This is way too depressing. A once great radio empire has crumbled and left behind ashes in it's wake. Each side shittier than the next. I'm going to do it. I'm going to eat a fucking bullet.

27  2016-03-22 by xellios83

Right after I see Rich Vos at the Hartford Funny Bone March 31 - April 3rd.


Do it at the show, right after Rich's first joke just stand up and blow your fat head off. Yell something about 9/11 first though.

No no no. Yell something like, "you were always bad on the radio, but they said you killed on stage. This world is full of LIES!"

Opie lied to meeeeee....

You know Vos would try to riff off it.

"Jeeeshh Tough Crowd, and i would knoww, get it?"

"Heresh da theing, I would to do the same thing as that guy except I still owe money to my daughter and I'm dogin' her!"

After you yell something about 9/11 look Vos right in the eyes & scream Allahu Akbar before killing yourself in the middle of the Funny Bone

Empire? O&A were more like Richard Bey to Howard's Jerry Springer


I'll book 2U for your wake on April 4th.

Great! Just what I need to see on CNN's website on the morning of April 5th: Mass Suicide at Wake for Suicide Victim.

I'm sorry you won't be joining us.

least lil' jimmy had the foresight to get himself embalmed with the last of those O&A dollars

And then see Rich Vos @ blah blah blah.

Not going to even read the body.

I wouldnt call OnA an empire... more like an Unincorporated Territory

No, don't see Rich Vos first. I'm doing you a favor.

thIs gUn iS loADed wiTH mOOOONrocKS...apppreeeelllllllll faaaahls.

Ehh. The show doesn't hold up. It was always pretty lame.

Why? Maybe, you'll like it?

I really wish you were serious.