Reminder: Jam Nartom would mercilessly attack other radio show hosts, but never said anything negative about Howard.

23  2019-09-07 by FudgeHolden

Just to refresh everyone's memory, Stern actively exerted power plays behind the scenes to censor and curtail the show he claimed he was "fiercely loyal" to. His excuse was always that "Howard never motherfucked" him personally (even though the gag order did fuck with him by proxy), but neither did people like Maxwell, Jim Philips, Scott and Todd, Terry Clifford, etc; didn't stop him from trashing them and encouraging pest attacks. Even back when l actually thought Norton was a good comic and loved the show in general, this seemed disingenuous and wormy.


He just wanted a photo with him.

The only one not hoping for a shot on sterns show was opie. And only because he was nearly realistic.

Can you imagine what a cuck Howard thinks Jim is now?

“UHHH, so, that creepy dude with the beard and, cmon Robin, what’s that guy’s name...Jim Norton? Yeah...”

Howard Stern is feeding cats cavier out of a silver dish right now, and pays no mind to these former shock jocks. Period.

Howard allegedly is an actual cuck.

Even worse ant completely backflipped on this too. He said he wants to go on stern to promote tacs

True, and perhaps worse den dat was when he appeared on Bubba the Cum Sponge's show to promote his book no one read. Its a level of phoniness that really makes it hard to listen to old shows; even ones in the 2005-2009 Halcyon days.

to promote his book no one read

Are you kidding me? Did you not see pictures from his one and only book signing? He had FOUR sharpies! Do you honestly think Nana bought 4 sharpies for nothing?

Ain't it fun?

It always seemed to me that Opie was the only one with actual disdain for Stern.

He will never attack someone he perceives as being useful, which is why Amy Schumer is free to steal Patrice's jokes on Norton's watch.

And why he threw Louie under the bus when he got #MeToo-ed. Can't ride a coattail that is persona non grata in hollywood, so fuck'em.

Norton is the most hateable of them all for me (Sam isn't far behind). He trashes Opie all the time (through Chip) now that he has his own show and hacky hour podcast. He also threw Lauren Kubera under the bus in the most passive aggressive manner I've ever seen when she left the chip show. He even abandoned his own parents once he got his career off the ground. He unfollowed everyone on Twitter when they weren't being supportive/useful enough for his liking. I'm sure I've forgotten other examples of his despicable worminess.

He wouldn't make fun of billy crystal either.

I used to think his reluctance to mock Crystal was him showing a fellow comedian some respect, but he had no problem bashing Ellen Degeneres or Rosie O. Why Crystal got a pass I'll never know.

Not to disagree with the spirit of this post, but Maxwell did say Jim wasn't funny which I think was why he shit on Maxwell so much.