"Maybe kiss you ;-)"

40  2019-09-08 by Lordtelefonemane


a picture of a horrible monster with an anthony cumia quote attached? that's gonna be an upvote from me brothaman!

I'm starting to get the hang of this Cumia lambasting.

Is this from that horrible Punisher movie??

Yep, but when the makeup comes off, that's handsome Mcnutty. Nana has no similar recourse.

Yeah it is. It wasn't great by any means but I actually liked this movie better than the Netflix series.

How dare you sir.This was a modern art masterpiece.


Notice that he waits until the woman is in the next room, but the child is still in his arms when he shotguns the unarmed man in the face? (and that the child obviously turns into a doll between takes).If you back it up a few seconds, he punches some kid right through his face. Not punches his face. Punches him. Though. His. Face.


horrible Punisher movie

Which one lol?

They hired cumia as jigsaw to save money on cgi.