The funniest thing about joe saying we're all failed musicians

1  2019-09-22 by CinemapocalypseNOW

Was it stemmed from a comment I made on the old sub on my old account (which got banned after I said something about trannies in minecraft) that got close to 80 upvotes about how it annoyed me that he thought he was a musician while only playing in cover bands while I slaved away barely getting gigs with my original music band. This was about 3 years ago or so.

Hey Joe. We arent a band anymore. I don't care about that shit because I got older and realized getting 3 free beers for playing a fucking bar show isnt worth my fucking time. Stop holding onto this false narrative because you saw one comment from a 25 year old faggot. You're a fucking hot dog who fucks an ancient catcher's Mitt. Get your fucking daughter to school on time instead of worrying about how mad I am I never made it in the music biz. You didnt either. You get an allowance from your baby brother, faggot.


Just to tell you, I used to thrash on the recorder when I was in third grade. Unfortunately, I had a Zima and a gay experience in the fourth, and my skills suffered.

So Joe isn't entirely wrong.

So I'm assuming you're now an addict and need to talk about it til your mid 70s to seem interesting?

I remember going to some of your shows. You used to shred on "Oh Susanna" and "She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain."

You sound like that ramonfrunkis guy

Nah I'm not him. I used to be Goarlorde (Loves Beavis)

Funnier still (for me, obviously) is I’m actually a professional musician who has made far more money with it than Joey Jugs has ever cobbled together without having to debase myself in the shameful way he does to scrape some pennies together in his 60’s.

Oh, It’s definitely anger born of envy. Hence the non-stop insults. It’s all you have...I’ll explain it to you rockstar...\n\nFirst of all, its plain to see through your writing style that you are your biggest fan. You’re one of those guys who thinks so highly of himself and the reality of it is, you’re no more intelligent, charming or eloquent than “Mike the Situation” from The Jersey Shore. You can wear an expensive suit to your mediocre FT job, that you secretly hate, but you’ve tried so hard to get away from what you’ve become that it’s consumed your life-force and now you’re just an angry young man.. \n\nI picture you to be a real life version of one of the loser ripoff artists from the movie “Boiler Room”, maybe even as big a millennial scumbag as Ben Affleck portrayed in that movie, yet you couldn’t elevate yourself beyond being an anonymous punk on a half assed message board in some obscure corner of the inter-webs. \n\nYour drive to express such disdain for people you don’t know or have ever had any interaction with is classically symptomatic of an über-loser who needs to fuck with others to constantly stoke his confidence and ego. The insults you constantly hurl are probably also the only catharsis that prevents you from beating your wife and kids or throwing your emotionally twisted ass out of a 50th floor window of the building you work in.\n\nYour only connection to or involvement with any of the shows cast or regulars is that of a “fanboy”. Like everyone else here. Your nothing to any of us. Why bother? Because you’re angry.\n\nBut hey, at least you get my personal attention here once in a while, so you have that going for you,'

When did he say this? I don’t remember