Opie's done! confirmed by the fag himself. (and Jim and Sam have a show)

383  2016-09-27 by funnylikehahaha

  • Treated Jim like shit on air for 2 years, ignored his characters, cut the balls off his humor
  • Did no show prep and showed little interest or insight in any topics
  • Continued with horrible, non-contributing "guest comedians" whom even the dwindling fanbase hated
  • Brought in two bumbling brothers to "produce" over loyal guys who knew what worked for the show
  • Highlight of the whole run was when he cried on the air

NOW he wants to act like it's a "shark tank" when these guys are seizing an opportunity to just do funny radio. They would have worked WITH him but he ran that mess of a show out of spite & bitterness for two years.

Did no show prep

He kept up with the Kardashians, man.

Just a 'lil taste though

Even reading that now infuriates me. Fucking happy he's gone.

took a peek

Apparently he sees professionals making an entertaining show and having a good time as some House of Cards power play. It would be impossible to list all the ways Opie ran the show into the ground through mismanagement and general lack of interest.

Of course he views it as a Machiavellian style move because that's how he veiws making radio.

I'm an idiot. I didn't even get the "shark tank" reference he was going for. I assumed he was out at the aquarium by himself (I picture him doing loner things like this all the time) and decided that's when he'd address this shit, in public where everyone is forced to hear him.

He WAS at the aquarium by himself. You could tell from the ambient noise and the awful editing intended to cut out the Jaws music as he was standing under a speaker because he has no sense of awareness.

I actually thought that he purposefully added a badly-recorded jaws track that was drowning out most of the end of his little speech.

His speech was totally cut out by bad editing!

I didn't get shark tank either. I thought it was he got eaten by sharks.

The no show prep thing he always bragged about as if we would think it's cool. Nothing cool about a 60 year old man with the "too cool for homework" mentality.

it didnt bother me so much when the show didnt suck.

Thats a fine user name sir

YES! Hit the nail on the head man. Opie loves to talk about how long he's been in radio and how successful he was. Obviously he played his part but he was lucky enough to find a very talented funnyman in Ant. And after Jim joined, it was Ant and Jim doing the heavy lifting when it came to the entertainment.

How long has he been doing radio? I can't remember and he never says it.

Who knows, he's such a humble guy doubt it's a big deal to him

Was there any way this ends without Opie being the victim?


Can you imagine Bob Eatman's conversations with Opie regarding a new contract? How he had to toe a line between telling the Opester he's a delusional idiot and getting dismissed as his agent, and suggesting just sign the fucking contract whatever they give him -- he'll never earn anything close to what Sirius offered him.

Man, Opie is in for a hell of a rightly deserved shock.

"Keep your head on a swivel" I think this dope is the only person who didn't see this coming

He TOLD Jimmy to quit the show if he didn't like it. He told him that on air! "Keep your head on a swivel" - keep it in reality! What a fucking nut!

Don't forget holding out on contracts without letting anybody know for his entire run at SiriusXM

What the hell were the Stangels supposed to do? One talked, one didn't. But I never figured out what they were supposed to be doing that warranted what was probably a pretty big salary.

Opie, the perpetual victim.


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that's what you get for trying to create a hyper-relevant username

/u/JenCumiasHotDogCart is not that relevant.

Great audio from the man with 18+ years in the radio business

He's so fucking stupid.

This is how he officially announced it. After all these years he goes out being talked over by fucking shark incoming music.

He's so fucking stupid.

it's amazing. he's impressively stupid.

He's so fucking stupid. This is how he officially announced it. After all these years he goes out being talked over by fucking shark incoming music. He's so fucking stupid.

it's amazing. he's impressively stupid.







I know right? It actually seemed deliberate too, the clunky cuts to more jaws music. I bet if he tried to suck he would exceed anything he has ever achieved.

It was absolutely deliberate. Period.

Yes. Period.

of cooouuurse!


ahh shit SWIMWALK

this is the most annoying thing about this stupid fucking video. I want to celebrate, but instead I'm just being infuriated by his complete ineptitude.

Seriously! I couldn't make it through the video.


he thinks it's deep.

Goes along with the whole "Opie ponders water" thing.

He wins again

Only thing I took from that video. Probably not the best thing to be posting when you're trying to sell yourself as a board op.

There are countless Youtubers with nearly $0/year income who make videos with astronomically better production value than this.

He's just all-around incompetent as fuck.

I'm guessing the poor recording and the loud music is to cover up a shaky voice.

"I do not do morning radio. I do not do a show with Jim Norton".

He signed a new deal. Afternoon Boobs with Gregory Hughes.

I bet it's going to be The Boob Hughes & Hack Henley Show.

did he sound choked up at that point?

He hasnt "done" radio in a long time


Tits Magee in the Afternoon

I hope he does. I'll call in every goddamn day to berate him.

He made a point to specify "MORNING radio" and not working with "Jim Norton". He has an afternoon show which means our work is not done

It's like batman and the joker. I need him around still so I can get him fired.

"Why so, Sirius?"

Its not the same spelling. They are 2 different words.

Oh, literal J1701!


Came here to say this.

Can confirm, am faggot

I'm happy he's gonna be around. It keeps our hate on it's toes.

it's the best outcome. hopefully we get a decent show with Jim and Sam and then I know some of the autists here will still hate-listen to Opie's dogshit abomination afternoon show and post terrible things here. this is a great Tuesday.

This will be just in time for SXM to launch their tracker and opie will finally get to see just how tiny his audience actually is. And even better he can see it compared to Sam and Jim.

Terrible things... Terrible... Terrible things. We should put together a gofund me for those brave warriors willing to listen to

This sub should be pro-active and set-up a charity for the Veterans of the OpieRaqio Campaign.

No doubt, these few & proud brave lads will be putting their hearing, intelligience & sanity on the line everytime they tuneinto Opie's horrific dogturd of an afternoon drive show.

They got PTSD during the course of their selfless service to this sub. Subjecting their ears & dissolving braincells to the inane ramblings of a large-titted fool who has learnt nothing over the course of his 30+ year radio career.


I have to agree with this. We can't have classic O&A anymore but we can bask in the hate of these three dysfunctional ass-clowns. The Jim and Sam show might actually be listenable; more than we can hope for with either Ant's current or Opie's future show.

On its toes. It's means "it is". You're welcome.




can I get in on the fun*

$200 an hour*

Yep. Which anybody with a brain knew he meant this whole time.

Yes BUT he apparently wants more for doing an afternoon show, and SXM wants something substantially less. So its only a matter of time until Opie pouts and leaves the table

I'm betting he just wants the same thing, or a nominal raise, and they've offered him far less. What's on that station in the afternoon? Replays? They're not gonna go from replays for free to paying 7 figures for the Opie and Vic show.

They're not gonna go from replays for free to paying 7 figures for the Opie and Vic show

Maybe, if Opie threw Sharrod in there. That would make the purchase a no-brainer for Sirius!

The work continues...

exactly! and if i could head ANYTHING over the idiots choice to record RIGHT THERE WITH ALL THE FUCKING NOISE I could have heard a potential "and i am no longer sticking in radio"



Yeah but getting Jim and Sam away and shuffling him off to obscure satellite afternoons is the next best thing.

Sirius/XM is known for throwing big money at washed up do-nothings just for the prestige of having them on board. In Opie's case, it's possible that they're throwing medium money for a few more years at him just to skirt the embarrassment of having to justify their relationship.

I can't wait to see the ratings on that one

Excuse me sir, me and my children are trying to enjoy this Aquarium. There's a man over by the shark tank who keeps breaking down and crying as he talks about radio while constantly filming. I never get a chance to take my kids places and he's really bringing down the mood, could you send over a security guard to talk to him? Thanks

security guard unholsters weapon


No they don't

Thanks for explaining the joke.

Did I?

Fuck you

......and opie quickly parts his buttocks with his hands as awaits for intimate invasion.

I would ask for a security guard to throw him in the tank.

Imagine bringing your children for a nice Tuesday morning at the aquarium and as you approach the shark tank, you see a 65 year old big-titted douche bag blathering to himself about satellite radio. What a fucking idiot.

I read your comment before watching the video. It was worse than I could have imagined.

He's not done.

He says he's not been fired.

And then this passive aggressive boob starts to talk about what him and Sirius are discussing and the music comes up real loud to drown himself out and keep us guessing.

What a needy creep.

My favorite is the fact that comments have been disabled for the fucking video.

He knows there's no one out there on his side anymore

He thinks that if he turns the music loud enough, people will become interested in what he has to say. Maybe then mommy will give him that hug he so desperately craves.

You don't think he is real cool and mysterious?

Hoodies Up MMAAANNN!

I hope he dies from faggotry.

alas he is an immune carrier

His contract is up in days.

Not getting renewed is the same as getting fired.

Exactly and he said he did NOT get fired. Meaning he most likely has a deal in place.

The only thing he confirmed is he is done with mornings (which he wanted) and done with Jimmy (which he wanted).

BaldOpie really did a number on Gregg. He refuses to appear on camera and clearly has a complex about his baldness, tits, and inability to buy jeans appropriate for his age(early stages of elderly.)

he was our most powerful weapon, goddamned geneva convention

First they take away the pear of anguish and now this?

this is the best news possible wrapped inside the worst thing I've ever watched and heard.

Most accurate review


He sounds like a stuffy nosed man trying not to cry. His emphasis about Jimmy signing weeks ago to do a show with Sam is great. It really hurt him. His attitude is so womanly. Act really shitty to someone, and then when you get a negative raction, get all weepy and hurt.

Its so weird how this tard posts ominous videos with shadowy threats while all jim wants to do is do a funny radio show. The man is literally a psychopath.


why should he know how to talk into a microphone.

Ah why would he?

Jesus christ is this autistic moron capable of just expressing himself directly like a normal person without these faggy little theatrics

Living with him must be a joy

Imagine being his kids? Holy shit.

*Bams kids

LOL He's calling Jimmy and Sam sharks.

He literally can't even take responsibility for fucking himself over on the only job he could ever get.

THAT'S NOT TRUE...He could become a caddy.

I couldn't be fucking happier that Sam & Jim now have a show.

double happy when Shawraaad or Vic & Opie can't get signed and have to resort to a weekly podcast.

im pregnant

Opie is on the verge of fucking insanity! Look at what we have done to him !

I'm just overjoyed that no one replied: "Remember this sub has no effect blah blah blah who gives a fuck."

I can't believe he didn't let Jim and Sam announce their own show. He really had to go out by stealing their thunder? What a cunt faggot.

That is very cunty.

I understand being spiteful towards your radio partner and blowing up his spot if he signed a deal behind your back and never spoke to you about it.

That said, Opie deserved to have his radio partner sign a deal behind his back and never speak to him about it.

As BEST as this PFG-SCIPLE can make out:

Good MORNING, (LAMBCHOPS). This is OPIE, and I want to THANK everyone that REACHED out to ME trying to figure what's GOING ON with me and the FUTURE of my RADIO SHOW. And... Well, here you go. I feel like I HAVE to tell you SOMETHING. I do not do MORNING RADIO anymore. I do not DO radio with JIM NORTON anymore. I found out through MY AGENT than JIM NORTON will continue at SIRIUS. I believe he SIGNED a contract a couple of WEEKS ago according to MY AGENT. And it looks like he will be doing a SHOW with SAM ROBERTS. It was PRETTY OBVIOUS to EVERYONE.

I have not BEEN FIRED. SIRIUS, who has been REALLY GOOD to me over the YEARS, (they want me to do a WHOLE NEW show. A BRAND new show). We're TRYING to get that WORKED out together right NOW.

So... (we're TALKING, but I am not) SATISFIED with what they have OFFERED so FAR.

Let me LEAVE you with a LITTLE lesson: KEEP your head on a SWIVEL, 'cause you never KNOW!!!

atta boy

His voice sounds worse than Sam's voice. I think there is nothing he could do to actually land a job in radio, if he was starting from scratch.

He relies so heavily on someone to carry him. It's going to be a train crash, watching him thinking Sherrod and Vic can do it.

Over the years, when Hannity used to call in, Sean always tried to get Opie to guest on either his tv or radio show. Opie always said, "I don't do politics!", and laughed it off. In hindsight, it is clear that he just knew that he is not strong enough as a communicator to ever try to appear in a situation when he didn't have Ant or Jimmy, or Sam, or some random comic to do the heavy lifting for him. This would also explain why he just sat next to Anthony and laughed like a fangirl on Letterman and Leno.

Keep your head on a swivel. Just embarrassing. Who does he think he is fooling?

Just embarrassing. Who does he think he is fooling?

Himself. Plus, he thinks if he does the tough guy act in front of the wifey, she won't fuck Bam. As much.

Didn't Bam get fat?

If my options are two unattractive guys with tits, I'll go with the one who used to skateboard and occasionally do funny stuff.

opie gave her the retard kid and bam gave her hudson and she's never forgotten it

Good for Jimmy, he has no neck!

he said "keep your head on a swivel" which is old man for "watch your back"

do you reckon he was forced out somehow?

No, this fucking Idiot treated everyone around him like shit, then when they naturally distance themselves from him and do their own thing he views it as a personal attack.

He explicitly said to Jim "then you gotta go" during their fight.

Then when Jim re-signs by himself he's the traitor.

Sound logic.


He's FAHKIN' HAD IT with radio guys stabbing him in the back!

Which fight? The one where Jim said "in October I'm gone", or the D L Hughely thing?

he's implying that Jim and Sam stabbed him in the back, but really they just stabbed him in the peckah.

Aw, peckhas

In 2009 he fought with Anthony saying it was time for them to part ways and do their own shit. He had the same fight with Jimmy and said "well we only have until october and then we don't have to deal with each other".

Both cases Anthony and Jimmy absolutely did not want the show to end. They both just wanted to keep doing the radio show. Opie was the one that blew it up and threatened to end the whole thing by not re-signing.

So Jimmy took Opester at his word and started working with Sam and those two created a great show together. And Opie is hurt like they stabbed him in the back. But the only reason Jimmy found another show was because Opie kept saying it was over in October.

Opie did this to himself. He forced Jim out and now he's mad at Jim. It's pathological narcissism.

Thanks for translating this, I had no idea what that meant. He must be saying that Sam is a backstabber (I'm sure he was always concerned about Jim).

keep your head on a swivel

Poor Opie, his feeble mind doesn't even realize that this seemingly profound original thought is yet another ripoff from time spent in studio, Ant was always saying this.

Mission Accomplished gents. take the day off and swagger.

"According to my agent" - So he has absolutely no communication with Jim anymore.

Maybe it´s everyone else and Op is actually a stand up guy

I genuinely think Sam + Jim + Anthony would bring back 100% of the magic of old O&A.

Listen to "NOPIE" shows. SAM filled the OPE'STER role. He wanted to BRING on BOBO or some other HACK garbage.

Ya you're right

Why do you have to say that?

Why do you have to send chills of excitement and magical anticipation through me?

Not since Anthony became too political and too racist. I can dream of a good show like that but I think it would just devolve into unfunny political rants while Jim and Sam try to awkwardly change the subject.

Ya know, I lurk here once in a while to see what the "hot takes" are, and have never really hated opie or hated anthony. However they both have become oddly annoying, and I had to stop listening to the "opie" show not because of vic, sherrod, or normand but because of opie. He really is an as described annoying bag of shit, he's not funny, he ruins funny, and has lost his sense of knowing when to sit back and shutup. This fucking video of a shark tank, with comments disabled, and awful shark music is the ultimate display of douchery. I hope everyone he's worked with leaves him behind and like I've seen predicted, he's back to spinning records somewhere during afternoon drive. What a fuck face this guy is, really, "OOOOOOHHHH LOOK AT ME BEING MYSTERIOUS ANNOUNCING THE END OF MY RADIO CARREERRRRRRR, just don't leave any rude comments guys :) :) :) :)"

You don't think that this is how a successful, grown man in the radio industry should communicate?

has lost his sense of knowing when to sit back and shutup.

This. I've been listening to 2004 xm shows. He gave Jim and Ant room to work, moves things from topic to topic. I'm not sure where it all went wrong. I think when Ant started partying (in the early xm days he talked about going to bed at 830) and the race stuff went over the top (it used to be a lot more playful, and it was all three of them), somewhere in there he lost track of the fact he's not really there to be funny.

Yeah when Ant basically made the show the end of his day (usually after drinking all night) you could tell things were going down hill. Opie and Ant had a big fight a while after it was like that and part of the argument was that Ant was a total alcoholic just phoning it in.

Honestly I think the worst thing that ever happened to these guys was being put into mornings. They always seemed so much happier to do afternoon drive in the old radio days. When they switched to mornings it seems like they slowly disintegrated after a few good years at XM.

Early on at xm, he didn't even have guns. He talks about going to buy a shotgun because of the number of home invasions. Seems like he was a little off kilter after he broke up with the first girlfriend (Melinda?), and Niccolini wrecked him.

Yeah his personality changed pretty hardcore over the XM years. Obama in 2008 really seemed to mess with his head, that's when he started going from being funny racist to just being racist.

Yeah, up until then it was very "Archie Bunker-ish"

That's right Opie. Everyone's out to get you. Keep telling yourself that, buddy!

With antics like this Opie clearly sits down when he pees

What a horrible fucking video. God I hate him.

God & I hate him.


God obviously sent him that waterhead as some form of divine retribution.

Look for Hudson to end up full-body paralysed after a horrendous X-games accident.

He should've done this as "LOVES THE INTERNET GUY". I LOVE that bit.

Thank god it's all over

Nothing is over until we say it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


Is it?

Suicide? I'm modding the shit out of GTA 5 but I should be done by 9pm.

Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome.

Keep us up to date.

Will do.

Hi, this was 7 hours ago and I've still not seen any updates on your GTA 5 mods.

The ones I really wanted don't work and there's conflicts all over the place.

I ended up just using the basic trainer with super jump and invincibility.

I spent all day on the bloody thing like a big fool.



He's such an embarrassing talentless cunt. He can't even make a shitty youtube video right.

What was the vaguely threatening stuff at the end? Is he going to murder Jimmy?

No, that would be too entertaining

I wonder what happens to E-rock and Travis. I hope they're on Jim and Sam's show. Okay, I listened to every O&J show. It was frequently meh and sometimes terrible, but overall it was listenable b/c of Jim and some of the comic guests riffing with Jim. But without Jim, an Opie w/ Henley or Sherrod or DiStefano will be so bad no one will even ironically listen to it. It will just be bad bad. Guys like Henley and Sherrod and DiStefano have zero broadcasting experience and it shows. They're not funny or interesting. I'm very curious to see how Opie will deal with the success of Jim & Sam relative to his show, because we all know his will have worse ratings.

I'm so happy that I don't have to listen to Opie anymore. He really brought nothing to the table. Jim is free! Uncle Paul is free!

(Late August)

ME: I'm doing afternoons and I'm getting a raise. Period.

ME's agent: I don't know if they'll go for that.

ME: Tell them I'll leave if I don't get what I want. Period.

ME's agent: Ok.

(Early September)

Sirius: Fuck. Opie's not doing mornings anymore. We need a new morning show.

Jim & Sam: We'd like to do a morning show.

Sirius: Great! Sign this contract.

(Late September)

ME's agent: They're offering you afternoons, but for less than you're currently making.

ME: FFFFFFFUUUUUUCCCKKKK. Fine, get me a pay raise and I'll keep doing mornings.

ME's agent: Uh... they already have a morning show. They're offering you afternoons or nothing.

ME: This is Jim Norton's fault. Keep your head on a swivel. Period.

Trying to spin it in a way that Jim went behind his back and cut his own deal.

Gregg is a sick man who needs to make it all about himself.

Tonight Show here he comes!!!

He's suck a fucking cunt. Every single thing this fuckhead does is annoying as shit.

What the fuck is wrong with this cunt?

Very professional and dignified way to go out, Ope. This buffoon couldn't even say farewell without massively fucking up.

I guess Jimmy was wrong when he said Sirius wouldn't want just him without Opie. Sounds like they want Jim without Opie.


Just swimmin n fucken

His intern took his job LOL

...but how does management FEEL about this new direction? Tits? Comment?

what does this idiot say at the beginning? hello lambchops?

I can't wait for another 20 minutes of Grandpa Gossip analyzing this like the Zapruder film while his hangers-on chortle in the background.

so jim and sam have a show... on the Opie Radio channel? Let the theories commence...

Management loves the direction of the shark

I would imagine Opie Radio is getting rebranded to a generic channel name

Meanwhile Howard still has his own channel name going on 10+ years now. I hope that stings Opie.

'How's that feel, fucker?'

*two channels

It would be naive also to think Howard didn't have a hand in castrating the show.

I honestly don't think Howard has even thought of Opie once since he talked about Ant getting fired 2 years ago.

Well that's if you exclude Howard prohibiting people from using the hallway so he doesn't have to see Opie face-to-face.

Notice how this faggot keeps disabling comments? He probably doesn't want people celebrating that his reign of retardation is over. I hope his son falls in that tank.

Bam's son.

How about a new show, early evenings (drive time in LA) with Rich Vos? Title: My Audience Hates Me.

title: my life raped me. tss tss cuz he fucked himself. GET IT.

Opie and Anthony always win in the end! ALWAYS!

he does, i dont know why people on this sub dont get that. he has been wanting to do an afternoon show for years. now he is going to get it people on here are acting like jim and sam stole the show from him. the afternoon show is going to be awesome.

did your holes start bleeding as you were typing that?

This must be Snowy's reddit account.

Check out this lackeys post history, Nothing but posts in defence of the Opester.

What do you like about Opie?


Gregg "Fez" Hughes

He thought this would be a meaningful, metaphorical video, "It's a shark tank, dog eat dog world out there, lamb chops!"

"Lamb chops" - he really is a mix between a stupid 13 year old and a faggot.

When Tits saunters in at 11:59 to "reluctantly" accept their best offer, I hope they snatch the contract away from him just as he's about to sign it, half the number, then slide it back to him.

That would be glorious.

The suits could cap it with a "HOW'S THAT FEEL, FUCKER!", in unison.

But remember he's always said that he has that fuk U money...

He has to make a point out of the fact that he found out about jimmy taking a morning show through his agent. As if things have just been going fucking swimmingly these last two years and this "betrayal" came out of fucking nowhere. God he sucks.

What a fucking queer!

Listen to this one, fellas.

When the music gets loud he says something like "Sirius has been very good to me and has offered me another show. We are trying to figure out what that's all about." Basically Opie is a cunt

so this 60 year old man with thirty years in broadcasting still has to figure out what his show would be all about? he brings NOTHING to the table.

I'd be shocked if Entertainment Tonight didn't lead off their show with this video/story tonight. TMZ is prob camped outside the apartment he will no longer be able to afford.

Me: Lyns you have to stop being friends with Jess...PERIOD

I wonder if Lynsi is on his side still or if even she is like, "You know, you may need to start being nicer to people."

"i'm not satisfied with what they've offered me so far." Sirius should can him and realize that they'd lose ZERO subs. They actually did lose subs over ant's firing and they didn't care, why care about this shithead? He should feel luck to be offered even 50k a year, for his level of talent.

He's so utterly shit at talking to people on the radio. It really is baffling he still had a job. I hope they fucking laughed in his face when he asked for a pay rise without Ant there.

i'd love 50k! i can do better impressions

In light of this new information, this actually makes me respect Jim a little bit more. It makes the Uncle Paul skit from Opie's last day really aggressive.

"I'm sticking with the company, do what you want, asshole."

Which show was that on?

ME - keep your head on a swivel, because you never know...

Wtf does that even mean?

You can tell by the tone of his voice and use of words he's so mad and trying to pretend he's not

He's going to do a "Company Boy James stabbed me in the back (despite giving him a year's warning)" gimmick to be the rebel and Jim the corporation bitch like Anthony made him. He can't let Ant have anything. Shocked he hasn't broken his wife's hand yet.

Either that, or it's a threat that Jimmy needs to "watch his back" because the Opester is gonna call in some favors, make Jimmy's life difficult. Yeah, that's the ticket...

I took it as the angry version of "your friends become your enemies and your enemies become your friends" or whatever they used to say about radio.

Does not even realize what a toxic person he is. Its everyone else's fault for backstabbing him.

"Keep your head on a swivel...because you never know..."

Hahahha. What an impossible asshole dope this fucking guy is. Just another classy end to a working relationship.

Disabling comments on his videos is great. He gets so bothered when ppl call him out on his horse shit. What a fitting end to this dirtbag's career.

Keep your head on a swivel? Is the Opster trying to sound ominous and threatening? Oh no! Opie's gonna kill Jimmy!

Oh my god what was that. What an insane way to make this announcement.

Opie is the gift that keeps on giving.

"You're a grown man crying about a radio show in public, just how old are you?!"

"Late twennies! Whah?!"


"Fine! I'll go home to my criiib, I just hope no telemarketers call when I'm trying to eat... or havin' seeeeex!"

It's completely unsurprising to me that a guy who has been in radio for 50 years cannot produce a video with with listenable levels of sound. I could not understand 1 in 3 words in this. What an absolute fool.

This combined with his hour long ocean video + cryptic tweets makes me wonder if he's having a nervous breakdown.


"Jim norton? Is that who we are taking about? I seriously already forgot about him. PERIOD!"

Im hoping this plays out old school and Opie gets beaten to death with a tire iron.

What are some of them other improvised weapons we got?

broken millah bottle

Rollin Rocks


SchockTop Therapy

millah bottle work pretty good dont it?

Shank work pretty good

soda can pull tab

What a fucking jack ass. I truly cannot wrap my head around his thought process, and this video is retarded and incomprehensible.

Man, seriously - there's something mentally ill about him.

Gross. The needy fuck posted it on his timeline again, he really is doing everything he can to rally the ballwashers to salve his wounded ego.

Exactly. Trying to get as much sympathy as possible. He really is deplorable.

are the listeners the sharks

After a year of trying to fuck over jimmy and push him out, he calls jimmy a shark?? Also, how has a veteran in the entertainment industry got this bad production quality on his videos still? Can't hear shit

I wish we could hear Stern gloat over this situation, but it's been years since he's given a care about Opie.

This is the best day in O&A history...and I'll probably never even listen to Jim & Sam(but I'm sure it will be great), but oh boy am I excited to see Opie fail.

Me- I'm the victim

Meanwhile Lindsay Hughes was spotted getting into a pink Lamborghini with Bam Margera.

Have you got confirmation of this?

I can confirm.

Good morning, lamb chops

Add it to the list of Sayings Opie Couldn't Get To Catch On

my hand hurts from upvoting so many posts

Reboot time! Get ready for The Gregg Show coming this fall to SXM!

Be on the look out because The Gregg Show Van will be giving out free t-shirts at a Long Island strip mall near you!

I wonder what the new channel name will be

It's too bad he didn't cry again.

He did. Before the video. After the video. In bed with a very regretful wife. In front of his children.

Maybe not in front of the sharks, but I assure you he cried.


He couldn't edit out the kids screaming in the background? What a tool.

He ripped that off of Anthony.

This will get buried but bravo, I logged in just to upvote this knee slapper.

waiting for Ant's response video clip

It'll be a video of Anthony floating facedown in his pool.

Dressed as a shark?

Who sharked Cumia's money as a pay rise when he left, and how much did Opie stick up for him? HOW DOES THAT FEEL FUCKER, HOW DOES THAT FEEL

ME and MY radio show.


Opie's a massive piece of shit and this whole thing is another reflection on his character. I'm glad we broke him.

I have never wanted to see someone broke and homeless as much as I do Opie. Dear god and baby jesus, please make this dream come true!

Do any comedians even gain any additional fans by plugging their shit on OnJ nowadays? I can't imagine a single person our there hearing sherrod or vic Henley on the radio going "man this guys act is great better buy some tickets to his next stand up show". I mean it made sense when the traveling virus tour was a thing

If only they could somehow rehire Anthony now it would be perfect.

Man, he's right, it's such a ruthless business with no loyalty. If only his radio partners had stuck up for him instead of letting him swing.

Tits, cut your wrist and jump in that tank. You're done.

aaaand comments are disabled. lol buh-bye, dummy!

If you actually listen what he says, which is really difficult because of the obnoxious shark music, he says he has not been fired by SiriusXM, who he says has treaded him good over the years, and has been offered to do a show on his own. He says he's so far not fully satisfied with their offer and plans to get a better deal for himself.

He says he's so far not fully satisfied with their offer ....

he should be fully satisfied with an offer

"2 year deal"

I thought I couldn't possibly hate him anymore but he just keeps outdoing himself.

Great audio.

My God is he clueless.

This was like finding out Lucas wasn't directing Star Wars anymore.

The big question.

Where does E-Rock fit into all of this? Does he produce for Jimmy and Sam or is he kind of gonna be bullied into staying away from those guys to please his hero?


Dude's probably like, "Hey eRock. Your show is like popular and stuff. Hows about I just slide into that chair there… Go ahead. Slide over a bit, Slobbo… Yeah... So what are we talking about kids? Your comic book dolls? I'm down with all that shit. Let's have a hang."

Let's have a hang."


He's a very ugh-able human being.

And dats dat.

This nigga sssstinks.

'comments disabled' -- you would have thought you were looking at Brother Joe's youtube page.

Pretty sure this is Atlantis in the Bahamas - looks like Opie needed a nice, long vacation to rummage this all over.

Wasn't "keep your head on a swivel" Ant's line?

I always hear Ronnie B. use it, but either way Gregg "Tittie" Hughes is an unoriginal, soft brained, white nigger who would benefit from a touch of the aids.

What's he say towards the end when he turns the shark music up louder to drown himself out?

he said "I love cocks so much" repeatedly

mmmmmmore mooore

ME: I enjoy sloppily eating Bam's creampies fresh outta Lyn's muddied cooch! sniffs

Who cares

Was just curious is all.

I'm sorry I did that.

Drama queen should have recorded this by a kiddie pool, because that's about as deep as he gets.

Its finally happening!!!!

Peckah Shark 2!!!!

It's only fitting that the last time I'll ever hear him on the radio was the exact same "Howard won't say hi to us" story he's told since the beginning of XM. And it was so word for word alike that I had to look to see if it was an old best of instead of a regular Monday show (9/19). It even had the "Ronnie's cool to us" line.

Who produced this video, Bobo?

They should hire him as the sidekick on "Harry."

The obfuscated audio is to mask his complete and utter embarrassment at the situation.

I know Opie is dumb, but is he autistic? The music editing, his final "keep your head on a swivel, cuz ya never know", the random slow motion. He seems like he's definitely on the spectrum.

He's not pfg

GREATEST possible ENDING would be SIRIUS hiring SCORCH who becomes SAM'S boss and FIRES him.

Of course, Sirius would need to DROP most of the TALENT, including HOWARD, to AFFORD megastar SCORCH... PFG, so it won't happen!!!

Opie the victim AGAIN!

This is bobo level retarded


What the fuck is he saying??? That fucking awful shit is playing in the background too loud after like 45 seconds.

Thank god. Opie and Anthony reuniting on Compound Media! What we've all been waiting for!


This is the "splitting the shows" plan Opie mentioned he wanted to do, please check your privilege everyone.

What the fuck is this stupid shit?

The funniest thing is Sirius more than likely offered Norton the same amount of money to work with Opie vs Sam. Cause we all know he'd a sniveling little rat and he would've taken the bigger paycheck for sure. So that means Opie is about as valuable as Sam is to Sirius

this piece of shit again acting like a victim. hilarious. good thing we all benefit! hooray for Mourning Harambe in the mornings!!

This is great. I might just resubscribe for Jim & Sam, but probably not because I'm destitute.

You can tell by the production value of that video that he is an veteran when it comes to audio.

How many scoops of powdered milk can 5,000 YouTube views buy you nowadays?


I can't believe it finally happened. Now I can get back to liking Jim.

Hopefully he got a big enough raise that he doesn't feel the need to scan his fans out of another $60k.

What a nice surprise.

I might actually renew my SXM sub.

time to sign up for some new 30 dayers gang! some amazing good samaritan here explained how you can get sirius xm to sign up more than one email account for you by incudling some periods in the sign up email or something like that... alas I have forgotten :C

Gregshells, Gregshells everywhere!

LOL he turned the comments off on all of his videos and they are all downvoted like 80-90%

I can't see how it can be called the Opie radio channel anymore. Who the fuck would name the channel after the who gives a fuck show on the channel? Norton and Friends channel ladies and gentlemen.

They'll be on Raw Dog or something similar.

Norton and Friends has even less branding than Opie Radio or the Anthony Cumia Network.

Compounded Mistakes Radio? O.P.E. Radio (Orating Peckahs Everyday)? The Bennington Channel? Jocknado? Jason Ellis Presents? Howard 103…

But seriously, you just KNOW what it will be called RAW TALK. Fawk yeah, peckahs.

(Or something even more lame? Transmit. The Now. The Chat Room. Podcast LIVE! The Hangout. Komedy Klubhouse 103. SXM's lame-itude knows no bounds.)


Chip's the only entertainer connected to the O&A brand, who commands the kind of fan loyalty that enables blindly stealing 60K from fans to bankroll a 5 minute animation that likely shouldnt have cost a 6th of that.


You didn't say channel enough

If anyone has the gusto to take it on...a transcript of this would be appreciated. Cant make out any of his stupid audio when the horrible soundtrack music is boosted way to high...Obviously Mr. Douche did this intentionally...

The show has moved past you.

Guess they're not parting as friends.

You guys don't like the metaphor he's using here?



A mushmouthed simpleton's rambling feat. Bam's Kids

i cant hear shit in this video after he says Jim and Sammy have a show together, something tells me these sharks will be his only audience from now on

30 years in radio and he can't even fucking mix the audio right.SNIFF

Way to mix the audio shithead

That stupid kid in the background needs to get its face pounded in.

Praise the lord!

Well, now I have something reasonably entertaining to listen to regularly again, which is cool. Bonus is Opie apparently feels he was stabbed in the back. I've never really hated him THAT much, but now I kinda do.

I think my favorite part is now knowing for sure that him not showing up to the last show was a fuck you to Jim, but the show was much better without him. He really fucking sucks at being entertaining on the radio. I feel like more than half the population could make entertaining radio with Jim Norton, and Opie managed to put out the most boring shit imaginable while he was running the show. It really is true that him crying was the only entertainment he provided in the last two+ years.

I kind of want to see Opie do an afternoon show with a new co-host just to see how bad it is. Jim, Sam, and the crew will be able to do a pretty good show (Would be way better if Ant was there and Sam was the "Host").

Is Opie negotiating for his own private entrance like Howard so he never has to see Sam and Jim?

Sam has been pretty neutral in the past...wonder if he'll start telling horror stories about how Opie was to work with now that he's free.

So deep, maahn

...now go home and get ya fuckin shinebox.

I'm trying really hard to get through the video, but just hearing his voice infuriates me.

So...we going to start referring to Tits as Felicia now?



Sniff Sniff Sniff

Wait, so should I like his YouTube video or not? I'm happy he's gone, but the video is probably one of the shittiest I've ever seen. So confused.

It's so hard to believe this is real - but its so easy to believe he made this.

That audio quality from a radio show host... amazing.

Opie is literally the worst

Fuck that guy needs to either see a doctor and cut his losses and dive in that tank.

this is so sad.

I'd listen to Sam and Jimmy. They've got a good Chemist Tree.

By the way, guaranteed Ant can now get on the show. I'm sure it's a coincidence.

Why would Sirius offer Opie any type of contract? He brings nothing to the table. If they're paying him anything more than minimum wage that would still be too high. He shouldn't be paid to do radio. Period.

Why is this video so terrible? Didn't he pick anything up working in media for 30 years?

I'll miss him. He gave Ant & Jim a platform to build their careers; then, they carried him through most of it. As much as the autistic-faggots-who-should-be-taken-to-the-vet-and-put-to-sleep-before-they-shoot-up-a-school posters on this subreddit disagree with me, any intelligent person can see no one person in that show owes his success to any other. Ant needed Ope to show him how to do radio (and to get a steady radio gig); Jim needed Ant & Ope to build his career nationally; Ant & Ope needed Jim to keep from killing each other; Opie needed Ant & Jim to create humor.

It was a good run, but all good things must come to an end. Godspeed, Opie.

Still pushing for his afternoon show?


He's sleeping with the fishes now, literally.

I like how he made sure to emphasize he heard everything from his agent ie Jim didn't tell him that he signed a new contract with Sirius.

Why would he? They're naht clooowse!

can someone use editing software to take the Jaws audio out of this shitty video?

Management loves the new direction of those sharks.

Nice try with the hate tho.

He couldn't just call him Jimmy

Manic Opie is really embarrassing.

I'm pretty sure that little Kittner boy could put on a funnier show.

That was actually the best thing Opie has EVER produced

How desperate does Shill Henley look after all of this? What a creep.

Summer Eves with Greg, Becky, and Debra.



I wouldn't even care if opie died

Paralysed Opie.....it took a while but hey ho.

Ugh, wish he would die already

Where's Father Doris.


Perfect. Two former morning shock jocks with a verified history of mental illness.


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You should have worked it out with Anthony instead of being a puss and letting him call you to be like "Wtf?? Opie, what's going on dude?" You wanted to have that be the power play to say "Ant, I'm mad at you for all this stuff I never addressed and now your in a weak spot you've got to hear it."

Let's be honest, without him, you would have never made the money you made. You screwed your buddy..sorry: coworker, as you apparently hated him and he was annoyed walking around on greg shells. Don't you see how much of an axious wreck Ant is? He drinks to cover it up. You think he was going to yell at daddy Greg? He's scared from his psychotic father throwing pascetti at the wall. What did your counseling help? I think your best bet it to have a heart to heart with the two of them and be honest, but I think it's way too late now. You fucked yourself. I hope you saved your money man because this ain't the 90's and satellite only survives on good content, you don't know what you had bro.

Nice over dramatic video. I hope your wife REALLY loves you, because this is usually the point in a relationship where you need your bitch the most and she turns on you thinking your the loser you feel like you are, then bangs someone who's been trying to fuck her the whole time. Ohhhh girls suck. WE'LL SEE!

Am I the only one still not buying this shit? His crying and thanking faggots for the faggety sympathy on Twitter, Jim and Sam openly seeming to gloat----just seems off to me. It could be a good ole fashioned raqio hoax....

I'm not buying it, the Opester will be on the channel

What CHANNEL? If OPIE isn't WORTH his old SALARY, he isn't worth the SMALL amount of MARKETING for a dedicated CHANNEL.

You are speaking of the contract negotiation like you were in the room sir

Keep your head on a swivel? What a fucking baby! I wish Anthony came back that would have been so much better!

Opie goes back with ant now?

this fag cant even make a video right. the fucking music at the end it so load i cant hear the bull shit

Opie can always start a show with Jim Florentine and call it the SUCK show, and get fired again.

Opie was always a mechanism for the show. He wasn't a talent. Jim and Ant made O&A. Opie just oiled the gears.

this is the type of incoherent passive aggressive video a psychopath would put out before engaging in a killing spree.

No show prep? Didn't he read a lot of the books the guests would write?

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Opie is the shark, swimmin to long island

Opie's a puss and a bore. He was the straight man between two funnymen for too long.

He was deliberately obscuring the latter part of the video with the music. If you listen carefully, he says something to the effect that he's not leaving SiriusXM, but his show hasn't been sorted out yet by management.

You'll also notice that he specifies that he's not doing morning radio anymore. Morning. Which means in all likelihood an afternoon slot on the Opie Raqio channel.

He's not going anywhere other than a new time slot.

I think it was obvious that he was doing afternoons, for the past few months. I just hope that Jim screwed him somehow, so there's a chance that they run into each other again.

I doubt it. I know this sub likes to imagine these people as having no social skills and being unable to control their impulses, but I don't think whatever animosity exists between Opie and Jim will result in anything more than curt hellos and avoidance of eye contact by all parties.

He said to keep your head on a swivel cause you never know. Opie is obviously seething mad. Not that he'll do anything physical, but opie seems really hurt.

I agree - I don't think there will be physical altercations, but that awkwardness is good enough for me.

Too bad. Video of that bitchy little slap fight might actually get Opie the viral video he so desperately craves.

Great news if true. Jim and Sam actually have chemistry and can produce a listenable show. Opie is useless. Adds nothing to the conversation. He was lucky in that he had two hilarious guys in Ant and Jim to do the heavy lifting on a show that pretty much ran itself.

Listenable? Man have your expectations been lowered the last couple of years.

They were good today. But I'm sure it's nothing compared to the awesome cutting edge stuff you listen to :/

What are you talking about, do you know where you are? We all listen to the same garbage here, in general.

If this faggot trying to annoy people bothers any of you kill yourselves.

Oh no, poor Gregg Hughes is probably going to have to sell his MULTI-million dollar condo and move to Buffalo or Rochester. I hope he doesn't run into any small stations he Jocktobered, I hate thinking of him groveling for a job and some insignificant station manager power tripping over the once mighty satellite radio shock jock.

Then there's Jim and Sam. Over the years I've lost interest in the worm, but this little turn of events has me smiling. To come in as the third mic, endure the shit show which was O&J and then get his own show and push Opie out the door, it's too much to not love Jim a little bit. And probably one of my favorite things is how much it's eating at Opie knowing Sam is going to do to him what he did to Scorch. The shit talking on the new show might be worth listening to, for free of course.

Even though the mighty Opie has fallen, I know he'll be fine, all that water in his brain will keep him safe.

He says in the video he isn't leaving SiriusXM, this is more theatrics. Opieradio loves on

He's drunk.

this is weirder than a david lynch movie

The New Opie Trump, vague and stupid

Welp Anthony is going to hit the bottle tonight.

This whole thing is still messy. The sense that Jim is a careerist has tainted his reputation. I can't enjoy his comedy the way I did 10 years ago with this lingering over it. Sam too but I don't care about him at all.

Why? He just said yesterday this was happening. So it's not like he hoped Norton was joining Compound. He gave up on that in June.

Sooo while I wouldn't fly to Vegas to put money on this... Part of me feels like there is a greater than 0% chance that we see Opie in the Compound today, having a laugh with Ant that we fell for their long "feud bit"

This is a metaphor for how Jim and Sam backstabbed him you stupid fucks.

I hope he does take the O&A shows off youtube, and then you loser faggots might have to wonder what you're doing with yourselves.

Listen to them off our own computers from the torrent sites. And you are literally insane if you think Jim and Sam backstabbed opie. I think all of them are pieces of shit as of late, but why is it that everyone who knows opie personally has a problem with him? The other guys and staff seem to atleast get along. When everyone you've ever worked with has a problem with you, maybe you should look at yourself and wonder "gee, is there something about me that is unlikable?" Instead of just blaming everyone else for your problems.

wow! we got a TBO on the line here folks. It's the equivalent to a TBM (true believing mormon/true blue mormon)


Even though Tits sucks balls and his solo show with Jim is totally ASS, he should have called out Jim for being Ant's little bitch during the texting thing. Should have fired Jim for being a fucking traitor, which is what he is.

It will always burn him up. That's what the 'ALWAYS KEEP YOUR HEAD ON A SWIVEL' horseshit is about. What a fag.

The Jim and Sam show sucks already. It's the same shit over and over and over and over. Sam repeats himself every 10 seconds like a dope. - How long until Sam resents Jim for going on tour for the entire year for his dopey comedy that no one cares about...

Ironically Sam has actually worked pretty hard for his show and to kinda be 'pushed' into taking Jim sucks for him. Instead of his new direction that appealed to much of the old and a totally new audience, he now has to drag the Jimmy anchor. - Probably feels indebted in some way. I don't think Sam's show is very good, but I think this is Jim Norton a guy who STILL after all these years doesn't know how to do radio (listen to his advice show) is going to put an anchor in Sam's shit... I can't wait for all those One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest references... - Why would you put an old unfunny hack on a new show meant for 18 - 35 year olds?

An ugly manchild with a bad voice that isn't very funny or likable isn't going to be "anchored" by anyone, let alone a mildly successful comedian who knows how to be funny off the cuff.

This is a huge boost for sam. A timeslot people will actually listen to, bigger celeb guests, a real co-host, and probably a big salary increase.

God bless Sam's little branballs for getting a raise and to Jimmy the queer for managing to hang on, yet again...

Maybe we can get Jim and Sam's dad to do gay stunts for the show... Now that could work.

Why would you put an old unfunny hack on a new show meant for 18 - 35 year olds?

I AGREE. SAM should be FIRED!!!

LOL - Two queens is the new show name...

It's like batman and the joker. I need him around still so I can get him fired.

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I'm happy he's gonna be around. It keeps our hate on it's toes.

The work continues...

Yep. Which anybody with a brain knew he meant this whole time.

'How's that feel, fucker?'

*two channels

Yes BUT he apparently wants more for doing an afternoon show, and SXM wants something substantially less. So its only a matter of time until Opie pouts and leaves the table


alas he is an immune carrier

security guard unholsters weapon

that's what you get for trying to create a hyper-relevant username

Have you got confirmation of this?

Ya you're right

It would be naive also to think Howard didn't have a hand in castrating the show.

Listen to "NOPIE" shows. SAM filled the OPE'STER role. He wanted to BRING on BOBO or some other HACK garbage.

Why do you have to say that?

Why do you have to send chills of excitement and magical anticipation through me?

Sirius/XM is known for throwing big money at washed up do-nothings just for the prestige of having them on board. In Opie's case, it's possible that they're throwing medium money for a few more years at him just to skirt the embarrassment of having to justify their relationship.

I would ask for a security guard to throw him in the tank.

Yeah when Ant basically made the show the end of his day (usually after drinking all night) you could tell things were going down hill. Opie and Ant had a big fight a while after it was like that and part of the argument was that Ant was a total alcoholic just phoning it in.

Honestly I think the worst thing that ever happened to these guys was being put into mornings. They always seemed so much happier to do afternoon drive in the old radio days. When they switched to mornings it seems like they slowly disintegrated after a few good years at XM.

Not since Anthony became too political and too racist. I can dream of a good show like that but I think it would just devolve into unfunny political rants while Jim and Sam try to awkwardly change the subject.

exactly! and if i could head ANYTHING over the idiots choice to record RIGHT THERE WITH ALL THE FUCKING NOISE I could have heard a potential "and i am no longer sticking in radio"



Yeah but getting Jim and Sam away and shuffling him off to obscure satellite afternoons is the next best thing.

I can't wait to see the ratings on that one