Remember the innocent days of yore?

20  2019-09-09 by Phkna1

When we thought Joe Cumia was just a child spit drinker...before he admitted his racism and pedphilia on TV.


Moo Cow Joe would have been nothing more than a sub sidenote if he hadn't insisted on creating a flabby-breasted social media persona for himself. He whipped off his top and started frantically waving his pendulous udders around for attention and, unfortunately for him, he got it.

We all knew about the racism from his calls into O&A long before People's Court, and when Ant did the whole "right kinda 13" thing, it wasn't like Joe disowned him.

Hey, man, let me run with my nostalgia. I just wanted to call Joe a pedophile.

I wasn't stopping you, good man. I'm just a pedantic asshole because you lot are the only people I can talk O&A with.

Nostalgia for me is when the show was alive and actually good and I had no idea how shitty they all were. It's been a long decade without that.

I forgot about when they made me laugh instead of filling me with disgust. The drugs have given me the brain of a 45 year old NFL player. Or a late in life Ro Cumia. Take your pick

Remember when calling him Samcro got a good laugh?

Such an innocent time. Kuhn really upped the ante.

And set the bar for reasonably priced audio equipment.

Qadan truly was our Archduke Ferdinand.

Joe is the one truly responsible for Qadan's sacrifice. Kuhn is a victim of white privilege

That's true, none of this would have ever happened if Kuhn had his own personal designated lane like Joe

Kuhn is a political prisoner. All he wanted was to stop racists from making contracts. He is basically Mandela.