Joseph Cumia is still a Racist pile of shit... But he's trying to defend himself.

8  2016-08-17 by IHateSherrod


Joe is mentally ill. He wants to be a victim of black crime so bad that it's making him decend into a state of insanity.

based on studies that have gone on over 100s of years and involved millions of individuals of all races

Oh shut the fuck up Joe, you retarded cunt. You know shit about statistics and how studies are conducted. This is "Thirteen year old Jim Norton"-style citations, from a man in his upper 50s.

I would like to see the scientific journal he pulled these stats from. Oh wait...

Charge your battery you sprint loving faggot

Hahahaha, I was coming to comment about the battery, too.

What an annoying embarrassment he is

He has deleted this post...kind of glad I have screenshots.

"If I'm willing to admit that Asians are smarter than me, how can it possibly be racist for me to say that I'm smarter than black people?"

Because it is by definition racist, Joe. It's the dictionary definition of racism. Stop being such a fucking coward by saying shit like "facts can't be racist" and just start arguing that racism is right; everyone already knows you want to.

You aren't White Joe.

Same shit different day for Joe Coonia.

doesn't Joe play Hendrix songs all of the time?

He makes money playing a black guy's music because he's too dumb to write original music

I'd give anything to hear a Joe Cumia original composition. It would literally sustain this sub for months.


It would be terrible if any future 2U bookings got wind of this.

What is his end game?

Continuous handouts from baby bro.

This oaf just will not shut the fuck up.

philosophical joe needs to eat one of tranpa's guns

Does he think he's going to change the world with facebook rants or something? Why would he do this shit?

He's reacting to comments on this sub.

I just want to know what agency or entity, public or private, has been testing IQ's for hundreds of years on millions of people?

Joe, you dumb fuck....IQ tests have only been around for 100 years or so and is used mainly to gauge child development. One of the largest studies ever completed on IQ was only on 100,000 subjects and it proved conclusively that it doesn't accurately measure intelligence.

Every time you spout off about shit you know nothing about, you prove you are an ignorant loudmouth with nothing intelligent to say.

Ah yes, racial science. That's not controversial or dubious at all.

Why does a u2 cover band guitarist feel the need to bring up race all the time?

Because utter failures in life need to feel superior to something.

So what conclusion can we come to about the Cumia brothers' violent behavior, disregard for human life, sexual promiscuity, and aggressive posturing?

Ha! He lets his phone get to 18% what a fucking loser

Im not racist, but lets talk about those niggers, arent I smart Facebook friends?

Dr. Joe SAMCRO, Statistician and analyist

Another retard Cumia who believes in the bell curve.

I hope he becomes a victim of a home invasion perpetrated by white guys.

Real dirtbag move having his kid's picture on his facebook rants.