Let’s get Dawn kicked off twitter.

3  2019-09-06 by JOE_CUMIA_IS_A_LOSER

Take something from us and we take something from you, cow brain.


I think our biggest goal should be finding a way to get Compound Media's PayPal pulled.

That one would really hurt. And we need to make it blatantly clear to Anthony that the only reason we're doing it is because Joe kept on fucking around with the DMCA's and getting our subs nuked.

And Joe, then let's see how long Anthony can keep cutting you yearly $60k checks after you fuck up a huge source of income for him.

This is the best course of action. We need to compile a list of Cumia atrocities and make it easily accessible and easy to digest.

Then we spam the right people with our outrage and disgust.

There it is. Paypal banned Gavin McGuiness however his faggoty name is spelled, but they're OK with the platform that spawned the Proud Boys? I'm willing to bet that they're not OK about it at all, they just haven't been informed about the situation.