REMINDER: When Joe got the 2U 2019 promo video made they shoehorned in stock footage of crowds cheering because only 30-40 people go to their shows.

27  2019-09-07 by trippin_on_beefers

Nice band, stupid.


30-40 is a very charitable estimate.

Mall shoppers can't help it if some geriatrics are LARPing in the food court.

vurrry charitable indeed.

redditards: joe doesn't own this photo it was taken by a "fan"

REDDITARD, this photo was taken from the front barrier. The crowd in this photo are in the VIP section, their SEATS are COMPED. Some place you wont know anything about haha! I PITY you, and of course you know there are 3000 FANS behind this section CHEERING and having a GREAT time. #starvenana
