James Hefner is streaming 2U perform live for a few people on Facebook. It has 5 viewers and sounds like shit lol.

55  2019-09-08 by TheWelfareMan



Because they suck. The Cumia is strong with that one.

So so so so so so so so so so so so so you're saying he's a complete failure?

I saw that. He’s got his court sneakers on.

And his good sons of anarchy vest.

Is he stomping his hooves during Pride?

What Chinese knock-off is he using today?

Well he’s doing The Edge so he’ll be switching between the Chibson Explainer and the Bender Telemaster.

Didn't U2 send him an actual Cease and Desist letter over the "2U" shit a couple months ago?

It'd be a real shame if they found out he didn't actually stop and they sued him for everything except the Sons Of Anarchy shirt off his fat, gay back.

I think on top of getting his gigs cancled and twitter shut down we should do our best to let U2 and agents know that Joe Cumia has been slandering the good name they have for the last 30years.

I thought the band was called The Joshua Tree now

Tell me he's selling Paparazzi jewelry inbetween songs and I'll have an orgasm right here and now

Why would anyone want to see or listen to a U2 cover band? Actual U2 music and video is readily accessible by anyone who wants to see or hear U2. A U2 cover band doesn't have the ability to deliver any of the visual aspects of an actual U2 concert and musically it's just a limp by-the-numbers interpretation, there's no interesting spin on it, like for example it was U2 re-imagined with fat Elvis as the singer or U2 songs done in a grindcore style. It's like if you went to a friend's house to eat his take on Arby's food when there's an Arby's right down the street, it's totally pointless and deliberately second-rate.

Grindcore is very mainstream, good suggestion

It's just an example of something that might make a U2 cover band stand out. "Hey, wanna go see a U2 cover band that plays faithful renditions of their songs?" or "hey, wanna see an all female midget U2 cover band that plays everything reggae style?"...now that might be interesting and entertaining.

This is a good chance to plug your U2 reggae style cover band.


at least james hefner can fill a plastic bag convention with his band, a joke band strictly covering U2 with a stupid gimmick will not likely interest anyone by itself

And also U2 is gay as fuck boomer music to begin with. Bono hangs out with more pedophile priests than the Cumias could even dream about.

The good cover bands usually do put a gimmick to it or change the genre, etc. Ones like Joe's where it's just a slavish imitation... well the crowds he draws speak for themselves.