Joe is on one tonight

28  2019-09-09 by trippin_on_beefers


Well he does not have to wake up he has nothing to do monday morning you know Welfare JoeH will be up all night on freebase, takaa, and filletminyo.

He filed a DMCA already on the filetminyo video I posted.

Thank God he doesn't have a daughter to take to school on time or anything.

This is his life now

What happened to "I won't mess with your sub if you don't mess with my gigs?"

Ive been messing with his gigs

Oh, you.

Im probably the only one though

That's how he spent his entire weekend. Reddit Legal was in our mod log responding to his mountain of DMCAs all weekend. Remember he wrote on WatchRedditDie that he's not going to file DMCAs anymore? Of course that habitual liar was full of shit.

No effect

You know the music shit really gets to him. Amateur cover band hobbyist guitar players are notoriously thin-skinned and will completely freak out when their mediocrity is pointed out.