Last O and A show. Listen to this without any preconceived notions about them. So if you hear Opie do an Opie, imagine you've never heard that before. No Jimmy. It's pretty good. Great chemistry.

3  2016-09-13 by Mr702law


How appropriate is it that Sandy Kane was their last guest.

Jimmy wasn't there? I thought Opie said he heard Jimmy jokingly say it would be their "last show" at the end of their actual last show before Ant was fired.

Last show comment @ 1:41:00

Do you know when the "steeped in folly" bit was?

That sounds so familiar

They had great small-talk chemistry even without Jimmy towards the end. Things seemed fine.

It's sweeter than butter peca-a-a-a-a-a-an.

God, now I'll have that stupid fucking shit tune stuck in my brain for the next MONTH! Fuck you, Sandy. Your songs are worse than Todd Pettengill's!