Joe Cumia thinks "not fucking with his livelihood" is an even trade for "not fucking with our sub"

62  2019-09-07 by gcwrestling08

Lol he is such a fucking retard. On top of getting his gigs cancelled, this sub has relentlessly mocked his decrepit girlfriend, "musical performances," and general acts of boomer duncery. He is a true and utter laughingstock to a very large group of people.

It has debased his manhood and reputation to the point that people outside of this sub are now taking notice. This public embarrassment is on top of the more serious behavior and allegations connected to the Cumias, which will follow him to the grave and beyond.

All of this in exchange for "shutting down the sub." Oh darn, a free subreddit that I visit anonymously got banned. Time to check one of the many backup subs or Discord servers to see where the new one is at. Geez, this might take five whole minutes. How will I ever recover?

You drive a hard bargain, Joe. I guess we'll have to keep living in a constant state of fear and anxiety that "the sub will be shut down," while you continue to cheapen and disgrace your family's name for generations to come.


Consider the value of his name and his livelihood and I’d say it’s a fair trade

True, but even if the sub (which is just an echo chamber for his own actions) has cost him $5 in lost gig money, that is $5 more than any of us could lose from the sub being banned.

The only archived stuff that is of real value is on the original sub, which technically still exists. There is nothing Joe Cumia could do to the sub that could remotely rival what he has done to himself and his family. This is not a zero-sum game.

His type don't feel public embarrassment like we do, lazy welfare queen that he is.

I dont think joe has learned his lesson yet, despite coming here with his head held high and his fists unclenched.

The sad/funny part is that Moo Cow Joe used to be a mere sideshow attraction on the old sub until he began flailing his annoying moo udders around for attention. If he had just stuck to his awful music and not tried to turn himself into a "personality" no one would have noticed or cared about his bovine antics. But, Joe being Joe, he got too clever by half and started behaving like a retard. The People's Court, flag rescuing, one-legged bikers, pointing at his hat during flight turbulence and the rest of his pitiful attention-seeking exploits made him an easy target for mockery. Then, just like Nana, he refused to dial it back and instead upped the ante in a sad and futile attempt to "win" a battle only he was fighting and here we are.

Anyone can do it!

I’m of the mind to give anyone the benefit of the doubt and don’t fuck with people’s money.

But him and his brother, Anthony Cumia, literally think it’s perfectly fine and cool to have convicted child molesters at their house... and to post pictures of little girls in swimsuits on social media.

It’s just gross.

His "livelihood" is a monthly check from his ugly pedophile little brother. LARPing as a musician is a hobby.

I'm starting to think Joe might actually be retarded.

What if I told you this sub IS our livelihood?

The best way to fuck with him is getting Anthony's accounts suspended. Joe bullies him out of $60,000 a year, but Anthony cares about twitter more than anyone in his life.
