REMINDER: Opie had to resort to playing 'Candy Crush' on-air to drown out the endless cringe of AntH screaming at callers about how black people NEED TO BEHAAAAAAAAVE!!!11!1!11!!

92  2019-09-09 by TheBravestButthole

hahahaaaa hoooleeee shit


Be dialing people, be dialing!

Cumias have black skins, abandon their kids, steal, lie, beat their females, etc.

Yes, and these Cumias tend to either live on the dimes of others or strokes of financial luck (often referred to as becoming "Cumia Rich").

And they tend to be very aggressive and badly-tempered drivers despite their lack of ability to control their cars or understand road rules. These Cumias really need to live in their own neighborhoods, kept far away from the families of fine folk like Dave Chappelle and Malcolm LaVergne.

Dave Chappelle moved from the city to the country to get away from the Cumias.

The 'heroin scream' and 'Xanax groan' are two sides of the same coin. I feel sorry for upstanding, normal people who have Cumias for neighbors

But at least they don't deal drugs, or post obnoxious photos of themselves with guns and stacks of cash to social media.

It's called being "N" rich. It's like how NFL players who come from the ghetto ruin their lives through frivolous spending and domestic violence charges..


The best part about this is none of that is a joke, it's all documented.

Brothaman knew the Kyumia needed wrangling but a direct confrontation would have frightened him into another heart episode, so he used music cues and body language to get the raving sissy to wrap it up. Ingenious steering of the ship.

Everyone was tired of Nana's ponderous race rants and idiotic revenge fantasies long before he went out looking for black people to annoy in Times Square on that fateful night.

I'm currently listening to 2013 shows. I actually appreciate the candy crush bit now.

Ant goes off on the Trayvon stuff daily. I have to skip half of some episodes. It's pure garbage.


Riveting should've been where Anth's career peaked.

rosie the riveter ass bitch

Yes. I skipped most of it though

O&A from 2006-2011:

  • A funny show every day, with a rotating cast of the funniest comedians in the world. Ant sounds like he's having fun every day and loves doing the show with Jim. Major celebrities, some of which Ant idolizes, appear on the show occasionally.

O&A from 2012-2014:

  • Ant recaps what he read last night on, screams at callers about black crime. Even when this isn't happening, his 2 co-hosts just seem completely weathered by it all. No good comedian or even minor celebrity will go near the show because it's a PR nightmare.

I've barely listened to 2013-2014 because I find it unbearable. I know he has no self-awareness and drowns out all of his memories with xanax and booze, but do you think he's ever been able to even remotely see how badly he ruined this shit for no reason?

Ant could have spoken about literally anything he wanted, as evidenced by what he got away with. He chose to scream about race every single day despite being a high school dropout with a history of criminal activity. It doesn't get much dumber than that.

I would always wait for that britfag Steven Knight to upload the show everyday in those last couple of years and then end up skipping huge portions of them due to Ants boring race bullshit.

I stopped listening 2 years before he was fired.

I assumed that everyone did. It became the “I hate niggers” show in the last few years and was completely boring due to Tranth’s rants. A retard that couldn’t graduate high school shouldn’t be talking politics.

The Obama presidency broke his mind......before that his rants that leaned towards racism could be taken as a became an obsession after that.
And I really think Patrice dying was really bad for him also, Patrice was probably he only black guy Nana held in some regard, having to go back and forth with Patrice kinda kept him grounded

Which is hilarious because Obama is a legitimate African-American born into a family of scholars even if his dad was scumbag. His mom had a Masters and PhD his dad had an MA from Harvard yet Anth considers alcoholic laborers and barfly cocktail waitress prostitutes who rear two high school drop outs who beat women, have substance abuse issues, and numerous felonies and misdemeanors to their name culturally superior to a family of doctors because... One of them came from Kenya to study post-secondary in America

Most black guys wouldn't abandon their moms

Brothaman just wished Ant would go back, to the days when he was funny, bothered to do show prep, and just do the BIT.

The cumiasH are a very large percentage in those statistics

Man I remember listening live and wishing I could fast forward or go to commercial instead of listening to the same rant again. The same goes with any of their Twitter rants, it was fucking enraging