So I think that one was my fault

43  2019-09-06 by Dennyislife

He reported my post about Stanhope going to live with a friends dementia struck mother as his pal was away working.

Joe you know what you did was shameful. Poor old mother.


He sent over 50 DMCAs in less than 6 hours and Reddit Legal was in our Mod Log taking every one down real time until they said fuck it and nuked the sub again.

Hahahah what a pathetic loser! I spend on average a half hour on this sub, Joe spends fucking 16 hours a day here, cursing at his computer, sweating profusely, and staring with that wide-eyed bovine gaze and we ruthlessly mock his looks, personally, and stupidity. Fucking ugly fat bovine.

Well I was quite inconvenienced this time. It took me almost a full minute to locate you fine folks.

Reddit Legal can make this whole headache go away for themselves with one sternly worded letter to a certain Mr James Hefner, Esq.

A real cease and desist. These subs will just keep popping up because everyone is on the same page in terms of using the search bar as a lighthouse. It’s just too easy to regroup. Meanwhile, one threat of legal action towards someone who has left a sloppy and obvious trail of petty crime and they cut their problem off at the source.

These Cumias gotta be stopped!

I look at it a bit differently. We're giving this poor retard something to do for 16 hours a day, so he's not out in the actual world being a piece of shit. Not that he'd steal anything that's not bolted down or speed on the shoulder with his phone out and kids in the car...

Are you kidding me?! They should be locked up! I could show you some Cumia crime statistics that would chill your spine. They’re not people!


I miss the Michael Richards bot.

One of my posts got DMCAed on one of the older subs, so I responded to reddit legal by explaining who Joe is, along with his phone number and address and a link to his website's contact page (which has his phone number and address). I encourage everyone to do the same. Send it to [email protected], [email protected], or go here:

90% of those DMCA claims were felonious. Is Reddit cool with being a party to that? I’m not an attorney, but are they held harmless by the regulation if they roll over for these felony false claims?

It needs to go outside Reddit if the admins choose to be complicit:

Reddit doesn't want to deal with DMCA shit. That's why rather than requiring the person filing the complaint provide proof they own the protected work, Reddit just removes the content and it's up to the actual owner to contact Reddit with proof.

Their policy is backwards and until a large amount of people abuse the takedown system in this way, and take down a large sub, Reddit will do nothing about it. They don't want to deal with it.

Which sub should we go after?

I'm not saying we go after anything. It'd just be a shame if people did this to a sub like r/news, r/worldnews, etc. I'm just doing my part and explaining how to do this to any related responses in other subs so people become a bit more aware of how shitty Reddit's DMCA policy is.

I'd say Reddit should IP ban Joe, but that'd mean they'd be liable for his suicide.

They'd be saving his family money. No chance of a lawsuit. Maybe a refund i guess.

Joe knows how to close a process using Task Manager. Surely he knows how to set up a VPN which won't monitor and sell your browsing habits.