. It's only a matter of time before the finger gets pointed back at you

You know what they say, guys, point one finger at someone and you're pointing four back at yourself. God bless.

I almost posted this.

post some trannys instead

Hurry! This rod won't stand forever.

It will if I have anything to say about.

You should rap it.

Don't tempt me

Would you say the pendulum is going back the other way?


you don't think sassy black women appreciate (((white))) privilege becky humor?

Don't worry. She'll instagram out a half naked picture tomorrow and everyone will call her "brave" and "courageous"

that shit is like currency, it goes down in brave value the more you put out there.

also because she photographs like benjamin franklin

That picture is probably 2 years old. She's markets herself like a girl on Tinder. Looks good with the angle, but when you meet her at the bar, it's fucking Fright Night.

You heard it here first folks, crookedmile thinks Amy is hot.

But I ...... oh boy

I mean its no secret she looked better 3-4 years ago. every picture she takes she looks visibly worse. like she's been cursed by the incans.

A gypsy spit at her through their fingers and said, "Fatter!"


For this sub, 2016 is the year of the weekly X-mas.

Amazing that to everyone else on the planet 2016 has been a horrible year but to us it's the greatest year ever.

Probably because we're all horrible people.

It's like math here, minus times minus equals positive.

Meme magic is real and beautiful. Praise kek.

White Feminist is actually a pejorative now in progressive circles, incredible! They did more than half the work for us.

Yes...all the (((white))) feminists are seeing their pets turn on them.

"Wow she just said something I think is racist, better call her a generic white girl name since i am superior to her and definitely not racist myself"

SJWs will never win or get sympathy when they are constantly being blatant hypocrites

No you don't get it. According to the Church of Social Justice, "people of colour" aka non-whites can not be racist because they're subhuman. They're like animals. They don't know any better. Only whites have the cognitive capabilities required to be racist.

Yes, but only the good, not redneck/racist/gun nut type of whites are good enough to solve it; whites of the Woody Allen / Noam Chomsky / Jeff Epstein variety

"Whattya mean 'they' cut the power?? They're ANIMALS, man!"

A couple of those made me laugh. She really sacrificed her integrity for fifteen minutes of fame.

Those are the ones she stole.

Ah excellent, a way to avoid changing my opinion.

or the ones the comedian she was fucking at the time wrote for her

You just gave some lurking Jezebel journo a great story.

That South African joke was pretty funny.

Most definitely written by somebody else. She has a flock of lackeys are her disposal. She feeds them just enough crumbs to keep them around. Just ask Metzger.

You're making my dick hard right now.

Holy crap she's done, some of the others are getting shit too

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It was just a character, like Mr Imus.


I can't imagine spending my free time scrolling through thousands and thousands of tweets looking for something to be offended by. I hate Amy as much as everyone else, but still what a fucking miserable, joyless existence these people live.

If only they had a more wholesome hobby, like focusing on pushing two fading radio hosts to suicide.

Thats a lifestyle, not a hobby

These people have no free time, except to be offended, it is a lifestyle to them, not a job. Don't worry, they will all be consumed in the fire they all set themselves on.

This is really testing my conscience. On one hand I really hate Jews & Amy Schumer, but on the other hand I really hate Jews, blacks & SJWs.... I'm a man without a country.

Listen to America's Horse with No Name. It'll soothe your mind.

If we knew what was best for us, or if we had an ounce of principle, we would be defending her in this. But we don't, and we definitely don't. So fuck her.. Nazi schumer.

I think we get a pass on this one because she's been cultivating this.

You reap what you sow.

Tsssss yeah it's like you can also rape a sow or sumtin

Take a pass on this sow Chippa, she's a well known racist. Did you see that video where she appropriated n-culture?

The only people that think she is funny are unfunny people who think funny people think she is funny.

She was probably eating Chinese food when she wrote this.

By eating Chinese food I assume you mean she was eating all of their food. The entire country of China's supply of food, she ate it.

Go on...

She went to Thailand and the King tried to give her as a gift to an obnoxious courtier

Then what happened?

She went for a swim in the ocean and Japanese whalers tried to catch her for meat, oil, and blubber but they claimed it was for scientfiic research.

You're a good sport, Tom.


Who's Joey?

You are, Joey.

My name's Tom, sir.

Of course it is.

C'mon Joey....

Hi Tom, sir. I'm Joey...or am I?


Could you go into greater depth please?


Wow with the hardcore PR team she clearly has no one thought to have an intern comb through and delete all her possibly incendiary tweets?

Dumb fucks

Puerto Ricans won't help her.

Nothing a new video from her duvet being maudlin and looking fugly wont fix

keeps her in the news. how else is she gunna stay relevant

"That's not very woke of you" hhahaha

Who would dare imply that Asian people have similar facial features? She's literally Donald Trump at this point, you guys. I can't even.

This must be part of that conservative racist white character she sometimes plays.

Somehow I'm blocked on her Twitter account? I must've called her an unfunny pig joke thief sometime in the past.

Chink jokes went out of style after the transcontinental railroad was completed.

Except for the tsunami.

Good point ... nothing prettier than glowing yellow

This sub absolutely predicted the course her fame would take. Big explosion of cultural feminist relevancy quickly going into "messiah" territory, acceptance by hollywood... then her mouth started making regular people hate her... feminists defend her, proof of her lies SOMEHOW became common knowledge... feminists defended her but cracks began to appear.... then the 100% inevitable scism of feminists on her "feminism credentials" turning into intra-feminist racism pushing her down the Progressive Stack


I was with you, ant, until the tee-hee. That's some faggot shit.

Its norton's

No no no. You are anthony, I've deduced from all your right wing racist comments. All, the tranny fucking gave you away.

Who would have thought cultivating a fanbase of SJWs would result in quote mining and twitter outrage? ... cause you know those people aren't know for that.

Oh I don't about that, some of them have been known to quote mine on occasion.

Oh literal mathskov ....

Uh oh Amy better watch out and get out of the way. The Pendulum is swinging back the other way.

She'll just say she was playing her republican character.

the psychological implications of rising to the top so quickly and then falling suddenly, publicly and disgracefully on an already insecure 30 something with weight issues must be huge

this is gonna be one extremely crazy chick

Eh, she's got fuck you money. She can just go live in Hawaii with Rosanne Barr.

LOl I love how she backpedaled on her old "republican character" she alleged to be "playing as" for her 'Inside Amy Schumer' ... just admit that's who you really are. It was quite funny, as is this azn joke.

Mike Cernovich commented last night on it. Said it's sad because she used to be really funny.

Looking at the replies really makes me wonder if those people ever laugh.

They seem like such miserable cunts. It's got to be exhausting.

"......THOSE PEOPLE......"

I hate the people calling her out for this more than I hate Big Amy. And I fucking hate Big Amy

LOL everybody hates this cunt. The new Lena Dunham. Imagine turning off large chunks of your audience by being an insufferable liberal and then the left doesn't even like you.


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This is awesome so glad people are turning on her

It makes me so happy to see her constituency devouring her. My only fear is that they will get full before they finish her off.

Why is SHE getting blamed for her Asian friend meeting some guy?!

Because she let the Asian drive and there was a deadly accident.

I bet she wont get any real hate for this, she is pretty much a god in the sjw world. Fucking Shaun King was proven to be white and people still believe his antiwhite "we wuz kangz" bullshit. Also, noone really cares about asian jokes.

But we WUZ kangs! We taught dose Romans how have a culture n sheeeit

"not-so-round eye of shit"

You're gonna get shit smeared on your face when you play with the retards.

Silly fat girl trying to make sjw's her friends. They always turn on you Amy,always,broken people always in search of fresh blood


thats awful to Photoshop your own head on a skinny women. Very dishonest

No guys don't you get it? That's just a republican character she's playing.


I hate this fad of coming after people for a single joke, printing it all over as though it's a statement, coming after people's jobs and livelihoods and thus censoring/shackling their freedom of speech. However, this couldn't be happening to a worse person. This fat bitch had it coming as she's done exactly that to plenty of other innocent people.

You've made your sty; now lye in it Piggy.



i dont understand what the fuck is happening with her. she obviously knows what a shitstorm that tweet was gonna create but she did it anyway. is she trying to have some sort of comedian's integrity now? WHAT THE FUCK

The tweet is from 2010


How is one Asian person repeatedly spamming fat Amy's Twitter considered to be a "round of shit."

Never mind, I couldn't tell they were different people Tweeting her at first.

That's enough meat to declare "controversy on social media" for any other fucking thing though

If that isnt ripped off thats actually a pretty funny joke

I want to say this is a Margaret Cho joke.

WTF I hate Amy now

Best part is, its not even her own material. Getting herself rekt with stolen material.

She's a hack because her well wasn't deep enough when she "made it". Maybe if she had made it later? She could be better? By then she'd be in her 40's and would care less about appealing to the 20 somethings. Wouldn't mean she'd have to cut that crowd out completely: most of Louie's audience are millennials, and he's way out of their demographic.

But she didn't have a deep well, so she has to rest on this half-baked indignant crap for any kind of credibility. Meanwhile SJW's EAT THEIR OWN; so even if you made a funny racial joke 6 years ago; someone is going to find it and make a big deal about it, which makes you look more like a hypocrite as the 'credibility' you were building erodes. As a comic, you should've been able to draw a bead on those SJW types years ago, even if you are staunchly liberal.

Maybe she's not that smart to begin with. Who knows.

Louis CK's bell pepper farts are funnier than her entire career.


I don't get it.

"J.K. Rowling ‏@jk_rowling Oct 21 .@amyschumer This is the most I've ever laughed out loud at a book."

Oh man. Sucks.

Don't forget, she is a children's author.

I know, it just hurt a bit. Harry Potter and wizardry rules.

I guess it's only body shaming when you're shaming the body of a fat jew

speaking of which, Amy Schumer is so fat

how fat is she?

I actually breathed air through my nose quickly at that one. What a bunch of humorless nothings.

I wish there was a way to tell the normal people shitting on her from this sub shitting on her. Her poll numbers might be skewed a bit

yes we get it, we all hate her. but why waste so much time on her on a OnA subreddit? when was the last time she was even in studio?

The OnA studio? Yeah I guess it has been a while maybe youre right

Had to have been at least a week or two



She was on Jimmy's show back in February.

Never mind, I couldn't tell they were different people Tweeting her at first.

That's enough meat to declare "controversy on social media" for any other fucking thing though

I know, it just hurt a bit. Harry Potter and wizardry rules.

A gypsy spit at her through their fingers and said, "Fatter!"