So Chris Rock tweets the hashtag #opieradio to his 2.97M followers. 2 hours later, he's the only one that's used it in the last 16 hours. And in the past week on all of twitter, only a dozen people have used it. COLOSSAL FAIL!!!

29  2014-12-08 by [deleted]


Chris Rock tweeted to 3 million genuine followers and got 12 people to use it. That is hysterical.

Sometimes you check the numbers. Sometimes the numbers check you.

Those 3 million followers all are part of the hater agenda

Bet it's the same bunch of rebel rousers that ruined Opie's wedding.

Are the rebel rousers the ones who aren't rousing rabble?

Well I feel like a silly goose... Google led me astray...and I'm an idiot...



It's like I smelled a fart after reading that

whos berried in grants tomb or sumpthin

Sometimes you check the numbers. Sometimes the numbers check you.

Thank you for this.

This is fucking hilarious. Fuck #opieradio.

This speaks volumes about the current state of and interest in Opie Raqio

This is the type of shit management pays attention to, maybe they'll bring Anthony back now.

They have to know how many people are listening to the show. I remember Danny or someone who was former staff saying that O and A were told their number of listeners were in the upper tens of thousands. I would imagine Opie's numbers right now are well below 50 thousand and likely somewhere in the 10-20 thousand range. O and A were probably doing 50-80 thousand I think two thirds of the audience checked out.

6 hours later only 3 people in the whole world population of 7,125,000,000 have used the hashtag.

I wonder what management thinks of those numbers. That ain't payin Opie's salary. Time for a pay cut.

Two of them don't count-- one was a reply to Chris's tweet and Sherrod retweeted that reply, so it's really been used once if you think about it... ;-)

Opie and Jimmy were smart enough to get those contracts guaranteed. Sirius XM will just let them play out the contract and not bring them back.

Are those numbers good or bad considering the format? I was listening to Mohr Stories and he made a comment about "half a million listeners," and I don't know if that was just his podcast or the entirety of the Kevin Smith Podcast Empire.

A 50-100 thousand (An estimate based off of what former staff have said) audience is really good for a pay service. Even with Opie, Ant, and to a lesser extent Jimmy's high salary to get that kind of paying audience is good not great but good.

This American Life gets a podcast audience of 800 thousand to a million within a month of each episode getting out. Adam Carolla's does similar numbers. So Mohr getting 500k probably puts him in the top 25 of podcasts.

But a audience of 50-100 thousand willing to pay for content is much more valuable than a 500k audience listening for free. Kevin Smith, Rogan, Carolla, and a few others may make solid money off pod's but most pods are labors of love or comedians doing promotion off them.

Long story short O and A's rumored audience wasn't very big compared to terrestrial radio or even the more popular podcasts. But the fact that their listeners were a paying audience makes it much more valuable.

If O and A were on a podcast they would pull a huge audience of over a million. But then again you wouldn't have the same amount of money coming into the show.

There's no way to determine total number of podcast downloads unless you operate a paid subscription service like Anthony's show.

The reason for this is the endless number of methods to receive episodes of a podcast (iTunes, RSS, Tons of Android apps, Stitcher, download the mp3 from the show's website).

In the early days of podcasting it was mostly using iTunes to get a show and listening on an iPod; therefore you could get a pretty reliable idea of the number of listeners and popularity any particular podcast had.

Currently the vast majority of podcast listeners are not using an iPod to listen to podcasts, they're using smartphones. Because of this, iTunes is no longer a reliable way to measure the number of listeners or popularity of a podcast. The reason for this is the worldwide smartphone market share currently is 85% Android and 12% iOS. Because Android allows for so many different podcast delivery systems, there is no way to accurately determine total audience size.

Until there is a uniform way to measure audience size across all available delivery methods, for the most part when a podcast host brags about total listeners, it's complete and utter bullshit.

Well me and my 20 inch dick just found that fascinating.

Just trying to help answer your question.

Hey it was a good answer, I'm just being a bit of a silly fella, ya know?

He misspelled #opieraqio

About the same as the Opieradio reddit page.

Apparently he's with "The King" now:

The King of All Mediocre

Hold on.. breaking news. There's new developments. Opie's had enough of being ridiculed about his failed hashtag and paid 200K for a worldwide promoted trend.

And it's still getting ignored.

He also tweeted #shade45 and only 5 people have used that hashtag since. Dozens of people have used "@shade45" however. You know why? Because the topic of conversation was the movie. Why would anyone ever use the hashtag for opieradio unless Opie got killed in a car crash or something?

Or, Chris Rock doesn't understand when to use "@" and when to use "#". Either way.

This makes me so happy because I know Opie's obsessive personality and this probably drives him crazy.

it's obvious, because he misspelled #opieraqio

Why the hell would anyone hashtag opie radio?

Gee, I wonder how the tweets for Anthony's show are doing. lol

Adult men who care about Twitter. What a bunch of fags you are.

It's the same people who feel obligated to comment daily on a show they hate so I guess it just goes to show you..

Opie is ALL in with twitter, do you think he's a faggot too TP?

I think to an extent it makes sense for certain celebrities, and people in the media to maybe have a twitter account but yes Opie, and Anthony are both faggots for caring about Twitter as much as they do. I don't really ever hear of Jimmy getting into to much Twitter drama, but if he does he's a fag as well.

I don't defend every aspect of Opie. Just defend him from some of the absurd hate that goes on around here that could be applied to Anthony or Jimmy as well.

Thanks for the reply TP, but perhaps you could clarify several of your salient points.

I think to an extent it makes sense for certain celebrities, and people in the media to maybe have a twitter account

Is it only appropriate for celebrities to have twitter accounts and not the common folk? This point deviates slightly from the original subject matter, but is interesting nonetheless if that is what you were insinuating in the quoted statement. Secondly, you original comment was.

Adult men who care about Twitter. What a bunch of fags you are.

How is caring about twitter different than carrying about any other trivial thing, such as reddit for example. What degree of caring is permissible before they are deemed faggots, TP? Does participating in an activity or commenting on it necessitate caring about it significantly or more than necessary? How do you, TP, define "caring" in the first place?

Do you care that people on this sub-reddit are more critical of Opie than they are of Anthony and Jimmy?

I don't defend every aspect of Opie. Just defend him from some of the absurd hate that goes on around here that could be applied to Anthony or Jimmy as well.

I always got the impression that defending the Opster was something that you cared about since you are so unwavering position, and remain steadfast in the face of public internet scrutiny. If your crusade against the "haters" is something that you have some vested interest in, are you, TP, also a faggot?

Reddit is an actual platform to which you can express real opinions. Twitter is for teenagers that want to talk in 148 characters or less. You can't compare the two.

And yes you are an adult man worrying way to much about a morning zoo show. Why the denial? I probably care a little to much, but you can't even admit it.

You are the new Opie.

Reddit is an actual platform to which you can express real opinions

And twitter isn't a platform of expression? There is as much juvenile behavior on reddit as there is on twitter. It's still the internet TP, and reddit isn't exempt from the common follies and pitfalls that occur on the umbrella platform as a whole. You yourself TP, are at the very center of this sub-reddit's "drama", just because the forums differ does nothing to change athe actual act of conversing and petty arguing. By your own reasoning TP, you yourself are a faggot, since you are concerned with the trivial going-ons of reddit, which are fundamentally the same as any trivial going-ons on the internet, including twitter.

I probably care a little to much, but you can't even admit it.

I never asserted that I cared about twitter happenings, I only brought attention to the hypocrisy of your position. How much do you care TP, if you care at all aren't you a faggot? What is your definition of "caring"? What is your definition of "faggot"? Does active participation automatically correlate to caring?

Oh my god shut up already you wordy cunt. I'm not at the middle of any drama. It's a sub reddit people come to for fun. Relax.

Also, Twitter and reddit aren't the same just because both things exist on the Internet. That's about all they have in common. And yes expressing yourself in 148 characters or less is rather juvenile, and since when were all forms of expression the same? Some definitely are better than others.

You missed my point about caring. I wasn't talking about Twitter. I was talking about the show in general. So no I'm not a fag.

And you're my new lady di. You're being put on the pay no mind list except for once a week I'll respond to one comment. Good bye for now.

Oh my god shut up already you wordy cunt. I'm not at the middle of any drama. It's a sub reddit people come to for fun. Relax.

But don't people join twitter for the same reason, to preoccupy themselves with trivial matters? I wouldn't refer to what you do as "drama" TP, but that is how you put it in a previous post. Arguing with people on twitter is the same as arguing with people on reddit, the abbreviated length does nothing to change the fact that you are still arguing on the internet. You can't neigh say one while vigorously participating in the other, your argument is self defeating in nature.

Also, Twitter and reddit aren't the same just because both things exist on the Internet.

They are two separate entities, but they are on the same platform TP, they are not entirely exclusive of each other as you suggested earlier. Interacting with others on the internet is interacting with others on the internet, period.

And yes expressing yourself in 148 characters or less is rather juvenile, and since when were all forms of expression the same? Some definitely are better than others.

Are you the arbiter of which websites are objectively superior, or by contrast "juvenile", TP? You can't present this statement as a self evident fact if it is a subjective opinion. A larger volume of prose is always superior, is that what you are suggesting? Does that mean all of my posts are inherently better than your's on length alone? That doesn't seem reasonable.

You missed my point about caring. I wasn't talking about Twitter.

Oh TP, but you were talking about twitter.

Adult men who care about Twitter.

Opie, and Anthony are both faggots for caring about Twitter as much as they do

How would you define caring about anything? The show in general perhaps? Doesn't taking time out of your life to champion Opie and argue with strangers on the internet suggest that you, TP, care about the show a great deal? Given your previous reasoning that "caring" (which you have yet to define as to what you actually mean, so I'll take it in the general sense of the word) for anything to any extent trivial or non-essential makes you a faggot? You by your own admission are a faggot TP, you have a vested interest in trivial internet banter, your participation on is damning evidence if your premise is true, i.e. caring about trivial matters makes you a faggot. Perhaps you should reconsider your invalid thinking.

Just like Lady Di you can't shut up can you? I read none of that, haha. Let me be the clear about this. You get one comment a week. I already replied to you once. That was your comment for the week. Comeback in 7 days you wordy fucking hen who's gotta defend Twitter for some reason. Buh-bye.

But you already killed the bit by replying to him after you said you ain't gonna to reply

I thought I was already on the "pay no mind list" TP? And please good sir, don't get my words twisted, I'm not defending twitter, I dismantled your argument by calling attention to the irony of your position and the invalidity of your reasoning behind it. If you care enough about the show, Opie, etc, to devote a significant amount of your time to arguing with Opie's detractors on reddit you are a faggot TP, according to the very parameters you laid out. You are not exempt from your own flawed logic. I like forward to our next bout, TP.

E-rockComment: 1 TP: 0

Are you really that fucking stupid? This has nothing to do with caring about twitter.

That's fucking crazy bro. You have a meaningful life! Keep up the really cool good work

Hashtags only catch on for a "cause" or for live tweeting. Why would anyone hashtag opieradio? The guys get a ton of @ mentions everyday so chill out you loser

Opieradio gets as many hashtags as opieandanthony did. It means shit. And the fact that you got so excited and wordy and came in your pants over this revelation makes you a fucking loser

Oh boy! Did you cum yet? What a pathetic loser...

Hey benjamin72, why not talk about the "hive mind" and mob mentality on this sub again? That will show them! We are all mindless drones while you, benjamin72, are a true maverick and free thinker. God bless.

You love typing my name so much, does it give you goosebumps?

Does arguing with the "haters" do the same for you? Anyone can make a baseless accusation, benjamin72, it is not a valid way to argue. I was just curious as to why you seemed to have abandoned the "hive mind" position since our first exchange. Please, I'd like to hear more about our uniformity and our inability to think for ourselves. Going against the grain is truly original, and shows that you are of strong intellectual character, this is sarcasm in case you are having trouble following along, dolt.

Yes, arguing with people gives me goosebumps.

I don't believe you benjamin72, I think you are accepting my mock premise to get yourself out of a direct internet confrontation in which you will be thoroughly trounced once again. You're loying, and an unoriginal reddit nuisance. People can reach the same conclusion independently and convene to discuss their respective reasonings behind it, the "hive mind" is an over simplification that would only be put forward in this situation by someone of lower intelligence, and dare I say, lower stock. You need a more noble justification for your conduct, benjamin72.

Well, ill say this. I have begun to turn on opie, because if he goes to that patrice benefit without anthony then he is a scumbag. As far as the "hive mind" goes, it annoyed me that there was an original (small) group that hated opie, and now its all that this sub talks about. They are obsessed, and there is no hiding it.

Your ol' pal benjamin72

Well, ill say this. I have begun to turn on opie, because if he goes to that patrice benefit without anthony then he is a scumbag.

So you alone, benjamin72 are exempt from the "hive mind's" influence and have a perfectly valid reason for being down on Opie? Perhaps others also have perfectly valid reasons for criticizing Opie as of late. Would you not concede that Opie's faults have been accentuated in Ant's absence, in turn prompting the sub, whose purpose is to discuss the show, discuss the current state of such, including but not limited to Opie's blatant shortcomings? That seems perfectly valid from my point of view, and has nothing to do with a "hive mind".

How is this behavior any more obsessive than what occurred pre-firiing? The new show is called "Opieradio", what else would you have the sub talk about? Are you again asserting that you are the arbiter of what is permissible on this sub and what is not? What if the majority favored Opie and praised him on a consistent basis, would that be acceptable in your eyes?

6 hours later only 3 people in the whole world population of 7,125,000,000 have used the hashtag.

I wonder what management thinks of those numbers. That ain't payin Opie's salary. Time for a pay cut.

Are those numbers good or bad considering the format? I was listening to Mohr Stories and he made a comment about "half a million listeners," and I don't know if that was just his podcast or the entirety of the Kevin Smith Podcast Empire.

There's no way to determine total number of podcast downloads unless you operate a paid subscription service like Anthony's show.

The reason for this is the endless number of methods to receive episodes of a podcast (iTunes, RSS, Tons of Android apps, Stitcher, download the mp3 from the show's website).

In the early days of podcasting it was mostly using iTunes to get a show and listening on an iPod; therefore you could get a pretty reliable idea of the number of listeners and popularity any particular podcast had.

Currently the vast majority of podcast listeners are not using an iPod to listen to podcasts, they're using smartphones. Because of this, iTunes is no longer a reliable way to measure the number of listeners or popularity of a podcast. The reason for this is the worldwide smartphone market share currently is 85% Android and 12% iOS. Because Android allows for so many different podcast delivery systems, there is no way to accurately determine total audience size.

Until there is a uniform way to measure audience size across all available delivery methods, for the most part when a podcast host brags about total listeners, it's complete and utter bullshit.

A 50-100 thousand (An estimate based off of what former staff have said) audience is really good for a pay service. Even with Opie, Ant, and to a lesser extent Jimmy's high salary to get that kind of paying audience is good not great but good.

This American Life gets a podcast audience of 800 thousand to a million within a month of each episode getting out. Adam Carolla's does similar numbers. So Mohr getting 500k probably puts him in the top 25 of podcasts.

But a audience of 50-100 thousand willing to pay for content is much more valuable than a 500k audience listening for free. Kevin Smith, Rogan, Carolla, and a few others may make solid money off pod's but most pods are labors of love or comedians doing promotion off them.

Long story short O and A's rumored audience wasn't very big compared to terrestrial radio or even the more popular podcasts. But the fact that their listeners were a paying audience makes it much more valuable.

If O and A were on a podcast they would pull a huge audience of over a million. But then again you wouldn't have the same amount of money coming into the show.

Oh my god shut up already you wordy cunt. I'm not at the middle of any drama. It's a sub reddit people come to for fun. Relax.

But don't people join twitter for the same reason, to preoccupy themselves with trivial matters? I wouldn't refer to what you do as "drama" TP, but that is how you put it in a previous post. Arguing with people on twitter is the same as arguing with people on reddit, the abbreviated length does nothing to change the fact that you are still arguing on the internet. You can't neigh say one while vigorously participating in the other, your argument is self defeating in nature.

Also, Twitter and reddit aren't the same just because both things exist on the Internet.

They are two separate entities, but they are on the same platform TP, they are not entirely exclusive of each other as you suggested earlier. Interacting with others on the internet is interacting with others on the internet, period.

And yes expressing yourself in 148 characters or less is rather juvenile, and since when were all forms of expression the same? Some definitely are better than others.

Are you the arbiter of which websites are objectively superior, or by contrast "juvenile", TP? You can't present this statement as a self evident fact if it is a subjective opinion. A larger volume of prose is always superior, is that what you are suggesting? Does that mean all of my posts are inherently better than your's on length alone? That doesn't seem reasonable.

You missed my point about caring. I wasn't talking about Twitter.

Oh TP, but you were talking about twitter.

Adult men who care about Twitter.

Opie, and Anthony are both faggots for caring about Twitter as much as they do

How would you define caring about anything? The show in general perhaps? Doesn't taking time out of your life to champion Opie and argue with strangers on the internet suggest that you, TP, care about the show a great deal? Given your previous reasoning that "caring" (which you have yet to define as to what you actually mean, so I'll take it in the general sense of the word) for anything to any extent trivial or non-essential makes you a faggot? You by your own admission are a faggot TP, you have a vested interest in trivial internet banter, your participation on is damning evidence if your premise is true, i.e. caring about trivial matters makes you a faggot. Perhaps you should reconsider your invalid thinking.