Anybody here autistic?

37  2016-05-27 by unclepaul84

I'm not but I kind of wish I was. It seems like an underrated condition to have.


I've diagnosed myself with every neurological disorder known to man, but I think I might just be a faggot.

You are.

Only true autists self diagnose.

There's people here with over 10 accounts. Those guys, they're autistic.

/u/iwontbebannedagain add him to the list.

Meet the new mods! Same as the old mods! He WONT be BANNED aGAIN! drumroll drumroll smile smile smile

Danny is one i think, on two posts above i got 7 downvotes each in 20 minutes for saying not to give him money.

i think the faggots that gave him money are down voting you in impotent autism rage : - )

I dont think you like to comment about Danny..............................................................................................................I think you LOVE IT!!!!!!


What's the point with all these shitposts? Besides getting banned again what's your endgame ?

He's like a boring version of Benjamin

Even our trolls suck now. This place is going to shit.

I dont post here as much as some , but I still had a few auts that would send me hate.

Its been so long since ive been called a SJW, im starting to question if any of this is even worth it.

Some auts on their alts?


Reporting you so you can be banned. That's how Reddit works.

You type like Scorch.



The guy harrasing Danny is autistic beyond belief. He's the rain man of online stalking.

that feud is hilarious.

I cannot believe how many of you bought dannys bullshit.

You have to wake up pretty early in the morning to slip one past the all-seeing eye of axeheadroad!

Yeah it takes street smarts not to believe a some guy asking for money on the internet.

"My dog is stalked. Need anti dog stalk. Money pls."

And what do you do for a living, character?

He sucks dick.

Glad you think it's so funny. Truly hope you have to deal with the same thing one day, I really do. See how fucking funny you think it is then.

Dude, delete your facebook, twitter account, reddit account and whatever else you have. Take a break from the internet for awhile and whatever you decide to do stop "feeding the trolls". Seriously this is some basic internet shit.

Ignore him and he'll get bored eventually. You're acting like a fucking idiot when it comes to this guy.

Really? Having cops called to your house at 2am and sending people dead mice in the mail is basic internet shit? I HAVE ignored him.

All these fucking experts in here today..

sending people dead mice in the mail

I wanna see some proof of these outrageous allegations

This is from when the idiot tried to send ME mice but used my own fucking email address for the invoice so I was able to contact and cancel before it showed up.

What do you get the guy who has everything?


So thats at least 100 bucks mr. Psycho man spent on this little endeavour. I need to dig up the weird "ransom letter" thing somebody got in the mail. Really disturbing.

Haha I know. I would have been happy with the cash


Wow, that's some really creep shit. Why is someone so obsessed with you? Don't people have anything better to do with their lives?

The answer is no.

That's really sad. With all due respect, you'd think "former producer of radio show that no longer exists" would be pretty low on the "celebrity stalking" list.

Stalker, if you're reading this, please sit down and reevaluate your life. A single sperm didn't win a 250-million sperm race to create a zilch who sits behind a computer all day harassing a former radio producer.

I agree. Its a bizarre thought process. Guy loves telling me how im "living in the past" and what a pussy i am, yet here he is still butthurt years later over something hes too afraid to mention, acts like hes Mr Cool Ice, and deletes his account.

You just created a thread about him that people made hundreds of comments in. You're doing it right now by acknowledging him.


Go set up another kickstarter to hire an "internet detective", idiot.

I see your post history, twitter. You're a child.

No shit. I wasn't even trying to talk trash to you. Your stalkers gets off on the attention he gets from you getting upset. Do you not see how you're making things worse? The only people you should be talking to him about are the police. I apologize for the name calling, it's just sad to see someone making their problem worse and not realizing it.

Mr. Banks. I've been to the police 3 times. I don't understand why people think "going to the police" is the end of it all.

What do you expect this forum to do? The threads about him clearly aren't helping. I'm sorry you've got some psycho doing this to you though.

NOTHING. He deletes burners every message. A public post is my only means of sending a message. Sorry this sewing circle of a sub finds it so fascinating.

The thing is, who even knows if every message being sent to you is from your stalker? At this point there are probably several people sending messages because it's pissing you off.

I like you, Danny. But you really shouldn't be trying to get a message across to the guy who's stalking you. He gets off on the attention.


You're doing exactly what he wants you to do. The mice in the mail thing is on a whole other level, but cutting off any means of him reaching you online would be a good start.


Cash. Send cash.


... molester


Nice new alt.

Maybe if you created a new account every few weeks too then it wouldn't be as easy to stalk you for every retard out there.

Oh wait, then you wouldn't be able to solicit attention and money using your "status". I can see how this is a very difficult situation for you.


How the fuck did the psycho find out where you live? Or your ex girls house? Has to be someone from ants inner circle. Does Keith the cop hate you?


I am definitely going to spend my Friday night reading through 6 months worth of posts to win an internet argument.

I don't know or care about the extent of this stalking. You came here revealing your identity to a community of psychopaths willingly. Now suffer for your stupidity.

So like, what about the year and a half this was going on before I came to Reddit? Or maybe you should just not speak if you don't know what you're talking about.

You are right, i don't really give a fuck about any of it. Just make sure to post pics of severed horse head or whatever he ends up mailing to you.

Have you thought about setting up a kickstarter to hire a private detective?

Have you thought about mixing ammonia and bleach in a small, poorly ventilated room? Because you should.

Rude. My next donation will be my last.


Refund my donation pls.

Dude you loved triggering people, it backfired, suck it up.

You could find out who it is by attaching a paint can to the back of their car, then stabbing a hole in the bottom. Then all you have to do is follow the yellow drip road.

That's how I do it when I go outside to stalk... Lenny and ... Karl.

Let's hear more about that.

There is no guy its Danny asking for money, how the fuck can you people ignore red flag number 1. HE ASKED FOR FUCKING MONEY!!!

If u gave him money, that's your problem.

Goose fucker.

Replied to the wrong person

at least danny has consistently giving us update and entertainment after the scam

Anybody here not?

What... like are we deaf or sum'thin?

Good one, Chippah

Tss tss, we're def' retarded.

Fawk yeah, we're a bunch of grim reapas. DVV DVV

Their's definitely something wrong with me but I don't care enough or have the cash to figure it out.

I am not autistic, but I am a kid fucker.

Keep fuckin that chicken

I never stopped.

My man

im just too cool for everyone else

my mom thinks I'm cool

I'm not but I kind of wish I was.

I have some good news for you.

borderline personality disorder checking in.

I have a friend with BPD. Makes my life a living hell

What does he do? Like an example, out of curiosity

It's a girl that I dated & broke up with cuz she was too crazy but said "sure we could still be friends". The best way to describe it is, think of the most selfish human being you can possibly imagine & then throw in lots of suicide threats & verbally abusive text messages when she does not get her way. Luckily, she doesn't do things like act physically violent, show up at my home out of no where or say, lie to the police (which are things that other people had to deal with). But it's such a burden. The worst is if i have plans for the night she always all-of-a-sudden "needs me" to come over & when I tell her no she tells me she wants to die & mixes her meds with liquor. So now my night is ruined cuz I don't know if she's fucking dead while all I'm trying to do is enjoy my night. Such a nightmare! I recently just started lying to her about every aspect of my life & ignore her when she's texting & I have shit to do. But I hate that because it makes me live my life as a liar - but the alternative is constant arguing & suicide attempts. I kinda don't know what to do

Get away. my buddy is doing 3 years for sexual assault because his girl lied to the cops and won and she sounds a lot like what you're mentioning.

Yup. That situation sounds beyond toxic.

You have to remember that someone threatening to kill themselves in this scenario is either A. Looking for attention or B. Likely to do it anyway without you around.

It's a no-win scenario, you're only causing yourself grief.

I had a chick thst was similar. We used to boot dope together and she was so fucking hot. But insane. I feel ya man, fuck girls like that. I mean they're all crazy to an extent but that kind of crazy makes your life miserable too. I've never had a woman break my heart so many times. Thanks for sharing.

Idk about you but I have some weird guilt thing where I feel like I have to look out for mine. I saw her a few weeks ago and we got into a huge arguement, both trying to clean up on dope and I think it's better if I just stay away even though I love her very much. I still have 7 unread text messages from her that I'm afraid to open.

For me it just boils down to the suicide "attempts" - because every time we have the relationship-ending argument I puss out when the suicide threats occur. Some say that in that situation you should just call 911 and let them deal with it but because of her work situation she would lose absolutely everything if that happened. So it's basically destroying a human life or just say "I'm sorry, I'm wrong" & then deal with an annoying presence in my life. I'll figure it out. Luckily, like I said before, she's not violent & not the type to call the cops and lie or accuse me of serious false shit. I'm confident she won't do anything to me but just to herself

I will say, there is a direct correlation between my meanest and most brutal posts here to when she is driving me nuts. When she kicks me out of her house because the iced tea I brought her didn't have enough ice in it - I guarantee I'm calling Amy Schumer a fat pig that night

I know what you mean. This girl I know would constantly loose shit and blame me for stealing it CONSTANTLY, I never stole a thing from her. But yeah it's like what if she really is serious just that one time, that's all it takes. Hope you can get a clean break. I know this girl Dani gologhtly that's recently single.

I'll figure it out. Luckily, like I said before, she's not violent & not the type to call the cops and lie or accuse me of serious false shit. I'm confident she won't do anything to me but just to herself

You never ever know with someone like that.

I have a friend with BPD.

It's a girl that I dated & broke up with cuz she was too crazy

I kinda don't know what to do.

You change your number or you fake your own death; in this case, I recommend the latter.

No need to fake it.

Luckily, she doesn't do things like act physically violent, show up at my home out of no where or say, lie to the police (which are things that other people had to deal with).

That's the thing with BPD people and what makes them more dangerous. They'll never physically abuse anyone, they'll get others to do it for them. They tend to be voracious whores and collect a bunch of beta male orbiters who they get to do their bidding. They never get their hands dirty with anything.

My ex has BPD. Last I heard, she was spending 10-12 hours a day in chatrooms. She had guys paying her bills and loaning her cars when we were together. I know she was fucking them, too. I didn't care at the time.

That sucks and all, but if you ignore her and she does kill herself, at least you're free to enjoy your nights out again.

BPD types are all about extremes. My friend will talk about how much he wants to hang out and play music and write songs and shit, but if I don't do it exactly when/how he wants he'll flip out and say I'm not cool and I'm fucking with him and trying not to be his friend. They're basically just huge assholes that can't be fixed.

Just sounds like a normal songwriter to me

I think he's in construction

What do you do for a living character?

me? I'm a shoulder model for a popular gay youth magazine

Why don't you just stop being friends with him?


I'm just kind of lazy, are there any meds I can get for that?


Does that come as a suppository?


I got it intravenously like a real man.


adderol (methylphenidate)

Are you taking any prescription medication?

Uppers downers dexies!

I have a pack of generic morphine sulfate imalmost out of and a few oxy 80s, when theyre done im gonna try just stick to vallium and booze.

Yes everyone. Please stop looking at me in the eyes.

I talk in a fake Jamaican accent for whatever thats worth. I say "mon" after everything.

ADHD "pack of sticky notes a day" checking in.

I doubt this radio show attracted mentally ill people

Schizotypal Personality Disorder checkin' in, my niggas.

That's the diagnosis mental health professionals usually give Travis Bickle, and everything worked out swell for him.

LOL. I didn't know that and, now that I do, I shudder because just last month I randomly decided to start keeping a journal for the first time in 17 years. :/

Have an upvote.

If you don't mind me asking what kind of symptoms do you suffer?

I was diagnosed in my early 20s when I was seeking treatment for severe test anxiety in college.

Since I was a kid I viewed relationships as an "interest" that other people had but I didn't, like stamp collecting. I never hated anyone; I just didn't feel the need to get close to them (I was in HS before I even noticed this).

Eventually when I started to like girls, I mostly give up within a month of meeting them. I assumed they were only talking to me because society teaches women to be polite and shit. Also, the few "relationships" with girls that went past a couple weeks, never went outside of school/college/work, even if they flat out invited me to go out with them. Even though I liked them, I just didn't "feel" like getting close to them.

Essentially, all my relationships but one have been "in school" or "person sitting next to you on an airplane" type. Friendly, but brief.

Also, around the time I was diagnosed I was REALLY into the whole New Age/UFO stuff; I believed in it as much as I did the law of gravity (although I'm not so much into it any more).

Looking back, I think those were the main things that earned me the diagnosis. Anyway, I'm now in my 30's and this still pretty much describes my behavior today. Hope that helps.

What about when you meet someone with a common interest that you have?

Even in those cases, the "relationship" fizzles out within a month or two due to lack of effort on my part.

Well at least you realize you got some stuff wrong with you. Have you banged someone? You should fuck a hooker just to get it out of the way.

Yeah, I've been laid once so far; a female acquaintance offered me a pity fuck without any strings and I figured "why not"? I have to admit, I enjoyed it greatly.

Hookers will probably be the only thing that keeps me from total insanity throughout my life. lol

Are you in therapy? This sounds absolutely debilitating and it doesn't sound like you're getting what you should out of life.

No I haven't been in therapy in over 10 years, but I've recently considered going back.

Funny story as to why: I was listening to an O&A show from late 2013 and either Travis or Sal was saying they were in therapy not because they were "ill" but because they thought it was healthy for people to be in therapy. That level of honesty over something that is still kinda taboo made me respect them more, and I thought "Maybe being in therapy isn't such a bad idea."

Believe it or not, the O&A show impacts my personal life in a major way; it has been sort of like a social outlet for me to listen to the guys talk over the years. So much so that when Ant got fired, I almost wept (through my tears) because it felt like a friend of mine was gone.

But yeah, I'm one of those weirdos that listen to full shows from 2011 onward on my iPod, every day. And when I get to the "last" O&A show in July 2014, I just go back and start listening all over again from 2011 onward.

No, but my peckah is really tiny. Does that count for anything?

Autism genes are linked to higher intelligence... so no


I'm autistic, the only thing that sucks about it is it's not bad enough for me to get disability checks.

Tell them you're agoraphobic. I hear that works.

Diagnosed by a doctor as High Functioning Autistic.

It's not good man. It's lonely, scary, confusing and very very angry.

My temple hurts because I hit myself again last night.

are you cereal right now?


I actually am.

Haha let's all laugh at the retard boy.

I know that feel fam

Yah man, I've gotta little tasste, little tasste....

I was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder but upon further investigation I discovered that it was a bullshit diagnosis that doesn't mean shit. Also Major Depressive Disorder but I'm pretty sure that just means I'm a pussy. I used to be much weirder than I am now. I seem to appear somewhat normal to other people around me but I am constantly on edge and I always fear that I'm losing my mind. I'm not a violent person and I'm not super ugly so that's good I guess.

Yes! I'm good with water colors and Portraits!



Jimmy is.


I'm probably autistic to some degree. I can't concentrate on what I'm saying when I have to make eye contact, I don't like being touched casually--particularly by bar skanks, and my preferred method of human interaction is through texting.

Could be anxiety triggering a lot of that. Ever take a bit of xanax and try interacting with people?

I don't really like people enough to try to interact. Anxiety may play a role, but I'm very self-involved.

It's all intertwined and cyclical.

If you talk to people more, you'll take a greater interest in shit outside of yourself. If you take a greater interest in things outside of yourself, you'll be happier.

Well, I'm not dismissing your advice, and while I haven't exactly reached enlightenment, I think you're being a tad presumptuous in assuming I'm unhappy. I'm fairly happy when I'm by myself.


I am autistic. Got diagnosed as an adult.

Anyone here authentic? #shankaboutit

reporting for duty

Statistically I would say this is probably one of the highest concentrations of either autists, aspies and sociopaths on the internet.


Everybody here autistic.

Not on the spectrum, but i do have kuru.

Fawk yeah i'm a cannibal too sock huckah


That's like asking the guys on r/theredpill if they ever have trouble meeting women



AUTISTIC SUBBBAAAYYYYY where we at with the whole incel thing?

I get it.

I'm pretty sure you're all autistic.

My dad lets me drive on weekends definitely weekends

All the Maria Bamford fans

I have a friend with BPD. Makes my life a living hell

That's the diagnosis mental health professionals usually give Travis Bickle, and everything worked out swell for him.


Have you thought about mixing ammonia and bleach in a small, poorly ventilated room? Because you should.

Rude. My next donation will be my last.

What about when you meet someone with a common interest that you have?

Well at least you realize you got some stuff wrong with you. Have you banged someone? You should fuck a hooker just to get it out of the way.

Are you in therapy? This sounds absolutely debilitating and it doesn't sound like you're getting what you should out of life.