who else is excited to join the party on September 12th?

47  2016-07-31 by golightlys_iphone


The most depressed Americans have ever been on a September 12th

Fawk, that's the line right therrrre. You beat me to it, bro.


This is one of my most hated Opie-isms. It's always the most obvious throw away lines that Jim or Ant would throw out and he'd have a mini meltdown that he didn't get it.

This guy's good

vuurrry good

Tss you could say that day was a "Harry" situation (his name is Harry Connick jr). Get it? My father was an encyclopedia salesman, and my mom said he was making deals in the buildings when that tragedy happened. I heard her moaning and crying the whole night with her friend Leroy, she was really upset.

We have to actually get organized for once and do everything in our power to destroy this show on social media.

keep in mind that the point of these jocktober-esque antics is to confuse and upset the victims, not get the show cancelled. The MO of this attack should be to reply to soccer moms positive feedback on the "HARRY" Facebook feed with obscene pictures/photoshops. No threats, "hate speech", or anything overly violent. Just upsetting enough that the Stagels will have to answer to NBC execs as to why this thing is happening on a family daytime talk show. Just spitballing here, I'm sure we can fine tune this attack within the next month.

Absolutely. This show will be so milquetoast that nothing we do can get it cancelled directly. Ruining their presence on social media, however, could help accelerate its downfall and also launch the fatter Stangel brother into a nervous breakdown.


It's very possible to do this. And it'll be fun too. Jim will be gone by the time October comes around, so it wont be any fun to go after the Opie show because he won't respond to it. We know for a fact that the beatings affect the Stangles on a personal level, which might cause hiccups on set (seeing as how they're producers) with the production unit, and Harry himself. So it's worthwhile to go after the entire show with the Stangles in our sights.

I love how Jocktober has evolved into this. I'm a grown man laughing at how great this sub is.

Absolutely. This will be far more rewarding than any other Jocktober venture.

Speaking of which - are there any good photoshoppers on here? I have something in the works already for our attack on the show and I need a hand w/ graphics.

K1bbler is a professional-level Photoshop artist. He single-handedly killed Harry Hater with a cock to the mouth.

So simple, so god damn effective.

Noted, thanks!

Fuck yeah baby. Get the twitter accounts going, get those 9 proxies to avoid IP bans, and we in it to win it

I was just listening to the Tony Danza Show saga from '04 the other day. Hearing O&A&J crack up reading the vile attacks the fans did on the Danza Show message boards was like foreshadowing to the social media attacks of Jocktober. There's nothing I love to see more than the social media of mundane, hacky shows for soccer moms get flooded with shit, gay porn and racism.

That's fun, but quite unnecessary.

edit: unnecessary because it's absolutely going to get canceled soon whatever we do

Too much attention might give it more legit viewers and save it. Just like new Ghostbusters.

Not really: Ghostbusters is bombing right now in theaters.

It should of made less. Rotten Tomatoes sycophants gave it good reviews.

Yep. But the pace its going: they won't be able to pay back the production budget within the month of release. If they do; they won't be able to cover that, Advertisement for the film and THEN a profit. So they'll be operating at a loss longer than the investors would like them to be, hence no sequel or larger universe.

Not possible with this hunk of shit. Also, as a white male, no one is going to take up Harry Connick Jr.'s cause.

Rich jews connected in the entertainment industry. I wouldn't underestimate that. Actually I have a feeling that would be it for this sub. But if Jimmy's done by then, perfect way to go out I guess.



990 views 4 days after being uploaded. Gonna be a big hit

i guess it's official then. it has gone viral.

its clearly aimed at a male demo

The best part of all of this was how badly the Stangels got their hopes crushed by the show. They were huge fans of original O&A and sent them Letterman gifts in the mail and regularly tweeted jokes for Opie and Sam to read on air. Then they get their dream job of working on the show only to encounter two-faced Opie, an uncaring Jim and actively hostile show staff despite actually contributing to the show in a more meaningful way than anyone else since O&A split-up. (They at least did show prep and tried to steer conversations to interesting angles as opposed to what we get now with 30 minutes of strawberry talk)

The final straw being how Opie would transparently tell Justin to do stuff only as an excuse for the comedians in the room to rip him apart once he did, like how he was told to wear Marty Mcfly's outfit on BTTF Day despite Opie having no interest in the movie and made sure Pete Davidson saw him in the outfit. So they bail after getting so much disrespect from their now fallen idol but still have to contend with all the lingering hate from the O&A pests still waiting for targets out of boredom. Not only were their hopes crushed in the first place with nothing good coming out of their tenure on the show career-wise it might actually ruin their upcoming show as well, the one they've been working years on.

I've probably heard a cumulative 2 minutes of audio involving the Stangels, and yet I thoroughly enjoyed this juicy run-down of how they got their hopes destroyed.

Fuck off, you're remembering shit wrong.

There was a TON of sugar/health food talk while the stangels were around. There was no noticeable change when they left.

It's been on a steady decline for years.

True, that was when Opie was really into his food documentrees but you can at least hear Justin in the background trying to move it along by bringing up a new subject, its not his fault his boss can't take a hint that everyone is bored with sugar talk. The fact that Opie now has to ask Travis what a news article is about and even Travis hasn't read the article is way worse than back when at least Justin/Eric would read the article in advance to answer Opies questions.

Please don't put these fatsos on a pedestal tho

because we can't afford a crane! hahahah am i right or what? these guys are heavy.


The other theory I heard that also clicks is that they applied for Howard Stern, because he had an opening if I recall at the same time, only to be turned down for not being funny enough so they ended up settling for Opie and Franklin.

speaking of which, wheres pete?

This sub isn't going to be what ruined The Harry Connick Jr. Show lol.

Of course that attention seeking asshole made his way in front of the camera. His brother never bothered me. Fuck Justin.

His brother never bothered me

Because Eric Stangel has two seemingly unattainable things his brother never will and those things are called humility and self-awareness.

and less fat

I loved that Pete Davidson never said anything bad about Eric. He just call him a handsome, talented up-and-comer.

It really did legitimize his attacks on Justin. If he had fucked with both of them, Justin wouldn't have taken it personally. Pete and the whole audience knew what an unfunny fat body Justin was, and he played it perfectly. Eric was totally harmless, I dubbed him a poor mans Travis. He only chimed in when asked, and usually with information pertenant to the conversation.

what a detestable sounding jew

Tss Tss 'Taylor Swift'? More like Taylor couldn't make it fit, or sumptin.

Oh my god, I wish I could have stuck through the whole video for that reveal.

I'll probably be too hungover from the party the night before to join y'alls.

Best part was at 22 seconds. He was all like,

"this your sandwich?'

and then it awkwardly cut to him taking a bite of a sandwich. Was that her sandwich? Did he receive permission to take a bite of that sandwich?

He literally raped her.

There's a September 11th joke in there somewhere. This show looks fucking awful.

Get yourself unshadowbanned from twitter so you can participate.

I just got unshadowbanned! I'm a happy boy.

Someone made it at the top of this thread. He nailed it.

I bet they made it September 12th to rub salt in Davidsons wound.

Unlike Pete Davidsons father, the Stangels rise from the ashes of 9/11

fans feel free to join me at r/HarryTV



Best talk show on tv since MC Serch.


y'alls knuckleheads better be ready for this Harry Connick Jr. party!

This. Is. Going. To. Be. A. Problem.

Man i wish O&A was still going for this trashing

I had a big party on September 12th 15 years ago.

This is going to suck so bad

It's y'alls party nigga!

what a sensible leather bracelet. i bet he's the life of the party at the local texas roadhouse after a peach fuzz.



I only wish this started in October

Its a shame that they didn't do this a day earlier.



I can't believe I watched the whole thing.

My god...

This gave me diabetes and cancer at the same time. Who is responsible for putting this dunderhead on television? They should be fired/hung.

I love how sooner or later they are going to realize all the nonsense they get on social media is from the Stangels. That meeting will not be fun.

C'mon, guys...old women need TV programs too!

That comment section cracks me up. I would love to know what kind of meetings J&E have to sit through for this crap.

National socialist party?

I hope it end like that party in The Shining.

Great paaahty, isn't it?


y'alls knuckleheads better be ready for this Harry Connick Jr. party!

This is one of my most hated Opie-isms. It's always the most obvious throw away lines that Jim or Ant would throw out and he'd have a mini meltdown that he didn't get it.

This guy's good