Ants new girlfriend

12  2016-03-12 by Dennyislife


“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children. But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child,”

What a fucking world

I feel like I'm living in a tumor.

We are.


Good luck to that gentleman in his new life....As a six year old girl!? Baaaaaaaawwwwapudduppadow

I would love to see Stephoknee go on an interview circuit and every time she tries to answer a question, they just play the phone scam song as loud as possible.

(Cue Benny Hill music)

I may just be an ignorant, intolerant, dumb redneck, but this is the truest definition of a degenerate I've seen.

OK how soon before we cut the PC/acceptance bullshit and start admitting trannys are just mentally ill people? (I present Opie's breasts as evidence)

If this guy had said "After 23 years of marriage I accept that I'm Napoleon Bonaparte, and now I will set out to conquer Europe," he'd be sporting a straight-jacket in New York minute. But somehow we're all supposed to be supportive because he thinks he's really a 6 year old girl? THAT'S a more plausible claim of identity??

The world really has gone to shit.

But I what about his/his FEELINGS!?!?

apparently his "new parents" are sex partners and his little "sister" is well.....lets just say she'll be working in porn and/or strip clubs when she hits 18.

Don't you dare judge him though, wouldn't want to ruffle any tranny pedophile feathers and catch backlash.

Is his former wife going to be arrested for molesting a six year-old?

Good point.

I can't tell if this is from not beating your kids or beating them too much.

I beat too much💦


Damn, Knickahs. You thirsty.

It's these pretzels.

(Seinfeld bass line)

I am just fucking stunned now after reading that article.

I'm actually going to log off after I post this and just go away and try and remember when the world was normal.

What the fuck is the western world becoming? Trannies being considered normal and embraced and celebrated for being "brave"? Fuck. Someone just please shoot me now so I don't have to see where this mess ultimately goes.



Yeah Gavin covered this on his show. This guy is a fucking mental case. Someone find the interview of where he describes his new daddy fucking him in the ass (seriously it exists)

I think you mean "she" it's offensive to call a tranny "he". you are micro agressing and possibly triggering people.

Nobody watches him

Will this six year old be allowed to drive and buy booze?

Of course. You wouldn't dare take away their rights.