5  2019-09-09 by BroadwayDannyRoss


Alpha Male Opie is an inspiration to us all

This legitimately made me laugh. I love how mercilessly he drops hammers on Jim Norton.

Droppin' hammers all day, brotherman

droppin hammers after droppin the kids off at school, brothaman.

On time

death from above

No potatoes when the opester starts mashing

Opster smashes another haymaker threw Norton’s complete lack of chin.

user reports: 1: It's personal and confidential information

Let us all know if Coattails Cumia DMCAs this. Opie will be pissed. He'll even be pissed Joe is reporting posts about him. Someone should let him know Joe doesn't want positive posts about Opie on Reddit.

Opie still has the money and connections to shut them the fuck down.

He aint scared to go to court. He has done it before.

Brothaman thought it was kinda funny, to be honest witcha!

Personal an confidential? WTF

Nice try on the hate though

Fucking roasted Jim here. Well done, Op (not that you need it from me).

Worm stomp


What is Party City?

It's where queers buy their queer supplies and blow each other... and you can buy stuff for children's parties.

A place in NYC you can buy shitty Rasta wigs, balloons, plastic cigars and novelty glasses.

You can do the math on that one.

a cheap tchotchke/party supply store.

No one asked, but I hate the spelling of tchotchke

That's fair. It's unnecessarily (((ethnic))), now that I think about it.

His slams on chip are seriously fucking brutal. I love it.

The "baby noises" slam was so good it is still a part of our lexicon it after 2 years.

I didn't even know that was a Gregg Hughes original. He really is the Destroyer.


18yrs in radio

Brothaman is the eternal 36 year old Adonis.

I know we did/do shit on Opie for his tits and sometimes gut, but I'd be more than alright looking like Opie at 56.

Especially if I had the means to drink and fuck myself retarded, but still look decent.

I'd go a little further, I'd say he's looking about late 20s why

He better be careful before jim really unloads on him.

You wanna DO THIS?!

This was legit brootal man. I look forward to Jim’s vague response sometime in October.

Nah man I didn't see the Tweet, did he Tweet about me? What'd he say? That's funny man I'll have to go take a look, I'm not really on Twitter much anymore man, really.

I believe him he would tell us if he was, genuinely.

Yup, legitimately.

Jim will mumble something about it and it'll be followed by that fuckin mongoloid cackling "ah hah hah hah hah hah!" and then explains the joke

That's so accurate it's painful to read

We could easily get Opie to start droppin hammers on Jim and Anthony by just going to him on Twitter and saying "Opie, did you hear what Norton said about you today?!"

"Oh, yeah? Well fawk him. He's a tranny fawkin faggot."

He doesnt really trigger like that on twitter does he? He might bite on one but he wont make a day of it like pat/joe

Idk. He always seems more than willing to fling some Shit at Norton. We just need to give him a reason.

Im sure letting him know the cumias are taking down his intellectual property and claiming it as theirs would get him fired up for sure but the " Jimmy said this" or "Ant said that." would probably get blocked fairly fast.

Remember when Norton acted like a tough guy, saying if Op wanted to go at that Norton was ready. Yeah, about that....

Jim: "You wanna get nasty? I'll get nasty!"

Opie brutally demolishes him on twitter

[3 months later] "Tss I'm steering this ship into an iceberg or sumptin!"


Bring back Celebrity Boxing. It would look like this (Opie as Screech, Norton as Horshack)


Opster's just dropping truth hammers, Norton probably does buy his costumes and props from Party City.


You were warned by the Opster. Leave it alone.

Torpedo cocked legend.

Holy fucking shit. He’s like Lecter biting Pembry’s face.


The Destroyer gets to hammer away without significant retaliation because his opponents have no real ammo outside of "he's unfunny" or "his podcast sucks". Both of which are dicey because neither the Worm or Nana are funny anymore and both of their shows suck.

Opie can just throw some body blows anytime he feels like it and there is nothing those two faggots can do about it.

Those beach meditations are paying dividends.

Norton forgot his role and failed to stay in his lane. When Opie asked him to stop doing his child molester character he should have just complied, as the bit had run its course by that point anyway.

The glorified button pusher once again created another fake account to go after a character that Norton does and has more success than his shitty podcast.

Who would've thought that Opie would end up being the most likeable and by far the funniest.

The best part of this insult is that at his best, Mr. Jim Norton only writes mediocre comedy.

Norton is a massive fag, but at least he was amusing at one time. Tits has always been useless.

Please Brothaman don't hurt em.

Well we all know Jim would never go to Party Box.

That Chip podcast got old pretty fuckin quick. It was funny for a few seconds.

Norton never wrote 'solid' comedy. Most of his humor was based on his sexual depravity. That act wears thin pretty quickly.