Inspiring reminder

39  2019-09-09 by andycumiashow


A true prophet

Waterhead Dalai Lama

Sigmund Fraud

Dalai Lummox

Thích Nhất Loying.

Immanuel Can't



Bobo is practically Dave Smith looking at and reading this...

Dave Landau

After that vicious assault from Cumia he truly knows the value of life.

An unfortunate quote


lol his life fucking sucks

In the end Bobo got what he wanted. He is a peer and equal of Ant, and gets to hang out with his best buds Joe Cumia and Kurt Love. If ignorance is bliss than young Bobo must constantly feel like he's on an MDMA peak

Bobo always wins in the end, cunts

Bobo is 40, still lives with his mom, has never made love with another human being (being raped by his brother does not count) and is/was a national laughing stock and I'd still rather be him than Joe.