Who has aged worst of the three?

112  2016-06-29 by chrb13



But he finally lost weight


Where is the bonus Sam option. He looks like he'll be in a wheelchair in 3 months time.

I can't be bothered doing a before and after of him but holy god is he one odd looking motherfucker. The fucking hair, the Cro-Magnon features, the eye bags. How that little fuck ever got anyone to marry him is a mystery.

For a hideous dude, he's relatively funny and seems to have tons of confidence. That's pretty much all it takes with women. If you act like you're worth a damn, bitches just take your word for it.

I don't think it's confidence as much as he doesn't overtly hit on them, and they assume he's a nice guy who wants to find a woman he can connect to. Then when the relationship starts up, they realize he's not into sex as much as his wrestling figures, and that kills any long-term relationship stone dead.

Sam married the first woman who would speak to him without making him wear a bed sheet over his body. Let's not act like he was spittin' mad game at dem hoes (using Sam's black side vernacular) and getting pussy every night. He found a frumpy moderately cute 6 who was into him and married her immediately.

True. But for a girl like the one he married to pay attention to you, you need the prospect of a successful show business career. Are they still married? Can't wait to see how long until she realizes it's not happening.

It's true. Fat, ugly, bald dude with a lot of charisma that could pull your bitch in a heartbeat.

Abundance abundance abundance. Know it live it be it and all is yours.

She THOUGHT she was GETTING in on MONEY!!!!!


His parents are loaded and he'll inherit a lot.

So tragic for Sam, to have the face for radio but not the voice.

Sam is becoming real-life Sideshow Bob.

Well, he does have a fear of rakes.

money, moolah, pesos, euro, doubloons

He looks like richard Simmons


Holy shit. Sam honestly looks like he'd be the leading candidate to star in a movie called "Son of Eraserhead". http://wifflegif.com/gifs/295037-david-lynch-eraserhead-gif

He's in the early stages of morphing into predator

sam would clearly be the winner if we included all staff.

but he's a ringer for any ugly contest, it's boring to put him in the mix because we know who will win.

he looks like something outta Halloweentown

Norton aged the best.

Opie just got old in a regular way.

Cumia aged the worst. He really looks 10-15 years older than he is some days.

Ant has the Lady Di disease



This was Anthony in his 20's. The man is a lifelong plateau of ugly.

Anthony looked like present day /u/stinkskc who is apparently going to age like warm milk.

Hahaha he so is the Fez of this sub.

Love you babe but it's true.

Damn, people are being so rude here and it is really bothering me. /u/stinkskc, you have great bone structure that will serve you well in your transition. So many popular female models have very sharp facial bone structures, and you sweetie, have that! You also have beautiful, slick black hair. Don't cut it! You are beautiful and will continue to become more beautiful as time goes on. Keep your head up. I am in awe of you!

Thanks you guys are so supportive!

I read that in Fez's voice.


Why does anyone what some other asshole on this sub looks like?

I'm just trying to be body positive!

Don't listen to them Stinks you're courageous and beautiful

fuck all you reddit responders!

Definitely gained 10/15 years in the past 3.

Who's the guy on the left? Brother Joe?

BroJoe is like 6'4" and Ant is a lil feller, so I doubt it.

He looks like DeNiro in Taxi Driver, if the plot of taxi driver consisted of Travis Bickle slowly dying from acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

reminds me of that really old Vos pic

Which one is he?

He looks a little like De Niro.

he peaked at age six tho

Anthony has never looked good though

no cleopatra, ugly as a mud slide, bald as a bandicoot, shaken baby syndrome way back when

Apologize or I'll have my close friend Shaq take you outside and fuck you in the ass.

What about Shaq balloon?

Is this an Ian Halperin reference?

Anthony. He's had multiple cosmetic surgeries and still looks like an old shitbag.

He started awful. Opie is the clear answer.

One, two ants comin for you.. Three, four better lock your door Five, six gonna choke a bitch Seven, eight.......

..niggerhate... Nine, ten, never successful again.

Anthony Palpatine

It's not often you get a chance to use the word 'cavernous' in life but those pock marks on his face have just given me one.

The National Park Service gives daily tours of his right cheek.

Jesus, you niggas are fucked up 😂

Looks like he opened the ark of the covenant 4 seconds before this photo was taken.

Wow, thats unflattering. Poor lil fella.

Someone call the ambulance..... There's been a spill at the acid factory........

Ant and Jim never said they could "have been a model"

There was an episode, early xm days, where opie said in all seriousness "I come from a big family, and we're all really good looking". I don't remember what it was in are reference to, but what grown man in his 40s says that?

Yes, Opie said this in all seriousness, and included his sisters.

And they couldn't have. Gregg could. Didn't you see? He was in pictures/commercial reels. He could have been a star. Acting lessons!

Gregg would look better without the retard's beard he's wearing. Jimmy aged okay. Ant looks atrocious still, I dunno what part of it is because of his age, though.

Jimmy aged ok? No offence but fuck your entire family. He went from cutely plump lesbian to gay man with the AIDS waiting to die.

He looks awful and, quite frankly, you should be ashamed of yourself for writing that he looks " ok ". A child might come across that sentence and think it safe to search for a present day image of Jimmy. Fuck you for doing that. You like abusing kids do you?

You're a monster.

Did someone hack knickers account? Where did this coherence come from?

Funny stuff. No she didn't want her account anymore so now I'm the new guy I guess.

LOL @ No offense

You know what, I kinda forgot about how much worse he looks since growing his hair out and looking gaunt. You're right!


555 golden manbabies, goon sir. Also, Jimmy with hair looks like Jimbobo far more than not. Discuss.

Haha this is probably your best comment ever. Then again most of the time you're just posting smiley faces or asking for cock pics.

Then gold it bitch.

Anthony always looked rough. He is a lock marked drunk. Opie's luscious mams and baldness were always there.

Jim Norton looks sickly. You wanna make a "he got AIDS from a tranny" joke but it just gets misconstrued as a fact.

Enough about the trannies!

I never get tired of the usage of 'mams'. Awesome.

pock marked?

Jim. Some people aren't meant to be skinny, and he's one of them.

(as Alan Alda) Yesssss

It's funny how some people think that having a couple of extra pounds makes you worthless.

Anthony has always been ugly, Opie is obviously not bad for a 53 year old American. Jim is aging like a tweeker so I have to go with him. Some people shouldn't take amphetamines to lose weight.

Anthony looks like a man who died 10 years ago but his brain didn't know it. The brain keeps him alive while everything else is rapidly decaying.

Ant always looked like a homeless crazy veteran.
Opie doensn't look half bad now.
Jimmy looks like he got aids

He's got aiiiiiiiids

Ant by far. Where's that pic of them with Tyson

He was getting dental work done to be fair.

his wooden teeth really dried out there

Bad chin day

Opie looks like a normal sixty-something guy. Yeah, he's going bald and his hair is going gray/white, but he looks like a dad segueing into a grandpa. If he didn't speak you would think he was normal.

Jimmy got away with being young looking for a while because he had no hair and his chubbiness gave him the illusion of youth. He didn't have any identifiers to really give him a solid age (no hairlines, face wear is somewhat normal) but when he started losing weight without putting on muscle, he turned into a 70-year old cancer victim. He's doomed to look like Mr. Cancer Victim or Bobby Hill, no in-between.

Ant? Ant probably looks worse in real life than anybody else. He's ugly, so he might as well rolled with it. Shave the head, wear the cap, continue with life. But yeah, Ant has got the aging bad because he's trying to cover it up unsuccessfully so he can continue grooming underage girls.

i'd say tony but your picture of gregg is about 10 years old.

I'd say Opie, solely because he relied on boyish looks that just aren't there anymore.

That's not to say Ant and Jim are handsome.

Opie looks like a dry old granddad with so little moisture in his body that he'd combust if situated next to a naked flame.

Probably the blonde eyebrows.

Nah it's more that his skin resembles 300 year old aged bark nowadays

Opie and Anthony both have been progressively deteriorating over the decades but Jimmy has rapidly aged much more than they have within a 2-3 year span

Opster and ant are just old and/or alcoholics.

To have aged as jimmy has either belies an illness or a drug problem

Opie. Ant has always looked like a worn out leather shoe and Jimmy has always been a sweet boy who is in faggot denial.

best post of the month!


Anthony pre vomit teeth replacement was #1


[Serious] Is that bottom Opie picture from TBS real?

I'm pretty sure it is. There's a Bald Opie version of that pic that's often on the sidebar where he has scars all over his chin but the original is bad enough on its own.

Yes - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0ok9kQNWAs .

It was from back a few years when each of them was trying to get side gigs going. The show was with that comedian, Kirk Fox, and for a time Opie trying to become his new buddy.

You can see Opie on it in the clip above.



Well Ant and Jim have been slowly getting there shit together. So they balanced out to being the same age for 20 years. Opie is aging like a normal human.

Excuse me, but I think you mistakenly used an image of Sammy Davis Jr. as aged Anthony.


if it is about how far you have fallen : opie by a long shot, he went from a blonde asian boy to a sexually ambiguous old woman .... .... but anthony is so much fucking uglier than opie and jim, its not even close ... ant has the skin tone and bone structure of the Hobgoblin

For as much shit as we give Opie, I can be objective and say that he just looks like a fairly regular guy his age. I think he took all our criticism to heart because it looks like he tried to get in better shape and look about as youthful as he can.

Jimmy's obsessive weight loss made him age about 20 years. Sometimes I see pictures of him and he looks okay, but other times I literally cannot believe how old and shriveled he looks. He could easily pass for a man in his 70s sometimes.

Then there's Anthony. I love Doug Stanhope, but he's got that pudgy Stanhope look where you can just see the alcohol trying to escape his body. He always looks like he has the flu. He has yellowish skin. And he's fat now. Like not too much pizza fat, but too much alcohol fat. There is a difference.

In Anthony's case he tries to hide it with all of the work he's had done. But none of it really looks right. His fake teeth don't match his old man body. He wears about 10 pounds of foundation to hide his jaundice. And he got a hair transplant, which normally makes guys look much better and much younger, but it ended up looking like that. He just looks like a mess.


Gayest thread ever.

I'll just leave you to think about that for a while.

Everyone who posts in this sub is a closet fag whether they know it or not. You sir, do not.

reminds me of that really old Vos pic

Anthony looked like present day /u/stinkskc who is apparently going to age like warm milk.

Who's the guy on the left? Brother Joe?

And they couldn't have. Gregg could. Didn't you see? He was in pictures/commercial reels. He could have been a star. Acting lessons!

He looks like DeNiro in Taxi Driver, if the plot of taxi driver consisted of Travis Bickle slowly dying from acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

There was an episode, early xm days, where opie said in all seriousness "I come from a big family, and we're all really good looking". I don't remember what it was in are reference to, but what grown man in his 40s says that?

Which one is he?

He looks a little like De Niro.

..niggerhate... Nine, ten, never successful again.