"A Very Special Announcement"

62  2016-03-29 by mr__hat


Rehab Confirmed

This is literally the only hand left for Anthony to play if he wants an income in this industry.

He's going to go away to a facility for a bit and have a revolving door of hosts while he's gone (I imagine a lot of Nick Dipalo).

Upon Ant's return from rehab he will reach out to a lot of former friends/comics (Burr, DeRosa, etc) that will feel forced to come on his show and give him a second chance since he's now out of rehab.

The way you frame it like that it of course seems like a plotted move to save his ass. But quanspiricy aside it's still a positive move and hopefully only good can come of it. Still won't make up for all the doxxing and hypocritical bullshit but maybe down the line sober ant could get passed that.

Or who knows, maybe Ant comes clean on that shit, too. Maybe he admits that he's acted incredibly immature for a person of his advanced age, and he wants to seriously grow up. Maybe he admits that he is going to make amends with people he was a dick to, including Opie.

This is all, of course, wild speculation. I'm sure tomorrow it'll be announced that he's going to be appearing at this year's Webby Awards or something.

including Opie.

He deserved everything he got and more.

Lil bit, lil bit

I agree with you and really do wish Ant takes it seriously. I just have a hard time believing that he actually wants help, considering how he's reacted to anyone suggesting it in the past.

maybe sober ant could get passed that

He's a washed up 55 year old shock jock! Who would care anyway? He's not even funny anymore

Makes me wonder if agreeing to go to rehab is part of a plea bargain to avoid jail time.

He's done in the industry. The best he'll ever be is fringe. This is court-ordered rehab to avoid jail, everyone knows it. He'll probably fail brilliantly, as he always does. He remains radioactive though some of his friends may come back around a little. probably not though. This is as good as copping a guilty plea. He beat that girl and that, along with the racism and all the other shit, means he's not coming back in any real way.

"Yeah-heh-heh-heh! Ladies and gentlemen, it's The Anthony & Dani Show!"

I wish he would do a show with his ex-wife. THAT would be worth listening to.

I doubt it. She married his tin nocking dumb ass, stayed around for the beginning of the riches, got a decent nest egg, and from most accounts I've heard, lost it all. She's probably a dumb broad who wouldn't know what to say, even with all that dirt in her alcohol ridden head. I'd put money down that she was too stupid to do any of the conniving that our buddy Ant did and wouldn't have noticed he was cheating unless she was in the room, so there's nothing to add. The other side of the story is probably going to be her predictable wop trash reactions and nothing of substance.


Mommy's shoes!

It's all starting to make sense! Anthony was talking to sue to get advice on transitioning. How did I not see this earlier. Goddammit

Opie, Anthony and Jimmy should understand at this point that promoting anything less than an O&A reunion as a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT is not going to excite anybody.


Ant, Jim, and Ron would be better at this point. Opester is all in with morning zoo.

That would be better but I hope people realize that will NEVER happen. Anthony cannot afford one of those guys let alone both and I can't see Ron abandoning a show he does with his daughter.

I don't know how anyone could want opie back in the fold in any capacity


How the fuck did you get the pic in the post as well?

My mind is blown like a tiny trans cock at the compound.

It did that to my latest video post, too. Think it's just an updated functionality that happens automatically.

That's good, I bleedin hate havin to go back and forth between the pic and the post or, God forbid, opening a new bleedin tab!

Woah, please watch the language. I read the posts in this sub out loud to my kids.

Get a second monitor.Maybe a third, gotta have tranny porn on one also

I imagine it will be a party like they gave Henry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JspLjU79wqM

I hope it ends up more like Tommy's http://tinyurl.com/gm3h7hr

Nice fucking pull. Upvoted.

(Somehow, that got ME downvoted. I die for your sins)

"I'm paying to have Sue's dick sawed off"

"Maybe then you all will quit thinking I'm a fag!"

I'll be surprised if this announcement is actually anything major.

Something something Anthony something something minors.


No it's all about this sub here and he's gonna say sorry!!!


What time does this start?


Could this possibly be another Fez retiring April fools joke?

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Why is a male zombie from The Walking Dead wearing red high-heels?


So what was it?

The announcement is tomorrow. When Ron and Jim are on as guests. My guess, is Jimmy commits to a single show per week. And if we're extremely lucky, Ron will be a part of it. I really, REALLY hope it's Jim and Ant Mondays and Wednesdays, Ron and Ant Tuesdays and Thursdays. No more solo shows.

Ohhhh ok. Thanks!

Honestly, the only thing I could really think of as truly being a special announcement is if he is retiring from basement broadcasting. Other than that, I just see nothing noteworthy otherwise

I r teh gay.