Lena Dunham is really sorry about embarrassing herself with this OBJ thing

31  2016-09-04 by ultr4


"black male bodies" how pretentious. Hey Lena...I liked you better when you said you were just joking, cuz you were. She's so deep in that liberal shit of course she's going to cave with an apology.

It's typical. She even said the whole thing was self-deprecating. It was the perfect out. Why does acting as pathetically spineless as possible make some people actually feel better?

Spineless people aren't threats so by doing it they feel like they won't be attacked since they show themselves as weak.


Even if she didn't dress like a gay colonel sanders I'm pretty sure the dude wasn't going to acknowledge someone who's going to talk his ear off about her liberal feminist agenda all night. Dude catches footballs. Chill out.

You don't think he would want to talk about her dad's art?

fuck now i have to jerk off thanks

Who is "thanks"?

What the fuck

Her dads name is "Carroll?"

This will definitely satisfy the black lynch mob responding to her. This is quite the dilemma, on one hand you have a fat bitch complaining about not being talked to, and the other hand you have pieces of shit shoehorning race into it. They both need nuked


True, she's probably stupid enough to keep bringing it up too. The only way to get rid of them is do what Ari Shaffir does and just ignore Twitter for a couple weeks. Even though I despise her I still wouldn't like to see the lynch mob win ever, all it means is that their next target could be someone you actually like.


Lol good point, it would be karma for pandering to them

Eventually they all will be to some extent. Most of it gets ignored by the media, but there's always some lunatic that wants to score holier than thou points on somebody.


If it's someone I actually like they won't give a shit about SJW nobodies on Twitter, which takes all of their power away. It's only when you act like Dunham and do the "Please educate me!" groveling that they matter. Unless you say something bad enough to get fired.

She will keep bringing it up because she will never admit to herself that she is wrong and will keep talking about it to try to convince everyone else she is a good person

I like how even when making an apology, she still has to show off her progressive chops to try to reassure her audience that she's definitely not one of those people.

As many times as she took responsibility in the apology, it still sounds like she's not really apologizing.

Women are experts at that

Touché, I need have only looked back on my last 20 years of relationships to avoid making such a redundant statement.

It's a standard "sorry not sorry". Is not "I'm sorry for my actions" is "I'm sorry society is so messed up it made me act this way"

I get the non-apology, I just don't get why people don't call her out on how... shallow and me me me it was.

It's like if you're just sitting there doing nothing, and your girlfriend comes in the room screaming at you, cuts your pinkie off with a steak knife, and then apologizes by saying she is on her period and having a really bad day.

What do you mean those people?

You know, one of those people who's not been made aware of society's assumptions about and the projections made onto black male bodies.

Makes me sick to my stomach.

But when will she apologize to her younger sister for the molestation..?

"I see how unfair it is to ascribe misogynistic thoughts to someone I don't know AT ALL."

This will surely alienate her fan base. Ascribing misogynistic/racist/trannyphobic thoughts to people you don't know, and getting even more outraged when someone else calls that unfair, is the literal bread and butter (see, because they are fat) of Lena fans worldwide.

She should say "I was just joking." That solves everything.

Ultimately, Lena Dunham made a shitty joke that missed the mark.

The problem is, she did that in a time when a culture she has directly worked to perpetrate viciously punishes people for something as small as making a shitty joke that misses the mark.

Hopefully this snake will keep eating its own tail until the whole thing disappears.

Of course even the apology has to be all about her.

fuck Lena always using her hideousness as an advantage.

I'm ugly everyone look at MEE

I'm ugly why isnt anyone looking at me?

Sorry I thought that way its because I'm ugly

But she wouldn't have said ANY of this...if OBJ was WHITE.

She is really back pedaling hard. Imagine if she regular pedaled hard.

Wouldn't it just be easier to say "fuck you" to SJW fans, give up the victim status and start appealing to normal people?

You mean doing a reverse Sarah Silverman/Kathy Griffin/Amy Schumer? Intriguing, and maybe not a bad idea. This SJW thing is going implode horrifically soon enough.

Hilarious watching the snake eat it's tail. It's like they say "ya live by the cunt- ya die by the cunt"

She was doing her gimmick with is pretending that she and women are always victims. Even when absolutely nothing happened to them, they are still victims. And it would have worked if she chose a white man. But she made a mistake and chose a black man. Which is very risky. SJW's white guilt trumps everything else, and they will attack if you activate their white guilt.

Nice to see she's all about body acceptance and thinks she looks good, until she has to be a victim again...

This is why I'll never pay for a Judd Apatow movie ever again. He made this pig famous.

Fuck you, Judd.


She and Jonah Hill should get married.

Oh boo hoo. I'm too fucking lazy to better myself or incapable of loving myself as I am. Shut da fuck up!#

Lena you are a flaming sack of garbage so it's normal to feel that way. Stop showing off your disgusting awful body, keep it covered from head to toe and you will make 99% of the men in the world extremely happy.

Women have it so fucking easy. They get to say/do racist shit all the time, build a career off of it, all while pretending to be a Liberal feminist.

All they have to do when caught is apologize, and basically surrender their right to being a human by degrading themselves, taking responsibility for all the things wrong in the world, even the paranoid made-up minority things.

Women get to do whatever they want because once they get caught, they just have to pander to the person questioning them, begging them for help by being a submissive weakling who buys into every single "save the blacks" campaign like they're a fucking endangered species... WE CAN HARDLY GET RID OF 'EM!

What a piece of fucking shit...

"Despite my bravado, I feel I don't meet the certain standard of beauty expected by industry at events like the Met..."

Immediately goes to playing the victim. "It's because I'm not pretty...thats why I said these things, wahhh"

What a child. These two cunts really are the same tub of pig shit....they can't take responsibility for their actions...and always blame their fucked up behavior on the plight of "being a woman whose body & looks aren't accepted by mainstream". What shitheads.

Damn, she almost had me. I started the slow clap until her SJW nonsense about black men being persecuted.

Nonsense in the sense that she's incorrect, it was nonsense for her to bring it up. Black men have been lynched because fat, entitled white bitches decided they were looked at the wrong way. Surprised she'd even admit it.

Comes across like the only reason she is apologizing is because he is black.

...and so when I show up to the Met Ball surrounded by models and swan-like actresses, it's hard not to feel like a sack of flaming garbage.

LOL she finally wrote something funny.

I'm surprised she addressed false rape accusations.


I just bought a sandwich with cucumbers on it. Just sharing something more interesting than Lena Dunham.

It's times like this when I really wish /r/fatpeoplehate were still around. :(

We would've torn that bovine a new food hole.

They're tearing themselves apart. This is fantastic!

But most importantly, I would never intentionally contributed to an often long and violent history of the oversexualization of black male bodies -- as well as false accusations by white women towards black men.

LISTEN AND BELIEVE... unless the girl is white and the guy is black, then they're all liars.

Touché, I need have only looked back on my last 20 years of relationships to avoid making such a redundant statement.