I was asked by people here to tweet about Amy Schumer confessing to rape. So yeah, spread the word and please RT

209  2016-08-23 by cbanks420lol


After talking with the other mods, I decided to open this thread back up. Just the wording of the title and some of the posts can be considered brigading. In the future there will be some rules made and enforced all the time. On that note don't get this sub shutdown and I'm still going to delete the shitpost threads. Sage doesn't need 1000 threads devoted to her a couple well thought out ones are fine.

Well we know who the faggot mod is

We're all good. Thanks man, I appreciate it



Wow you take this seriously eh....

Just the wording of the title and some of the posts can be considered brigading.

Doesn't that term/rule only apply to interfering with other subreddits?


It's civilized we have each other's backs. I hand pick people that I know from previous O&A sites and mod them.



Brigading only applies to other subreddits, retard.

Go try and get a straight answer from the admins as to what they consider brigading... I'll wait.

It's literally called "vote brigading" for a reason. Show me where in the rules they mention brigading without it being in the context of votes... I'll wait.

i'm envious of how much of a pain in the ass you are.

She also fucked an unconscious dude. She's a serial rapist (allegedly).

Countdown to Twitter banhammer pt. deux. It's against their TOS to abuse livestock.

It'll be a legit scandal if they ban him for this. He's just using her own words against her. He said nothing even mildly offensive himself

Twitter clearly isn't afraid to crash and burn. Just look at their stock price.

Womyn cannot rape just like black people can't be racist. It's a power structure thing you fucking cis het scum.

An unaroused man can't fuck. Period.

In that case a male rapist who uses lube is just being considerate and shouldn't get in trouble.

That's not exactly a like for like comparison but I enjoy the fact that you're shitting on the comment, so hey, have a precious upvote


Tell that to my morning wood..

Even if that was true (which it isn't) rape isn't about whether or not the victim was aroused you dumb dumb.

Is this Amy?



Choice of date rapists and fat celebrities everywhere

Dont forget the rib stomping stranglers!

your fucking profile picture always got a nigga's ribs hurtin

Basic psychology. The whole "I hate rapists" thing is projection, since she IS a rapist.

u/Cbanks420lol Saint on ert.

Keep up the good work, but I see a twitter martyrdom coming.

Amy loves crying to admins and getting shit quashed, just look at her Amazon reviews.

Someone should send out the part where she says that she thinks that Chuck Shcumer is a distant relative, but he's embarassed by her, then cut that in with him on stage next to her trying to pass gun legislation.

Man you're a funny fuck

Doing gods work

cbanks420lol is the GG Allin of twitter

The ultimate shit stirrer, legends of him will echo through time


Opie, after Anthony's "Gash Cab" line: "How long have you been sitting on that one?"

Because Opie, as a fellow comedian also just sits on his brilliant, insightful jokes until the perfect moment to inject his devastating humor. Or maybe the simple reason is because Opie's a jealous, petty man who can't let anyone drop a funny line without trying to ride along.

it's not like ant doesn't repeat shit all the time because he can't come up with things on the spot and get laughs. He relies on inside jokes and pandering humor

What are you talking about? When does Ant ever reference The Godfather, Seinfeld or Platoon fifty/sixty times a week?

Go fuck yourself. Opie is the tits. Literally and figuratively.

How's it doing so far? Putting up any numbahz?



Considering he is attempting to get leftist blogs to turn against Amy Schumer, and his twitter avatar has a "Make America Great Again" hat (one of the most polarizing images at the moment), I assume very lackluster numbers, thus far.

63 RTs is PFG. The point is to get enough attention that the people I included in the @ notice it. Breitbart likely will say something.

And even if it doesn't go anywhere who the fuck cares? It's a tweet, nigga.

rape is murder

I can attest that using lube is not the same as being turned on.

Any sex with her is pretty much rape.

I can't believe she got the video off of YouTube

Rapists are entitled individuals

she can't keep getting away with this! (allegedly maybe supposedly)



Lol, you're a piece of human garbage

I'm sure those guys felt victimized. Fucking morons..



And so can your asshole

Should've made a dummy account. "People who pin tweets are paedophiles" kind of undermines your credibility

It's pedophiles not paedophiles, you British faggot.

no one asked you, faggot.

Rapists are entitled individuals